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by quetzal on 05:54 PM October 12th, 2005 EST (#1)
Now the "top female" in the U.S. can play the sexism card, this breaking the last barrier to stupidity.
The article quotes L. Bush as saying, "I know how many times she's broken the glass ceiling herself" - she sounds like a moron, making this statement, since a given glass structure can only be broken once, right? (unless someone fixes it after breakage, which makes me ponder the idea that maybe we should put the glass ceiling back in place!).
by quetzal on 05:58 PM October 12th, 2005 EST (#2)
I should have also mentioned that if Bush doesn't nominate a woman, he won't get any nookie tonight. Apparently this has become an accepted method for women to manipulate men, even in the White House.
"The only thing worse than green-house gas is White House gas!"
by Anonymous User on 12:36 PM October 13th, 2005 EST (#7)
If one wants nookie from that old bitch (laura) then that person is not smart. Also he is the president, can't he rape her if he wishes?
by Anonymous User on 01:52 PM October 13th, 2005 EST (#8)
Okay, Joker.
I don't think anyone here condones rape, of EITHER gender.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 05:55 PM October 16th, 2005 EST (#11)
So you're pro-marital rape laws? Then don't get married, you have no claim to your wife, joker.
BTW: read the Bible, you, as the husband, are in command (or that is how things are supposed to be).
by crescentluna
(evil_maiden @
on 04:36 PM October 20th, 2005 EST (#12)
Ah, you took it a step further, back pedal a bit and I would take it that you're in favor of Presidential rape laws - perhaps Presidential marital rape? If Hillary actually managed the presidental bid, would that law be extended to her - only for Bill? or perhaps her extraterrestrial lesbian lover too?
by Anonymous User on 12:18 AM October 13th, 2005 EST (#4)
Women have always bitched, moaned, complained, used sex as a weapon and generally been a pain in the ass to get what they want. It's as old as humanity. Except now they have a much larger platform to whine from and better linguistic devices and political window dressing to justify their selfishness, insatiable avarice and manipulative ways.
Now it's not greed or manipulation or lying for profit, it's "feminism". Anyone who doesn't give them every last thing they want is a "sexist" or an "oppressor". This is how white women continue to morph themselves from the most privileged beings ever to roam the Earth into a poor, victimized oppressed class that needs protection from the the evil male boogeyman and spooky words, but simultaneously wants to be the President and the right, but not the obligation to fight on the "front line".
When a woman explains to me how a wealthy, healthy female lawyer educated, hired and promoted through sheer sexism and racism in her favor deserves the same level of protection and assistance from society as a native woman who has no education, a history of substance abuse and no realistic ability to support herself in the white world, I'll buy feminism, lock, stock and barrel.
Until then, it's just a bunch of greedy harpies looking for more, and the more we give them, the more they want.
by Anonymous User on 11:39 AM October 13th, 2005 EST (#6)
I have often thought that if we Indians received even one scintilla of the compensation that women have gotten I would die a happy man...
There have NEVER been a more protected and coddled group of human beings in HISTORY!
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 09:30 AM October 14th, 2005 EST (#10)
Bullseye, that was great and should be published. Sign it and send it to Men's News Daily.
by Anonymous User on 03:21 AM October 13th, 2005 EST (#5)
Actually, one of my biggest bugbears about all this is the fact that Laura Bush - non-lawyer and non elected- had any say in this matter at all. Why the F*** should George Bush have listened to her "advice"?
She only suggested this woman to him and urged him to appoint her because she was a woman. The very definition of sexism!
I would love to see the feminist reaction if Hillary Clinton was elected and Bill was seen to be telling her what to do - ego, can't stand not being in the limelight, jealous of his wife, clutching onto power for one last time, scared of being usurped by a woman, unable to handle her success etc etc ad nauseum....
by Anonymous User on 05:31 PM October 13th, 2005 EST (#9)
Bush has really stepped in it with his latest Supremes' nomination.
The Dems are hoping she doesn't "step aside" before they can interrogate her about her role in covering up Bush's draft-dodging years.
The Repubs are seriously pissed that many more qualified conservative women and men were passed over in this obvious bit of cronyism.
Bush has done more in the last six months to ensure a Democrat president in 2008 than any feeble efforts by the Democrats themselves.
Maybe the rumors that the Prez is hitting the bottle big-time are true?
And how did Karl Rove slip up and let his puppet have this much time outside of the isolation chamber?
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