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by Boy Genteel on 06:50 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#1)
It's a good day.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Marc A. on 07:54 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#2)
A BEAUTIFUL day! I'm celebrating this one tonight. Thank you everyone who helped in any way with this. This report even challenged the motives of the Mary Kay Ash Foundation, and mentioned that "PBS may find it has been the launching pad for a very partisan effort to drive public policy and law." Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Hate-filled feminists have been carefully planning this scheme for years now, as they've done with all their other misandrist agendas. Finally, they're starting to receive the public exposure they deserve.
by Marc A. on 08:22 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#3)
What's especially fantastic about this is that the PBS people who are "reviewing" the film's accuracy will have a much harder time whitewashing their own report, now that their own funders exposed the film for what it is.
by Fidelbogen on 10:06 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#4)
Wooo-hoooooo! Yea, is good!
Now I will grab a beer, and sit back -- chortling gleefully and rubbing my hands together like a villain (between sips), and I will watch....... the opposition squirming through that cute little spin/damage control dance that they're gonna be doing in the aftermath of this.
"Feminism has a rap sheet."
by Roy on 10:40 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#5)
I was especially interested in the CPB Ombudsman's comments about the Mary Kay Foundation providing stipends to potentially thousands of DV Industry programs to air this sexist mockumentary.
Count on it, it will be shown thousands of times as a primary media propaganda piece in (men-only)batterer's "treatment" gulags nationwide.
PBS should be legally investigating how to sue the Mary Kay Foundation for fraud and racketeering.
Interesting that all those aging faux-blond matrons (Mary Kay's Girls) driving pink cadillacs and hawking make-up and timeless beauty to the Wal-Mart moms across America were really radical feminists in disguise!
by MR on 06:29 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#7)
We've been saying it here for a long time. So are we prophets, or is this just solid proof of the institutionalized bigotry in the domestic violence world that we've been pointing out?
Time to picket the courthouses and complain about all the bigoted, brainwashed judges, prosecuters, cops, etc. violating men's rights. A copy of this letter will be good to have on hand when people ask for proof. This "Breaking the Silence" production is the same kind of crap that VAWA "STOP" grants have been providing funding for to train the above named villians. Lastly, I apologize to the word "crap" for associating it with something as horrible as "Breaking the Silence."
Feminist Trained Judges Can Never Know Justice After Being Blinded By Feminist Bigotry
Click "View Larger"
MR - as in Men's Rights
by MR on 10:45 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#6)
Another documented piece of evidence showing the corrupt way that gender feminist "connected knowing" is an abomination to fair and credible scholarship, law, society and education. Just think, this piece of garbage (Breaking the Silence Children's Stories) has been shown to legislators, cops, judges, prosecutors, etc. as has a predecessor in this series.
Breaking the Silence Journeys of Hope
Does seeing this kind of lying garbage (BTS) turn judges, cops, prosecutors, legislators (good German soldiers) into lying evil purveyors of hate and injustice? Are judges, cops, prosecutors and legislators corrupted when they follow the corrupt gender feminist indoctrination put forth in Breaking the Silence? Absolutely, beyond any doubt in my opinion.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by MR on 08:24 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#8)
"Jan McNamara the director of corporate communication at PBS says the program is now under official review. That's good. Along with the motives of its sponsor (The Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation), Breaking the Silence needs to be reviewed for accuracy, fairness and balance."
That's interesting, but what about an earlier production funded by a grant from the Mary Kay Ash foundation, that commits many similar errors? While your at it, how about a thorough review of that gender feminist propaganda piece too? Its title is "Breaking the Silence Journey of Hope." It too was produced through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, and was shown on the campus of San Diego State University as described below. 2004/1229crouch.html
Domestic Violence Delusions…a PBS documelodrama
December 29, 2004
by Harry Crouch
"The evening of Wednesday, December 8, was reserved for the screening "Breaking the Silence, Journeys of Hope," a new PBS documentary produced by KPBS, which operates from a large plush building on the main campus of San Diego State University, the home of the first women studies program in the United States.
The documentary was co-sponsored by The Waite Family Foundation, which funds many of San Diego family violence related events and organizations, including $125,000 of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council’s annual budget."
"Breaking the Silence Journey of Hope" has already been shown by domestic violence groups to a number of people including law enforcement, judges, etc.? What is being done to address the harm done to innocent men by the gender profiling prejudices that come out of productions like "Breaking the Silence Journey of Hope" as well as "Breaking the Silence Children's Stories?" Where is restitution for pain and suffering to the men who have been harmed by this kind of gender based prejudice and hatred? Isn't this kind of gender based prejudice and hatred the very definition of hate crime? 2004/1229crouch.html
"KPBS’s monolithically myopic production Breaking the Silence, Journeys of Hope, took no risks and walks straight down the industry line of delusional sobriety. More apt is, Causing More Violence, Travels in Omission by the Politically Correct; or, perhaps, Blame the Big Bad Man and Shame the Male Child, Adventures in Misandry and Other Card Tricks.
