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by Anonymous User on 01:28 AM November 8th, 2005 EST (#1)
Let's see. When retailers were selling "Throw Rocks At Boys" t-shirts and we complained, we got told to get a sense of humor. Women complain about crappy shirts that belittle other women, rather than suggesting that they should be assaulted and killed, and the store folds instantly. Sales are up 31%.
What conclusions can we draw from this?
1) Retailers know that while women only earn about 1/3 of the wealth, they spend about 2/3 of it. Therefore, they will pander to women at any opportunity.
2) Since "women", not "feminists" are the key unit of fiscal performance for retailers, we must conclude that the majority of women agree with the sort of pandering and double standards that this story exposes, otherwise, what would A&F have to fear from a so-called "girl-cott"?
Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude, based on the evidence, that there really is no difference between feminists and the majority of "women". The fact that they are manipulative enough not to apply a negative label to themselves doesn't change a damn thing. The evidence and their spending speaks volumes.
So the next time a western woman tries to tell you she's "not a feminist" or "supports equality", you can, in the overwhelming majority of cases assume that she is entirely full of shit. Don't forget to cite the evidence when you say so: that way she's got something to ignore and twist to support her point of view.
by Boy Genteel on 01:44 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#5)
 |'s not as though our actions taken toward David & Goliath fell on deaf ears. According to Glenn Sacks (I think), didn't we get those "Boys Are Stupid" shirts and other items of apparel out of the majority of outlets?
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Hunchback on 05:49 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#6)
Yes, but this was done not only without support from but in spite of much opposition and derision from the press. Most of the mainstream media ignored our crusade. On the other hand, even though the self-deprecating humor of the was far less objectionable than a spur to violence against boys, the media, led by television fell over themselves to legitimize and support the girls' protest. Nobody mocked them or called them oversensitive; there was a great deal of breast beating and teeth gnashing.
It's always the same story. An old woman gets her breasts patted down fully clothed by another woman, and it's an earth-shattering violation. A man gets stripped search in public, and it's cause for humor.
These double standards burn me up, but it's impotent rage: Who do you complain to, the feminist media?
by Anonymous User on 12:34 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#10)
Hunchback, Yes.
What you say is completely true.
I saw reports about the A&F "girl offending" T-shirts in the media, but never ONCE did I see anything in the mainstream media about the 'David and Goliath' fiasco. NOT ONE REPORT!
Yes, the double standards are ridiculous.
"Hoka hey!"
If these whining women are so obsessed with stamping out sexist garments, will they have a 'girlcott' of these?
No, I didn't think so.
by Anonymous User on 08:51 AM November 8th, 2005 EST (#3)
once i heard someone say that whil men are liars, women are hypocrites.
if they don't disaprove the "boys are stupid" fad then the saying is right.
given the way things are going, i'll make the saying win by default :P
by Anonymous User on 01:05 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#4)
Or this... IEWCATS&Category=378
by Anonymous User on 07:04 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#7)
There is an e-mail link at the bottom of the page. I sent them a note telling them I wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on t-shirts for a boys organization and wanted to know why I couldn't find the "girls are smelly" t-shirts. Start sending end e-mails to these a-holes and let them know WE ARE BECOMMING A FORCE! I started reading this site six mints ago, and I have only commented one other time. But I'm tired of us complaining to one another. It's like preaching to the choir. Start writing letters to newspaper and magazine editors. I write every time I see an injustice toward males. They don't rarely get printed, but I send them. Get the word out. There are more like us than anybody knows. A lot of guys I know don't even know there are organizations such as this one. They complain about commercials, the one sidedness of the court system, they way boys are treated in school, and want to do something. NOW LETS GET OUT THERE! IT WASN'T OVER WHEN THE GERMANS BOMBED PEARL HORBOR WUZ IT?! (that a joke guys).
I already sent an e-mail to them asking if they made T-shirts saying "Girls are Stupid" but they sent a one-line reply from some woman called Janis saying that they have no plans on making such products.
by Anonymous User on 11:55 AM November 9th, 2005 EST (#9)
Wow, the shock must have just about knocked you out.
by Clancy
on 02:04 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#11)
Good laugh, good movie, and your point is well taken.
by Anonymous User on 06:22 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#12)
Here is the reply I recieved from Blackjack Inc. form the e-mail I sent them along with my reply:
First of all, I. Hope you know a joke when you see one. Second, retailers sell
the items consumers want. Retailers don't create demand, they fill demand. We
have never had any data suggesting that the themes you requested would sell well
enough to justify their manufacture. If you think there is a marketing nitch
here, perhaps you should persue it. Good luck,
Jon Rose
Blackjack Inc.
35444 Mound Road
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
586-264-9520 phone
586-264-8680 fax
My reply:
Just because people may buy certain products does not justify the offensiveness of the product. If demand dictated the sale of products that were racial, would you still carry them? Probably not. It's not there isn't a marketing nitch for the themes I suggested, its if those products were sold you would cave into pressure from feminist organizations who would deem the products offensive and demand the their removal by threatening a boycott. That is exactly what I am doing. Sexist and racial statements are not funny when aimed against woman and minorities and they are not funny when aimed against males either
by Anonymous User on 07:47 AM November 10th, 2005 EST (#13)
Funny - that is the exact same reply i got from Blackjack Inc...
by Anonymous User on 01:54 PM November 11th, 2005 EST (#14)
Reclaiming language for ourselves is the best thing for men and boys to do...Man-Cott and Boy-Cott should be words used in connection with action we take against anything that is offensive or unempowering to men and boys, which is just about everything.
When we have a word for it, the media has something to sell.
Never forget there are a scary number (to feminists) of woman out there who will support us.
XY Mutant
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