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by RandomMan on 05:26 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#1)
They originally put her under some fairly hefty restrictions in the community when they let this psycho bitch out on the streets (her husband got life and a "dangerous offender" = permanent imprisonment label for the exact crimes, not the same charges, but the same actual acts against the same victims), but yesterday's big news in the land of misandry I live in was that a judge just tossed them out.
It's widely suspected that this woman was the real driver behind the sex killings that her husband got life for, and now she's not even being properly supervised in the community.
Details here.
She can even associate with teenaged girls again. And known murderers, like her pen-pal boyfriend while she was in prison.
They didn't even try to label her a "dangerous offender", which would let them keep her behind bars forever. They did so with her husband of course, who was complicit in the exact same crimes, but heavens no, we couldn't label anything with a vagina a danger to society now, could we? Apparently extending a man's sentence indefinitely is OK, but not a woman's, even when they commit the same crime against the same victims at the same time.
by Tumescent on 10:02 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#2)
A good book to read about this case is Invisible Darkness : The Strange Case Of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka by Stephen Williams
along with her husband, Karla Homolka actively and willingly took part in the unspeakable tortures and deaths of teen age girls including her own sister. There was rightly an outrage over the plea bargain she was able to reach with the government, mostly due to her being a woman and using some of the "women only" defenses. Their homemade videos capturing the sex and torture of their poor victims were not released by an attorney in the case until after the plea bargain. Given some of the progress that I think has been made in recent years, thanks to the efforts of MRA's like some of us here, I'm not sure she would get off so easy today. It's difficult to tell. The problems with double standards with women in the legal system obviously still exist today (see the recent Debra LaFave case) but I think there has been some progress made in this area even though there is a long way to go.
by zerostress on 01:34 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
First, a correction to RandomMan post :
>> again. And known murderers, like her pen-pal
>> boyfriend while she was in prison.
It was not a pen-pal relationship. She met the guy in prison and, according to a newspaper article, even managed to have a brief sexual relationship with him.
She is a very sick woman who like to hang around with killers, not that this fact should excuse in any way her past actions. This is compounded by the fact that she denies behaving like that, pretending that she is a victim, that she was battered, the usual excuses...
It seems here that the Québec Justice Minister will appeal of this court decision.
A story to follow...
by RandomMan on 02:06 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#4)
While you were reading about the appeal, you might have noticed via one of the links on the CBC news page re the Quebec appeal that a "notorious" male child molester (he never killed anyone, and got the same sentence the woman did for at least three abduction/rape/murders) is out after 13 years, but nobody is questioning the same sorts of conditions being imposed on him after his sentence expired. Story here.
Just more evidence of the continuing double standard favouring even the most depraved female sexual predators. How many people have to be killed by these sick bitches before we finally start holding them to some basic standard of accountability or responsibility for their crimes?
by zerostress on 04:23 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Yes, I noticed that.
Basically, here, you have two differents situations.
On one side, you have a beautiful young woman who always affirmed her innocence and lack of responsabilities in her actions, a poor victim of patriarchy, who played the victim for all it was worth.
On the other hand, you have that nasty old man, not very good-looking who admitted his culpability.
Guess who is going to make the "hearts" of feminists bleed ? I do not expect many people to raise their voice for a man.
How many people have to be killed by these sick bitches before we finally start holding them to some basic standard of accountability or responsibility for their crimes?
Quite a few will have to die I guess. A woman could probably machine-gun the neighbourhood and still pretend to be a victim.
Cheer up RandomMan, check the case of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, a former Rwandan Minister for Women and Family Affairs if you want to know how far it has to go for a woman to be held responsible.
by RandomMan on 05:21 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#6)
Will do. I couldn't help thinking of Hans Gruber's "so be of good cheer" comment in Die Hard when I read the last line of your comment.
I don't ask much, just that women and men of all races, religions and sexual orientations in a society be treated as legal equals and that each group accept equal responsibility along with equal rights, and that society be allowed to evolve naturally under those legal constraints. Doesn't seem like too much to ask.