The panel discussion came next. On stage were Sterling Alexander, PhD., licensed clinical psychologist and the Chair of San Diego County’s Commission on Children, Youth and Families Child Abuse Prevention Committee. To his left sat Pat McGrath, Deputy District Attorney, Assistant Chief of the Family Protection Division. Then came Aurora Zepeda, M.P.A., who advises various organizations on policies concerning the whole range of victimhood, from infancy until death. Last, was Vincent J. Felitti, M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California and founder of the California Institutes of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Felitti conducted research on the long-term relationship of adverse childhood experiences to adult health. "
"One of the event’s opening speakers was a young woman from the Waite Family Foundation. After a few comments, she announced that 95% of all domestic violence perpetrators are men. Truth aside, the young woman delivered the party line straight faced like other victimhood party operatives. Her research apparently overlooked the recent assessment of domestic violence resources in San Diego. The County Office of Violence and Crime Prevention conducted the assessment and found that women accounted for 24% of domestic violence arrests, which is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as most reputable family violence researchers and cops know."
What is being done to rectify this "historical" vilification of men that those gender feminists have committed through PBS in the name of their misandrist ideology? I'd really like to know.
Until I see tangible rectification of this overt bias against men I have no confidence in PBS, CPB or any affiliated acronyms.
by RandomMan on 10:34 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#12)
Isn't this kind of gender based prejudice and hatred the very definition of hate crime?
You have to be careful about asking for gender-based hate crime consideration. Feminists have been after that one for years so they can step up their ear-tagging and imprisonment of men who aren't nice to feminists at all times, and who don't apologize, bow and scrape every time one of their fat, hairy asses waddles by.
Granted, such legislation could initially work against us, but it might well end up being a reality one day, one that blows up in the face of androphobes. Most such legislation requires that one broadcast hate and go so far as to suggest violence before something is considered "hate speech", and feminists would certainly qualify, especially if we also used their own definition of "violence" (i.e. unpleasant facial expressions, writing the checks to pay the gas bill, etc.) against them. Hmmmm. Not such a bad idea after all - why be the only group not protected, right?
I'm just trying to figure out how to best use a feminist's own weapons of propaganda against them.
by MR on 02:28 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#15)
"I'm just trying to figure out how to best use a feminist's own weapons of propaganda against them."
You certainly make valid points, and use valid logic. The gender feminists have weaved a tangle web of deception and outright lies, then just interpreted their snarly tangle of misandry to suit the rights of women only - contrary to numerous principals of the U.S. Constitution.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by federico on 08:43 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#9)
The problem is that the show was on tv, and this statement will never reach as much people. So the damage (once again) is done, and consodering how many will read this statement or an eventual article on some newspaper the thruth about this documentary will never be known by the masses.
what we need (or have) to do is to produce a fair and balanced documentary, and have PBS to show it.They made a mistake, so let's get together and take andvantage of it.
Let's have a fundraiser and produce a documentary ourself. It's time that we get together and have our voice heard on television that (unfortunately) is the real media, and problem, of modern society.
what do you guys think?
by MR on 09:34 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#10)
"...consodering how many will read this statement or an eventual article on some newspaper the thruth about this documentary will never be known by the masses. Let's have a fundraiser and produce a documentary ourself. "
If that is your fortay, that's excellent. Go for it. Fortunately posting on blogs like this one is not the only "method" for getting the word out, but it is a great way of communicating with other MRA's. On projects, I usually plan on having no support, then push forward independently. That way whatever help I get is a welcome surprise and a bonus. I wish you luck in putting all that together, but in the meantime, one "method," protesting in Hollywood and Los Angeles does get the attention of a lot of people so I don't agree with you that we are not being heard all that much. These people sure noticed when we showed up.
PBS Vilifies Fathers
PBS Lies About Fathers
Feminist Lies Make Bad Laws
Bull Horn
Break the Silence PBS is Biased Against Dads
Save Our Children from Abusive Moms
One of the women coming out of this PBS affiliate's parking lot (in a car) laughed at us in a very disrespectful manner. I suspect she may have been one of the ignorant ones most affected by our presence. NCFMLA spent over two hundred hours on the street protesting in a 30 day period in October and November 2005. We do "other MR activism things" too. Right now I'm resting and strategy planning with associates.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by federico on 10:10 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#11)
yes, I agree with you about protesting, but my point is simply that probably (let's say) 60% of the american population use the tv as it's only way of getting informed. I am talking about mainstram media, I am talking about being heard on a large scale, on a national scale.
