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by Anonymous User on 03:38 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#1)
This (among other things) is WHY I have never become a father.
I have enough aggravation...
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 04:10 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#2)
The feminists will be very pleased. Their social engineering goals are finally being realized. Marriage is joke, men and fathers are out of the picture, and kids? well, who cares about them. Long live the matriarchy!
by Anonymous User on 06:08 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#3)
They already have these.
Having a baby is a time of joy for women...regardless of marriage status.
by Anonymous User on 01:23 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
I'm not a lawyer, so this isn't legal advice, but if you want "equality" as a man and protection from your partner's extra rights (I live in a jurisdiction with "shout at your spouse, lose your house" and "you support it once, it's yours" paternity rules on the books), here's what I've determined has to be done to level the playing field:
1) Never, ever marry, and don't cohabitate with a woman who has children of her own. If you support someone else's children for even the briefest period of time, you may be required to support them (and her) for decades to come. If you decide to marry, number 2 and number 3 are much more critical.
2) Have a vasectomy. Don't rely on condoms alone (they're not reliable enough), don't believe her when she says "she's on the pill", she can save the (warning: ick factor coming up) semen from a blowjob, inseminate herself and then stick you with 25 years of mommy support. There are no-scalpel procedures that don't even leave a scar and which have complication rates below 4 in 1000 these days: safer than any pill on the market, and it takes all of 15 minutes! NEVER donate sperm!
3) Never buy a home while cohabitating/married! Sell your home and lease if you want to shack up - there are some very special, very sticky rules about "matrimonial homes" in many jurisdictions that are used to rob men blind. Marriage and childbearing have become little more than vehicles to transfer wealth from men to women.
4) Keep all assets in legally inaccessible places (i.e. life insurance policies, locked-in retirement plans in your name, etc.) so you can't be easily robbed blind by a vindictive partner on her way out the door. If you are likely to inherit substantial wealth, have the inheritance placed in unbreakable trusts by those willing it to you.
5) Keep a credit card or other facility she doesn't know about with enough room on it to live for 3 months in the event she gets an ex parte ruling to seize all of your posessions while tossing you out of your home (doesn't matter if the lease is in your name, she still gets it automatically around here). You can go to work in the morning and be arrested that afternoon with a prejudicial restraining/protection order against you, never to return home again, never having had a chance to even hear the charges against you in most jurisdictions in North America.
6) Don't co-sign her borrowing or make payments on her debts under any circumstances. If you decide to support her, do it in cash so it can never be proven to have come from you. Never sign a power of attorney for her to control your assets under any circumstances or for you to manage hers - you can then be held liable for her financial problems. Find a man you trust for that job. Find a family member you trust for a "living will" or "power of attorney for personal care".
7) Keep any important business, financial and personal records in a safe someplace other than where you live together. What she can't find, she can't take. Or subpoena.
8) If she's argumentative, threatening, abusive, unstable or violent, LEAVE. Don't wait, don't call for help, 'cause it's not coming. YOU will be arrested if you call for help, even if your life is in danger. Just leave. Fast. Get police assistance or a lawyer and witness (a bodyguard if necessary) to accompany you to recover anything critical from the house. Keep a change of clothes and a shaving kit at a friend's place or in your trunk (mine's there for winter storms when I'm on the road).
9) Do everything possible to ensure that your partner has an income similar to yours so there will never be any question of support or alimony. At the very least, ensure that she has a job or other source of some income. You can help her be "independent", all while protecting yourself!
Always remember, no matter how you feel today, no matter how many tears flow over it, there is absolutely nothing a man gets from a marriage that he doesn't get without it. There's plenty a man loses through marriage that he doesn't lose without it.
I didn't mention the painfully obvious: that one should never get involved with anyone with even the vaguest hint of ANY kind of feminism or women's studies about them. I sought out and found a woman who like me believes in REAL legal equality, but recognizes that there are different privileges and responsibilities for both genders thanks to biology. We're still happily together after 20 years.
Follow those steps, and you and your partner can be friends again! The playing field becomes more "level".
It's a sad, screwed-up world we live in when any sensible man has to treat a woman he loves like a threat, but the facts are what they are, and thanks to the latter-day feminists, women have an ever-increasing arsenal of weapons pointed at our heads, and it only makes sense to wear a helmet!
(Sorry about the long post!)
by Anonymous User on 09:14 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#12)
Or better yet, don't get involved with women to begin with. Become celibate for life and then you'll be doing womankind a big favor and the gene pool will be disinfected...
by Anonymous User on 06:14 PM October 30th, 2005 EST (#13)
Blow it out your ass, sweeheart.
by Anonymous User on 07:49 PM October 30th, 2005 EST (#14)
As if I'd give some woman the power to nullify my rights and run off with my kids and my money.
It always pleases me to no end when feminists jump up and down and pout and scream whenever I suggest that men should defend ourselves from their endless onslaught against our rights, and the insatiable greed feminism has become.
You see, it tells me that I'm on the right track!
by Anonymous User on 09:12 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#11)
Nahhh, Thundercloud, you're probably just shooting blanks, Kimosabe...thank god for small miracles.
by Luek on 01:32 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#9)
making bastardy socially acceptable as an alternative lifestyle.
Rad-fem degenerate loser morons! Got to luv'um...pffft!
by jenk on 08:52 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#5)
Chew it up, now chew it up
Keep your mouth closed
Press your lips together and breathe through your nose
Rock ‘n Troll manners as everyone knows
Will keep us in a good mood
by Anonymous User on 11:49 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#7)
Get out of her TROLL-man Capote.
by Anonymous User on 11:51 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#8)
Oops! That should have been; "Get out of HERE", not "get out of HER".
And I forgot to sign.
by jenk on 05:50 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#10)
Thanks for clarifying...I got really confused at that last post there. ;-)
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