Something I've never figured out: African Americans and African/Carribean Canadians are continuously saddled with more than their fair share of social blame and judicial wrath, all while occupying most of the seats at the bottom of the social hierarchy, yet white women continue to walk away from their crimes and gross irresponsibility, all while demanding privilege and status as victims!
Ever wonder why is it that the group with the least to complain about is always the one doing the most whining and over-identification with victims?
Anyhow, thanks for the pointer, zerostress, I shall Google it forthwith.
by zerostress on 06:30 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#7)
I was being sarcastic, there is nothing to cheer about.
Caught the tail end of a news item on TV. It seems that Karla Homolka is waiting for her killer boyfriend to finish his 10-year sentence and be deported to France. She wants to follow him there and marry him.
Guess what is going to happen next ?
by Davidadelong on 09:50 AM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#8)
Does anyone doubt that womyn are running the system? Through sex, and any other form of manipulation that they can use. They are at war with nature. Their goal is world domination, with men as slaves. If there is any doubt, open your eyes, look around, and be honest with yourself. The good Women of this world are being targeted as well, I believe it is time for the good people of this misbegotten world to start networking just like the womyn did. That is not a gender specific statement either, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with a Warrior, regardless of their gender, if the fight was pure. I am referring to the struggle of humanity to be able to live as Humans, rather than slaves, and I do not premote violence, unless of course you are being attacked physically, and then one must use restraint. Remember, thoughts alone will never achieve anything, we must all become people of deeds. All anyone has to do is refuse to be abused, use the system against it self, and constantly try and find like minded people to share your thoughts with, outside of the safety of your PC environment, but beware, your mettle might just be tested.
by RandomMan on 12:58 PM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#9)
Arm yourself with facts and statistics. They come in very, very handy.
I was out for dinner with group of old grad school friends, and one of them brought the prototypical women's studies, angry, vegan, feminist, permanently entitled 30-yr-old girlfriend along with them.
So I had some serious fun. She'd toss out a lie or an exaggeration or "conventional wisdom", and I'd shoot it down in flames citing the errors made in the textbooks she held so near and dear, and debunking the myths that made up her universe. Domestic violence, child abuse, family courts, "shout at your spouse, lose your house", the fact that the top three people in the chain of Canada's command are women, anti-male advertising, media and stereotypes, quota-based hiring, Mead and the inaccurate bullshit about "female-controlled societies" which never existed, childish female victimology, the whole deal.
It went on for several hours, as I was able to couch it in terms of an "intellectual discussion". By the end of the evening, every last person at our table and a few people who were listening in, including those women who were scowling at me when I started reacting to the feminist line were arguing that NOBODY was entitled to special treatment in this society, and that all of us should be held accountable to an equal standard for our actions. The pissed off ideologue pouted and stormed off making a fool of herself, and I understand has since removed her fangs from my now happy friend.
Another life saved. Another dozen or so people successfully deprogrammed. Now I keep a reference page with relevant links handy so I can email it around to those who ask for more details as a followup after such enounters. But be careful, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
by Davidadelong on 09:50 PM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#10)
Yes, facts and statistics do come in handy. I have had conversations with doctors, lawyers, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists. As well as the every day person. I also enjoy a good intellectual debate, when the participant has their own opinion. As so far as the drinking part, I always like to turn the tables around. If they wouldn't like it done to them, how can they propose it? That is when it gets interesting. Because I have met very few people that can argue that point without falling on their own sword. If they wouldn't feel it was fair to them, what makes them any better? I like to mention 50% custody, with both parents living in the same school district, no child support, 6 months for both parents. I wonder what would happen if that was passed, I bet there would be a drop in marriage, as well as divorce. Not to mention the unemployed lawyers and judges. Of course that would be fair, and respectful of both parents rights, and the childrens as well. That is why they don't want to hear it.
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