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by Davidadelong on 09:14 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
I am not sure, but I have read that when society becomes very oppressive that Human Beings have a tendency to naturally reduce the population. Our beloved Government used the wellfare system to prevent them from losing the bodies they needed to house the prisons, and the social services sytem, according to statistics anyway. More manipulations of the 4% imposing their perverted will on the helpless. Just my opinion.........
by Thundercloud on 12:07 PM December 4th, 2005 EST (#5)
Yep. Exactly.
Don't things get "interesting" when ever feminists get their way...?
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 03:39 AM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#2)
Prostimum. Damn, gotta remember that one. Of course, I don't see the difference between women getting paid to sit on their asses and babysit for years via state-enforced child support or year(s) of government-paid maternity leave and the new and improved indignity of using men's tax dollars to pay these greedy "mothers" not to abort in the first place. Why not just legalize blackmailing the fathers directly and cut out the middlemen?
Oh, wait a minute...that IS legal. It happened to a man I worked with in the 80's. His girlfriend got pregnant and was planning to abort the baby. He offered to adopt (his own child) and raise/support the child completely on his own and even went to court to try and stop her from aborting the fetus. Obviously, Canada's misandric courts automatically threw out his case as fathers have no rights here. He then offered to pay her costs to carry the child for him, along with some support for her to get back on her feet afterwards. When he couldn't meet her outrageous demands for the "costs" to carry the child to term for him, she unilaterally aborted it.
He had no recourse, despite the act of blackmail on her part - she of course claimed that her financial demands were to cover her lost wages and healthcare costs, but it was blackmail, pure and simple. The government would automatically have covered those costs here. The courts naturally would have sided with the mother again if he tried to seek damages for blackmail. His lawyer advised him not to waste his time.
Having sex for the explicit purpose of collecting payment is prostitution, plain and simple. A whore is a whore is a whore, and damn, we do seem to have alot of them around. It's also nice to see that despite the abolition of chattel slavery, women now consider human babies saleable commodities instead of people. That certainly explains a great deal about the rate of child abuse by mothers and their general disrespect for other people (men in particular) these days. Why respect something you consider your own disposable property? Or your personal slave?
But, as I mentioned in the subject line, I can't wait to see what happens to the birth rate when men also have the right to decide not to be parents. It was, after all, the female birth control pill that kicked off latter-day feminism, so I for one am most curious to see what is coming next. No doubt feminists will scream that we're victimizing or "robbing" them of their valuable, saleable "assets" by refusing to impregnate them.
On a related note, I'll never understand people in so-called developed countries who resent immigrants: without them, our economies would be dead in the water. Also, take heart in the fact that feminism is ultimately a suicidal, self-destructive ideology which will breed itself out in a few short generations. Too bad I won't be around, but still, that's my happy thought for the weekend! Big smile. BIIIIG SMILE!
by Davidadelong on 09:04 AM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#3)
RandomMan, Wow, rarely do I read something and say, I wish I said that! I heartily agree with you, and have since since 1979, when my first wife told me she married me for my potenial and asked me for a divorce, on my B, Day no less. There were twin boys, and she told me what she was doing. I told her the same thing about a whore except I also told her that I respected prostitutes a hell of a lot more, because they at least for the most part have enough integrity to be honest about it! It is my wish RandomMan that you see change before you leave this currently miserable ball.
by Konovan on 01:49 PM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#4)
In the U.S., I don't think most people resent immigrants as long as they are legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are a whole other story.
by neverdiplomatic on 03:38 PM December 6th, 2005 EST (#8)
Aaaaahhhhh....another sterling example of why the ol' pendulum is swinging back our way. Yes, sweetheart, when I say 'our' I mean 'woman'.
I have so many issues with your post but will not bore your avid readers with all of them. Just a couple of insights for you, as you're clearly afflicted with the false conception that life is oh so unfair for men.
First of all, the court was absolutely correct to throw your friend's case out. I know at least four women who were given the same sweet story from the fathers of their children (don't have an abortion, I'll take the baby and raise it), respected the men's wishes, carried said babies to term, and were then abandoned, as were the children. One of my friends is raising her child, and the other three put their children up for adoption. All four women are STILL in counselling over it, as they do not wish to continue despising all men for the actions of a few selfish little boys. It's the woman's choice, plain and simple. Despite the fact that the father should have an equal say in matters of abortion, since the final burden rests with the mother, so does the final decision.
