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by quetzal on 01:59 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
I don't remember where I read the following, maybe in "Rantings of a Single Male" by Thomas Ellis. Anyhow I find it to be ever true, that in a relationship, the woman focuses more on the relationship itself, whereas the man focuses more on the other person. Based on my own experience and observation, this makes a lot of sense to me. I think it ties into the divorce issue being discussed here..the partner who cares most about the other may take it more seriously when the relationship ends. Of course, a psychologist may not agree with that, since there are no "studies" pertaining to it. (or are there?).
by Anonymous User on 02:49 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#2)
That's as may be, but consider the relative treatment of men and women by the divorce courts. If a jilted man is the most affected by the failure of the divorce, where are the services to make sure he's alright and not reduced to the usual walking wallet?
by quetzal on 04:52 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
by Tirryb on 03:19 AM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#7)
You're not kidding.
I am currently going through the divorce situation. My wife took drugs (soft drugs, but still the illegal kind), drank herself stupid, was reported to social services (she whined about it being because she was adopted and got off with it), stole, lied and was about as bad as a wife can be. I even just found out she has been having an affair, and took two guys on holiday with her sister, before she left.
But she's lording it around now as we split, because she knows - as does my solicitor - that she can screw me as hard and as bad as she likes. Simply because she's a woman. She's the 'wife and mother', therefore she's to be protected and I'm to pay. It may not go that way, but the fact that my solicitor has me walking on egg shells to avoid provoking her speaks volumes.
I'm not suicidal or anywhere near it, but I can absolutely see why guys do commit suicide at this time.
by kanute37
on 09:20 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#4)
My son at 28 years old in 1985 had gotten married, a week later the doctors found a tumor that had grown into the heart and lung tissue, they operated on him , found it to be malignent and removed it, he then went into radiation and chemotherapy, his wife was told he would be sterile, she went directly and divorced him.
In 1990 he met another woman with a child, he fell in love with the little girl,they started having maritial problems, one night he came home from work and his wife told him she was taking the child and leaving.
He went to the garage and hung himself.
Because of a couple nasty,worthless peices of shit woman I am without a son, fishing and hunting buddy and my best friend.
I am now 68 years old and would sure like to have him around for what's left of my life and I sure miss him.
Roger Knudson Roger
by khankrumthebulgar on 09:53 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Last year 18,000 Divorced Men took their lives in the US. The Suicide rate of 85 year old men is 1350 times that of Women their age. Men are simply disposable in our culture. It has always been this way. The suicide rate amongst our teenage boys is 4.5 times that of girls their age and increasing.
My Great Aunt was a sociopathic Monster. She caused my Grandfather and his two brothers to take their lives with her Manipulation and mental abuse. I hope she burns in hell where she belongs.
by Anonymous User on 01:18 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#8)
Same here, Roger.
"Hoka hey!"
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