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by Anonymous User on 05:35 PM November 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
Why the FUCK is victim in quotes here:
It has the girl attending the apartment to feed the pit bull, and taking along the 12-year-old "victim" who also lived in the same building
Any questions about how this would have gone if the genders were reversed?
That's it. I'm emigrating, because I'll be damned if I'm going to pay taxes to the androphobes running this pisshole in the snow.
by Anonymous User on 05:56 PM November 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
From the article in the Toronto Sun:
He (the judge) also said he "would not equate this offence with one of incest or a serious sexual assault" that would result in "psychological damage far in excess of the physical nature."
Yet it's sexual assault to make a suggestive remark to a woman up here? Exactly what kind of damage does that do? Yet an anal rape of a child (who later exhibited behavioural problems serious enough to merit counselling, which led to the involvement of police) by an animal caused and premeditated by a woman isn't a "serious sexual assault", and this boy's grossly negiligent mother didn't even bother to call police and isn't facing charges as well?
Get your pens/email out people. Perhaps a note about sentencing guidelines and what constitutes a serious sexual offence are in order, along with a mention that this MUST result in this sex offender's DNA being placed in the federal database and that this MUST appear in her record as a "serious violent offence". I mean, how many young boys does she have to have a pit-bull sodomize in order to make it a "serious violent offense"?
Here's the Attorney General's Office: bout/ag/agbio.asp
Here's the AG's (Michael J. Bryant's) riding office and contact information:
by unrulypassenger on 05:29 PM November 18th, 2005 EST (#15)
I'm on the wrong side of the border for letter writing, but the same side as the rest of you. Fifteen years old & Twelve years old. That's what makes it a tough call. Jail the mother at least. We have frustrated grown soldiers merely puttin panties over the heads of Muslim enemies in custody and the soldier goes to prison for several years hard time. This is offense is so far beyond any of that panty stuff, it's unreal. When behavior like this rears its ugly head at such a young age, we as a society are fortunate to have the warning so early. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT....NOW is the time, not after she does something like this (or allows something like this to be done) to her own children or children in her care. Wake up and smell the coffee. i'd love to get a look at that sick f*ck's hard drive.
It was only after a social worker at the boy's school called the mother to discuss her son's increasingly bad behaviour
So the judge doesn't think this will have a lasting effect, and the whole thing came about because someone spotted behavioural issues at his school several months later?
I agree, I'm emigrating. Still trying to decide which country. Don't want to jump out of the pot, only to end up in the frying pan.
by Anonymous User on 08:14 PM November 14th, 2005 EST (#4)
Is there a list of the "best countries to live in if you're a woman"? If there is, we can just reverse it and call it "best countries to live in if you're a man". Let me know what you find - I'm right behind you!
by Anonymous User on 12:27 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#9)
How about jordan or syria? Pakistan?
by Anonymous User on 11:18 AM November 17th, 2005 EST (#13)
How about the planet Zoltar...?
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 10:37 PM November 17th, 2005 EST (#14)
by Anonymous User on 10:54 PM November 14th, 2005 EST (#5)
one of the reviewers says the judge had the good sense of realising that this was just a friendly joke that turned bad.
he obviously doesn't realise that the sentence would be nowhere NEAR the same if a 15 year old boy did this to a 12 year old girl.
in the gender-reversed situation, the judge would certainly NOT have treated this as a "fiendly joke gone bad"
that girl better feel sorry for what she did. otherwise someone should bitch-slap the hell out of her.
reminds me of a quick story from my co-workers where a girl ripped her brother's nuts off over a stupid argument. at the very least i would have yelled "WTF WERE YOU THINKING YOU DUMB ^#$^$#%?!?!"
sorry if i sound harsh but that's the least they deserve if they actually feel PROUD of inflicting something like that on someone else.
by mcc99 on 11:33 PM November 14th, 2005 EST (#6)
It's utterly unbelievable. All I can think is that the judge himself has such serious issues around something that may have happened to him as a child that he can't see this with a clear mind.... or he is such a coward as to not be able to pass a sentence on a 17-year-old female, one of the two. It would be one thing if these kids were, say, retarded, or something else, but assuming she was otherwise developmentally average, there is no comprehensible reason why she should not be in jail for years for this crime.
