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by Raymond Cuttill on 04:12 PM August 3rd, 2005 EST (#1)
After hearing about the 8 year old being charged with sexual assault and this 11 year old girl, I was wondering. Is there an age of criminal responsibility in the USA? Is it state by state? In Britain it’s 10 (although I think it was lowered a few years ago). No child of 9 or less can be charged with any crime, although they can be taken into care (government fostering or adoption) if they are behaving badly and the parents aren’t parenting in some way.
by alphamale on 07:37 PM August 3rd, 2005 EST (#2)
That is sooo beside the point. The point is the female chauvinistic attitudes which pervade our society and brought about the "Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them" t-shirts. These t-shirts have been all the rage for years. Feminism in 100% cotton. What is shocking is the group of people outside singing songs for the poor girls release. If the genders had been reversed, they would have been screaming for the little guys head on a platter. At least we finally know that the evils of female chauvinism are really working. A perfect example of how Hitler came to power and was so popular.
by Thomas on 09:41 PM August 3rd, 2005 EST (#3)
Hello alphamale:
Your points are certainly on the mark, though I have to say that Raymond's questions have value. As for those questions, my understanding is that such matters differ from state to state, though I would bow to information given by an attorney/specialist in the area.
Yes, a boy, who hit a girl with a rock, would almost certainly receive harsher treatment than the girl received. But there's another aspect to all of this that, I think, warrents consideration.
When I was a kid, if a scenario such as this had transpired, the parents would gotten together and dealt with it without police involvement. If a boy had thrown the rock at a girl, he would have been severely spanked, grounded, forced to apologize to the girl and her family, and made to do work for the family (cutting the lawn, cleaning gutters). If a girl had thrown the rock at a boy, the same subsequent scenario would have taken place, except it would have been far less likely that she would have been spanked (and, if she had been, she almost certainly would have been spanked less hard), and she would have had to do a different type of work for the family.
Except for the harsher treatment that a boy would have received, when I was a kid, the main difference is that no district attorney would have been involved. During the past four decades, women/feminists have supported greater government intrusion/power while men have been suppressed by the government. What we are currently seeing is the government using its greater power against females, now that the system of greater intrusion into family affairs has been well established.
It's too bad that this is happening. But, then again, the problem might never be reversed until the nation's darlings begin to directly suffer from it.
-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.
by Raymond Cuttill on 02:31 AM August 4th, 2005 EST (#5)
I’m sorry you find it
That is sooo beside the point.
To even ask a question. Which no-one appears able to answer. I was not making any point about about the ridiculousness and sexism of charging an 8 year old boy. Others have already made that point. Since the 8 year old could not have been charged in Britain I WAS ASKING A QUESTION. Any actual answer other than to complain about the question?
by Yanyan on 02:27 AM August 4th, 2005 EST (#4)
The defence is dropping hints about their strategey. - 'the girl had been harassed before'.
So even though she's only eight years old, it seems that they're going for 'battered wife syndrome' with a new twist.
by Anonymous User on 04:30 AM August 4th, 2005 EST (#6)
Just wattched a CBS report concerning the girl throwing the rock. Outrage from many people interviewed. Contrast this to the boy being charged with sexually assaulting his babysitter. I have seen only internt coverage. Also the big websites, cnn, msnbc are covering the rock throwing incident and not the other.
by Anonymous User on 02:17 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#9)
I saw that coverage on CBS, that you're talking about, too.
Did anyone else, who saw it, notice that Bob Schaefer was careful to make sure that he said that the girl that threw the rock was "being bullied" by the boy? The boy THREW A WATER BALLOON AT HER!! How is that BULLYING?!? It's stupid but kids DO stupid things. It was mischeivious, but kids can be mischeivious. He was BEING A KID! Not "BULLYING"! Bullying would be if he had pushed her down, pulled her hair, knocked her school books from her hands or threatened her with violence. THAT'S bullying.
But Schaefer HAD to throw that in to defend the girl, by in effect saying; (what reporters usualy say when females are violent towards males) "He deserved it..."