That said, the woman in your story (if represented fairly by you) is a first rate example of everything that can be wrong with a woman. Rest assured, what goes around comes around.
And as far as we feminists screaming over you guys getting a birth control pill....we're screaming in frustration that it STILL hasn't happened! Most of us do NOT want to be knocked up by the multitude of male losers who may be fun to bang but are not worthy of fatherhood. And by loser, I mean men such as yourself and many others who post on this site. I do not mean men without huge incomes, or blinding good looks.
So I urge you to stop complaining about this and take a few steps:
1. learn how to use a condom PROPERLY. If you don't wear a condom, regardless of what chickee-poo tells you about her birth control status, you're begging for fatherhood (not to mention disease). I've gotten pregnant on the pill twice, and on depo-provera once. My stupidity for not refusing to sleep with my husband without a condom the last two times.
2. lobby drug companies to make the male pill a priority.
3. quit blaming women for pregnancies. Last time I checked, it takes sperm to fertilize an ovum. Sperm is produced by? That's right, MEN! Thusly, men are just as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women.
It's time to stop behaving like spoiled little boys and start taking responsibility for your reproductive status.
by Trueman on 06:14 PM December 6th, 2005 EST (#9)
"men are just as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women."
We as men have no say in a pregnancy. That decision is left up to whinny little girls like yourself who want to lure us in and make a 18 year financial decision for us and then sit back and collect the prize. OH yea sure, we are told to keep it in our pants, but your not told to keep your knees together. How many countless women go out looking for sperm to satisfy their own selfish urges to reproduce while duping some guy out of his life savings. You hold all the cards. You’re the only one who knows which four days of the month you are going to get pregnant, and that's when you go on the hunt. Condoms are not the answer. They are just another feminist tool used to take the responsibility of birth control away from women and put the burden on men. Besides for a man to use a condom is a Catch-22 situation. Without it you need it, with it serves no purpose, there will be no ejaculation. Did you not have sex education is school (Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are under 35 and thus attended public school after the feminists took control and stopped teaching anything that might make girls responsible for their actions)? Did your mother not teach you the rhythm method? Here's a news flash - IT WORKED FOR CENTRIES! If you knew your husband was not using a condom, why did you letting him stick his penis in you during ovulation? THAT IS YOUR FAULT! If he was that horny then either you were not previously fulfilling you wifely duties or you could have given him a blow job.
Men should have the right to have a say in weather or not the child, that according to you, is just as responsible for, is carried to term or not. If we want it and you don't, too bad. If you want it and we don’t, too bad. I'm tired of the whinny little girl mantra of "It's my body" crap. A man's body gets up every god damn morning and goes to work to earn the money to house and feed your lazy asses. Every day men's bodies are killed and injured on the job trying to put Bon-Bons in your bellies. That's doesn't count the thousands that were killed and maimed in some foreign county keeping you in your cushy lifestyle. Nobody says a word about that. The entire feminist agenda is geared toward telling women to use men for what they can get (sperm, money), and then discard them like trash.
"Most of us do NOT want to be knocked up by the multitude of male losers who may be fun to bang but are not worthy of fatherhood. And by loser, I mean men such as yourself and many others who post on this site."
Now, before you start spilling stereotypical insults, you better THINK about your audience. We are the best fathers there are. We care about the children we use to have before some bitch took them out of our lives and propagated them with lies about how terrible we are. We are here to fight to get them back in our lives, so they can grow and prosper in a positive atmosphere.
Feminists say men are afraid of "smart successful women". Not true. We are afraid of being used as sperm donors that will be tossed out of OUR houses when you feel like it. I've come to the conclusion that there is not one female out there that I'm willing to risk 65% of my estate for. So I will continue to bang you and tell what you want to here until you figure out that you are not going to get a cent and move on. Then I find another one and do the same thing all over again.
"I love women, I just haven't figured out what to do with them the other 23 and a half hours of the day."
Chiverly died with the birth of Feminism.
by RandomMan on 01:36 AM December 7th, 2005 EST (#10)
And by loser, I mean men such as yourself and many others who post on this site.
It was most kind of you to presume to call me a "loser", and it's always nice to see women demonstrating their fundamental respect for men as equals in society.
