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by Anonymous User on 06:59 PM November 1st, 2005 EST (#1)
Kim Wells the alliance drama queen exclaims, "...a hands-off policy by employers on domestic violence issues is unhealthy for employees who need help.
''Because domestic violence's impact does not end at the office front door, America's employers need to take action,'' she said in a statement released with the study.
It is all about more money for Kim and more money for fictional DV. In addition, now they want to make employers mandated reporters. That DV database is about to get much larger.
Worse the ass-hole Republicans and Dems are buying into the whole scam because of blackmail.
The blackmail is in the form of false allegations from a disgruntled feminist employee.
It was Carry Roberts that correctly identified that all D.V. law is now created by Marxist-Feminist blackmail techniques and the fear of a lawsuit from a female staff member.
by Anonymous User on 07:13 PM November 1st, 2005 EST (#2)
Check out Kim Well's web site and you will suspect that she is a "one-woman movement" for her own bank account.
She has a consulting business that she is hawking to get her bank for telling corporations how to avoid being sued for sexual harassment.
The DV angle is genius, as it makes employers even more afraid of the feminazi 911 assault force.
Kim is apparently a resident in McLean County, central Illinois --- a county that wants to become a "best practice" example for feminist DV enforcement and a Top 1% recipient of federal tax dollars under VAWA.
Kim sits on every feminazi board, committee, council, and advisory commission you could name in the Midwest and beyond.
I respect this woman's direct/indirect method of attack against men.
She must have read Sun Tzu's THE ART OF WAR.
by Anonymous User on 01:39 AM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
Take a look at these. Tell me if you are able to see them. A few more to follow.
I ticked off somebody really good the other day. They ripped up all the fliers and put them back under the windsheild wiper. I just went back the next day with the same sign and more fliers. I guess it was just a one day act of violence against this MRA.
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