I am with you about protesting, but what's the point if your protest is not broadcasted on a larger scale?! As we know these women don't give a dam about what we think. Their message, right or wrong, is being heard and shown on national tv, not ours. And, yes, they might laugh at us, but it's also because they know that our protests will never be heard from the masses, will never be covered by mainstream media, and will never be portraied in a fair, balanced, real way.
The only point of protesting, I believe (I come from Europe, and I have quite a lot of experience about protesting) is to be heard, have your message on the front page.Now, honestly I don't see our message even on 77th page. I am not saying that what you're doing is not effective, I think is great, but I really believe that we need to step up, and take our protest, our message and our feelings (and the thruth) on a new level.
Maybe on the west coast is different, but here in New York I never read or see or hear anything about men's right movement activities, or anything related.Here our message (when is in the news) comes distorted and percieved as very conservative.
One men is not considered, 10 are annoyng, 100 are a threat but 1000 is a clear statement.
You know what I mean? We are ignored, we don't even make it in the commercial anymore.So why should they care about us?
by MR on 02:22 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#14)
"yes, I agree with you about protesting, but my point is simply that probably (let's say) 60% of the american population use the tv as it's only way of getting informed. I am talking about mainstram media, I am talking about being heard on a large scale, on a national scale.
More and more people are going away from MSM to the internet to get their news. Actually, my initial communication/perspective in this thread was an email communicated/sent to the Ombusperson of the CPB, and I posted it here to inform people of the option to write to the Ombusperson and air their perspecitves.
One thing is highly probable, without the thousands of emails (and letters) sent to PBS and CPB, the current good news we've just been sent from Glenn Sacks and RADAR would not have happened. If you will take note, something significant is happening thanks largely to the Glenn Sacks, RADAR and their big tool the internet. I say go ahead with what you suggest, but continue getting the word out (and being active for men's rights), using the big tool of the internet.
With the internet we have the ability to respond to many injustice in writing. We get "news" of those injustice daily as men. A movie/documentary will be good and will raise awareness, but after the first viewing it's a rerun. Many movie/documentaries will need to be made on an ongoing basis to change the status quo.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Thundercloud on 11:49 AM December 1st, 2005 EST (#13)
I think that PBS knew the report was biased. They didn't care.
But this is one of the few times that they caught so much flack for their bias.
No offence to anyone here who is a Democrat, but PBS is fairly notorious for propagandizing "Liberal" causes. And let's face it the N.O.W. are professed "Liberals", who vote DEMOCRAT consistently.
And before folks start throwin' things at me for being a "Right-wing Zealot", know that I am an independent. I criticize BOTH parties when I see them do something wrong. (Such as the Right being chivalrous to a fault on women's "Issues")And right now, at least, the media tends to have a leftist slant. I will not be silent on this. Sorry.
(I know I'm gonna catch hell for this...)
"Hoka hey!"
by MR on 02:33 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#16)
I agree, but in all fairness and balance, Fox news chivalrously rolls over and jumps up on the lap of the gender feminist agenda constantly, often accomodating women at the expense of men. When it comes to domestic violence honesty, or proportionate coverage of victims of violence Fox news is misandrist and "dumb as dirt."
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Thundercloud on 02:54 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#17)
Very true.
And to be fair from what I've seen from FOX news they tend to be a bit biased to the right.
Actually, my biggest gripe about the Right-wing, is the annoying fact that they, too, grovel to the feminists. The difference being the Right is just sickeningly chivalrous and the Left just hates men, in general. Either way the results are pretty much the same.
Left-wing, Right-wing. There seems to be enough wussie-poopies to go around, for both parties.
"Hoka hey!"
by Marc A. on 05:17 PM December 1st, 2005 EST (#18)
yeah, we're a very marginalized movement, which is what makes it so unique.
by Thundercloud on 11:59 AM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#19)
I haven't caught Hell for this...!
Thanks, guys. You're very understanding! :-)
by MR on 03:40 PM December 2nd, 2005 EST (#20)
I haven't caught Hell for this...!
Thanks, guys. You're very understanding! :-)"
We could always request that the trolls be allowed to come back - just kidding.
by Thundercloud on 12:00 PM December 3rd, 2005 EST (#21)
No thanks.
It's actually been very nice not to have to deal with the trolls, here, lately. Especially that "Mikeeusa" weirdo.
"Hoka hey!"
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