It's unfortunate that your female friends had such awful experiences by their own choice, and I sincerely hope that they recover fully. As for feminism, well, it is truly a diagnosable illness (feminism is a personality disorder marked by profound delusions of persecution and overidentification with victims of actual persecution, with comorbid psychosis and depression present in extreme cases - this will appear in the DSM-XV, mark my words), although I doubt very much that this is what they are struggling with. However, it was, as is always the case, the woman's decision to go forward with their preganancies. The men had absolutely no control over the situation whatsoever, so learn to accept that control implies responsibility.
As for me being a loser, I'm an educated, politically active man who's deprogrammed and won't put up with androphobia or feminism any longer, and your shameful attempts to insult me and the others on this site will do nothing to stop me from subverting the feminist cause, or any other cause which seeks to establish inequalities between genders, races or religions. I don't consider you worthy of any special consideration or treatment because you have a vagina, and neither should you. Adults don't think that way. Since we're on the subject of childishness, when you were attempting to insult me, I'm quite surprised that you didn't pull out the old standard about how small all our penises must be - for some reason every bitter woman seems to think (wrongly) that we live and die for female approval of our sexual prowess.
You can save your misplaced empathy for my friend and his dead child, although it was also most kind of you to presume to call me a liar. The day a feminist's judgement of my opinions matters in the slightest is the day men are treated with the same respect as women in this society, and women are held to the same legal standards of responsibility. Then you will be in a position to comment on my views and expect to have me take them seriously.
Responsibility? You would dare to speak to a man about responsibility? A woman can murder a man and walk away, can choose to never work and face not a moment of social scorn, can commit a crime and recive one sixth the sentence a man would for the same acts, if she's sentenced at all, can willingly impregnate herself with an unwilling man's sperm and then sue for support for herself and the child, even if she rapes the man to obtain it, can count on "special" access to education, legal assistance, employment and other social "goodies", not to mention double the gender-specific healthcare funding and a 7-year advantage in life expectancy, resulting in a massive transfer of wealth from the men who actaully earn it. Simpler still, a woman can falsely allege domestic violence or "fear" thereof and destroy a man's life with a 3-digit phone call. All while claiming to be the victim.
And you would presume to lecture me about responsibility?
As for me, well, if you think I'm actually foolish enough to give a woman any sort of leverage over me in this day and age by allowing her the privilege of carrying my child or access to my wealth through marriage, you're seriously mistaken.
However misplaced your misandric spittle and man-hate might be, I couldn't agree with you more about birth control and a man's obligation to protect himself from the clutches of women and the family court system. I also agree with you that a woman has the unquestioned right to decide what to do with her body and the proceeds thereof. As does a man. If a man chooses not to be a father, he should be relieved of his responsibilities, just as a woman who choses not to be a mother is relieved of hers.
Before anonymous posting was turned off, I wrote a handy guide on my approach to dealing with the opposite sex safely. I'm sure it will make you very happy. It's been a pleasure meeting you, neverdiplomatic. Feminists are such fun. Maybe one day you'll learn to argue with men like me successfully. When you do, please come back, I'm still looking for a feminist that can support her position.
by Dittohd on 01:16 PM December 4th, 2005 EST (#6)
I think this is a big mistake.
Causing a woman to have a baby that she really doesn't want, for money, is going to cause more problems than it fixes.
I wonder. Is there going to be a period of time that the women have to keep and take care of the baby to not have to pay the money back? What if she decides she can't handle the crying, restrictive pain in the butt and decides to give the baby up for adoption? What if she doesn't care for the baby properly and the state has to step in and take over?
And how much is the crime rate going to rise after there are so many children born to parents who didn't want them in the first place?
Seems like there is a better and easier solution. Make the country more attractive to immigrants from other countries to move and take up residence there. Ultimately, they can even pick and choose who they wish to accept and not accept through their immigration machine.
Dittohd All anonymous postings on my screen are filtered. To talk with or debate me, a user ID is now required. Thanks.
by Davidadelong on 09:36 AM December 6th, 2005 EST (#7)
That scenario has already been played. The statistics are already out there showing how the wellfare system increased the prison populations and other social service systems. The hiring frenzy that took place to staff these cottage industries within the system was designed to place previous Women that had been in the system and were trained to facilitate that same system. A self perpetuating hate group that has taken over our justice system, as explained in the 911 report to a degree. The only solution is to tear it down and start over, not make it easier for them to continue oppressing us.
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