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MA Lt. Gov. seeks GPS for restraining orders
posted by Matt on 03:58 PM November 12th, 2005
Domestic Violence CJ writes "Story here. Excerpt:

Lt. Gov. Kerry got mixed reviews as she continued her push for the state to attach electronic tracking bracelets to certain people who violate restraining orders.

Healey's bill requires Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking as a condition of probation for people convicted of violating a restraining order issued due to domestic relations concerns. It is necessary to curb the "genuinely staggering" statistics of domestic abuse cases here each year, she said last week."

CNN Article Addresses Family Issues in French Unrest | Bush administration accuses SIU of anti-white and anti-male bias  >

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Orwell Was Right... (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 10:32 AM November 13th, 2005 EST (#1)
It is 1984 and Big Brother is watching. It always seem to be women that are the biggest proponents of Big Brother. Why is that?
Re:Orwell Was Right... (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl (tbessR3m0Ve2SendNEIN[SPAM]@R3m0ve.2.sendAt.mail.ru) on 02:17 AM November 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
Considering restraining orders can be made lifetime orders, they are advocating for permanent slave bracelets for people without even a jury trial. Now if this doesn't get your ire up and make you realize something is very very seriously wrong, nothing will.
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
It works both ways (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:27 AM November 14th, 2005 EST (#3)
This technology can work the other way. Can you think of a better way to refute bogus accusations of stalking, harassment or even rape than a record that shows the accused no where near the crime site?
Quite a few public transit agencies have beat accident lawsuits by producing GPS records that have shown their busses no were close to the accident site and time.
If Scott Peterson had such a record, would he have even been charged?
His mom hit the nail on the head when she commented that a married man whose wife is murdered had better be able to document his every move.
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