If I were living in Canada, I would be with our Canadian readers in the desire/intention to emigrate. I mean, what this says is this: if you are a boy (may as well include "man" too) who is assaulted by a female in even the most heinous way, you will see no justice. Canadian parents should be seriously afraid for the safety of their sons. If I had boys and lived in Canada, I would *definitely* make plans to emigrate and send a long letter to the judge in the case and cc it to every politican whose office I lived under explaining just why I am heading out.
by Anonymous User on 12:52 AM November 15th, 2005 EST (#7)
Indeed: I remember reading about an Ottawa cab driver convicted of sexual assault and added to the sexual offenders blacklist for reaching back over his seat and touching a woman's knee. An adult woman. He didn't get his animal to sodomize a child, he touched another adult's knee. Now he's a sex offender with a ruined life, and this sick little bitch is on probation for a few years with no DNA sample in the database, no sexual offender tag associated with her name for life.
The real question is: where to emigrate? Feminism has overrun most of the first world and criminalized/marginalized men the world over, and I'm not keen on living in the third world.
It took direct action for women to get the vote (not that I'm suggesting it or recommending ANY action against anyone, nor do I suggest action of ANY kind against women - legal action is needed against laws and institutions, not people - remember, women don't get prosecuted for being violent or unruly, but we sure as hell do), but I fear it might take that level of action and more against sexist laws and entrenched androphobia for men to restore their stolen rights and achieve a meaningful form of actual legal equality again.
Did we think that when women passed the "equal" point decades ago that feminists would shelve their victimology textbooks, stop complaining and say "thanks fellas, we're all set now". Of course not. It will NEVER be enough for them, and they will NEVER stop as long as a man is alive and has a single right or asset in society. Even when we have no rights or assets, they'll be moaning and complaining about how we're "oppressing them" by making them feel guilty for having all the power and money (they're most of the way there already, so I'm surprised it hasn't started yet).
I am now forced to reluctantly conclude that the female mind is simple: it's been demonstrated time and again, and apparently it can only think of and for itself. What about children you say? Women consider them their posessions - just look at custody laws in feminist societies, so caring for them is a selfish act, although no woman would ever admit it.
So, do you think women will now help men the way men helped women achieve their legal status? Not bloody likely.
While feminists of ALL stripes are greedy, selfish, hypocritical marxist pigs, and I now have to assume that every woman I meet is my enemy unless referred to me by a man I trust, I am biologically programmed to protect them and even now I wouldn't see harm come to any of them, even the feminists among them or the ones who happily partake in their ill-gotten graft, but I cannot stand for this sort of nonsense anymore.
Tolerating foolishness like this and all the other government-funded hate crimes against men isn't protecting women, it's just flogging ourselves for their amusement, and I'm one man who won't do it anymore.
Now how do we get that message out into the mainstream? Patience is not an option.
by Anonymous User on 09:57 AM November 15th, 2005 EST (#8)
if you're lucky, japan might still be safe.
i don't know if the men-women relationships are any better but at least, to the best of my knowledge, they're nowhere NEAR the level of feminism the rest of the world swims in.
if it reassures you any, check this site out.
it's about an overseas program teacher from america in japan.
it should provide an interesting read :)
by Anonymous User on 02:22 PM November 16th, 2005 EST (#12)
"I'm no longer their whipping boy, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more..."
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 01:53 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#10)
My god this is the sickest story I have read yet!
The bad news is that in Canada, and of course in other Western countries, males really don't count for much before the courts regardless of what happens to them.
The good news is that some smarmy radio talk show host in Canada, or elsewhere as far as I know, didn't say "What's the big deal? This is every little 12 year old boy's dream come true to be anally penetrated by a pit bull dog while being held down by a 15 year old female."
I like the description of Canada posted by another poster on this thread; Canada is a pisshole in the snow! Seems to be appropriate with this injustice being meted out from its moronic judiciary.
by Anonymous User on 02:32 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#11)
Oh My god! They killed Kenny!
You Bastards!
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