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Are Family Courts Unfair?
posted by Matt on 08:26 PM August 17th, 2005
Web Links Miss A writes "This post quotes NJ and NY judges on the treatment of men in the family courts. If this is what judges say on the record, imagine how bad the situation really is."

British Newscaster Speaks Out Publicly Against Feminism's Consequences | MSN Again: Guess Who Loses Out Most in Breakups  >

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gross sexism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:51 AM August 18th, 2005 EST (#1)
But it's ok, because it's only men that are being treated as second-class citizens. NOT!!!
Re:gross sexism. Why don't you ....... (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 03:05 PM August 18th, 2005 EST (#2)
dig up some quotes of your own that say the opposite of what you just read. Better quit your day job 'cause I think that undertaking will consume all of your time until the next "big bang". Why is it that only women contributors with comments containing meaningful dialogue don't seem to mind telling us their name? If you disagree, at least have the guts to say who you are. Even if it's a nom de plume. I will give you credit for not using inflammatory remarks as you will often find on this site. But then, you have a tendency to do so when you get really pissed off about being bent over a barrel - repeatedly.
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