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by Anonymous User on 12:47 PM November 19th, 2005 EST (#1)
I would LOVE to see this.
I hope eventually, here in the U.S., that we will see similar programming.
Feminism has gone WAY too far. It's time we saw this sort of thing GLOBALY.
"Hoka hey!"
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:04 PM November 19th, 2005 EST (#2)
I think we’re stating to see a breakthrough throughout the English-speaking world (leaving aside any jokes about whether or not that includes the USA). It’s slow. I recently saw a programme on British TV about the "backlash" as they like to call it. It’s was still a woman discussing what men’s issues are and of course the issues that are discussed are picked by a woman and women are allowed to talk freely about what is wrong with the men’s claims. Often more than the men are. But they are starting to make these programmes to try to undermine the slowly growing demand for men’s rights. Years ago they weren’t making these programmes, however biased.
by SacredNaCl
on 03:28 AM November 20th, 2005 EST (#3)
Hopefully one of the Kiwis will tape a copy and convert it over to AVI/WMV/RM or another suitable format and those interested outside of its viewing area can find an alternate distribution route
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 03:41 AM November 20th, 2005 EST (#4)
Still, better that we have them on the defensive - it demonstrates that we're finding holes in the armor of ideology and lies that feminists in government and mass media surround themselves with.
Otherwise, they wouldn't waste the energy on us. Women, as a whole, do appear to think of themselves first and only based on their economic and political activity (with due respect to the rare gems who assist our cause of true legal equality here and elsewhere - your contribution and selflessness is valued very highly), so clearly they now see us as a threat to the matriarchal, androphobic utopia they've been socially engineering over the last four decades.
It's the same reaction you see when a feminist loses her (or his) temper at your calm logic and unbiased statistics in a debate and starts ad hominem attacks or tries to re-frame the discussion on their ridiculous and self-serving terms: i.e. the oppressive "patriarchy" is to blame for blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum, instead of attempting to defeat you with actual arguments or non-existent/biased research - it means you are hitting your target.
by Anonymous User on 09:10 AM November 20th, 2005 EST (#5)
it means you are hitting your target.
They say, If you're catching flak, then you must be over the target.
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