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by Anonymous User on 12:21 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
Great. First I'm a savage because of my race, now I'm a savage because of my gender.
Ever notice that whenever a society hates a certain group and/or wants to subjugate them they always refer to that group as "subhuman", "uncivilised" or as "savages".
It's always the same. different targets but the same old thing...
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 09:35 PM November 12th, 2005 EST (#12)
Strange. based on your nick I didn't think you were white.
Didn't you get the memo? We're the baby stomping and hand severing colonialists responsible for all the world's evil. Considering Natives as being savage went out 20 years ago.
by Anonymous User on 01:04 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#2)
 | minute we are told all Fathers are either Deadbeat or Child Abusers now they tell us Fathers are civilised!!!!
Red Kev
by TomP on 01:15 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#3)
Looks as if people who are 'less male' and have a suitably reduced amount of testosterone poisoning are civilised. Presumably, the argument from the genderists will be that not all fathers have properly reduced testosterone levels, and those are the ones who are Deadbeat Child Abusers (tm).
Wonder when they'll start testing testosterone levels to see if a male is allowed around women and children? Or maybe there will be testosterone suppessor medication to be taken before interacting with women/children, and a law to enforce it. Just like Pill Line in prisons....
by Anonymous User on 03:46 PM November 10th, 2005 EST (#8)
I know you're being sarcastic, Tom, but I wouldn't put it past them to do just what you are saying.
"Hoka hey!"
by TomP on 02:10 PM November 11th, 2005 EST (#11)
I was being sarcastic, but on reflection, I can see a few more studies like this leading to political action.
It may yet come to a situation where, if a man wants to be able to have access to his children after a divorce, he will have to maintain a reduced testosterone level, or will not be allowed to see his children. I can see the likelyhood of weekly urine tests for men before they are allowed 'visitation'. "It's for the children", after all. Any man who objects is obviously an abuser, right? Thus are cultural norms created.
Sounds silly, on the face of it. So did drugging kids with Ritalin in order to make them "behave", a while back.
The State doesn't need grief from agressive men out to protect their rights and carry out their responsibilities. It could get along better with men who acted more like, well, women. Genderists don't like men who are assertive in ANY area. The State and the genderists have a goal in common, to neuter men and render them more easily manageable. This study suggests a possible means of doing so. I predict more studies being published along the lines of this one, then family courts urged to take cognizance, then .....
So it goes. If we let it.
by frank h on 04:45 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#4)
I have not read the article, and maybe I'll get to it in a couple of days. But as the the hypothesis put forth by the title of the submission, I tend to agree with it.
I've observed in myself and in other men I've known over a considerable time that, once children come along, men do take certain things, like job stability, personal safety, and actually even personal hygene, more seriously.
And I don't see a thing wrong with it. Regardless of how a man might feel about the mother of his children, he begins to place a higher value on his own life and accomplishments when he has children who need him.
by Uberganger on 08:10 AM November 10th, 2005 EST (#6)
Perhaps we should also ask whether becoming a mother civilises women.
by frank h on 08:15 AM November 10th, 2005 EST (#7)
Yeah, you might ask, and I can tell you right now what answer you'll get ("Women don't NEED civilizing").
I think a better question might be which gender is better at exercising self-restraint? In fact, I think I'd like to see a well-qualified study done on this very topic. I'm pretty convinced that it will be close, but the answer will be men.
by Anonymous User on 03:48 PM November 10th, 2005 EST (#9)
Yeah, well, they don't seem too civilised once a month, if you get my drift...
"Hoka hey!"
by Clancy
on 01:30 PM November 11th, 2005 EST (#10)
It's a vicious cycle. I work in a office and you can always tell when the ladies are ovulating. Out come the most provocative clothes they can squeeze in to. Cleavage and legs galor. When that ends, it's back to - eyes front and center and don't forget to wear your sports cups and full face masks to protect from claws.
by robrob on 05:58 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#5)
Believe it or not, the BBC are actually asking on their "Have your say" page whether this is true or not!
Please, please "Have your say."
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