How biased can ya get?? (But then CBS isn't exactly known for their objectivism, if you know what I mean...)
When I was a kid we threw water ballons at eachother all the time. SO WHAT? None of us ever picked up a 2 pound rock and split the other kid's head open with it! But girls in this society are taught from the moment they can walk that violence against males, no matter how savage or brutal, is "her prerogative".
They see it in movies, TV, video games, on T-shirts, etc.
I think we will see more of this, not less, as time goes on.
This war on males MUST be brought to an end.
If not for ourselves, then for our SONS!
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 12:41 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#7)
What the hell!
When we were kids we had rock fights all the time. Neighbors got heads split open and got stitches. Moms hated the rock fights even though we had rules.
Now they file charges......
My god.
The problem here isn't the gender. It is the fact that charges were even filed.
by OldManSenile on 01:51 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#8)
I hear you Warble.
Back when I was a kid, if us kids didnt return home for supper, bloody, bruised, and dirty, we weren't playing. Hell everyone knows the game of tag. We made it a little more interestin, we used a weepin willow switch as the perfered article for tagging each other.
Ohhhh where have the good days gone, where has the fun gone.
by Anonymous User on 02:55 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#10)
When we played tag, when I was a kid, we'd slap each other as hard as we could when we tagged someone. Some times the "tag-ee" would cry, and we would laugh. *evil grin*
I was kind of a mean kid.
"Hoka hey!"
by Boy Genteel on 07:50 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#13)
Where the hell did YOU people grow up? I don't remember any rock-throwing or slapfights; that's for sure. Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by OldManSenile on 10:01 AM August 5th, 2005 EST (#17)
Where the hell did YOU people grow up
I grew up in the mountains of Idaho, where people were people and kids were kids. We didnt have the feminists running everything. If there was a problem between us kids, we fought, we bled, then we went and got a damn ice-cream cone or pepsi and laughed about it. Or if it was over a girl, we would stay mad at each other maybe a max of 2 days, or until we all decided to get into something again.
And Parents were parents. There was no L.E. called when we got in trouble. It was mom or dad with the belt or switch (moms favorite lol). I cant count the times i had my butt whipped as a kid. Our parents mentored and guided us.
One memory stands out vivid to this day.
I was about 7 or 8. One of my friends told me how he stole some candy from one of the stores in town and didnt get caught(he only did it once). So I had him teach me the fine art of the 5 finger discount trade. Well we head to the store and all is going well till I walk out the door. The next thing I know the manager is holding my arm and taking me to his office. My friend managed to escape, lucky fool. As I'm sitting there he is lecturing me on not stealing, and how I'm not only hurting myself, but I'm also hurting my family and the people that work at the store that depend on the sales of mechandise. Then he asked the dreaded question, what is your phone number? That scared the shit clear out of me. I knew I was getting a butt whoopin for sure over this. So I coughed up my number through tears and pleading no. Mom shows up at the store with the "your butt is mine" look. She says she wants to talk with the manager alone so I go sit out side the office. 10 min later she comes out and tells me to come back in. They sit me down and tell me they have no other choice but to call L.E. Well I thought I was out of tears, NOPE I still had plenty more. They show up and proceed to put cuffs on me,read me my rights ( you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed, you are now under arrest), lead me out to the squad car through the store with everyone starin at me. I can see mom talking with the officers. Well we head to the police station and we go through the formalities. Questioning, they took my prints, and took a mug shot. Next they put me back in the car and took me back to the store. They said they were going to release me back to mom. Mom and the manager were waiting. I was prepared to recieve my punishment for being stupid. But it never came. Mom sat me down in the managers office and we talked about what I was thinking, and why I did it. Then she asked if I learned anything. HELL yeah I did. Then she let me know that it was her idea to call L.E. and not the managers. She then told me she wanted to teach me a lesson. She had the manager go along with it as well as a couple of her L.E. friends. She told me to go wait out in the car, and as I was leaving, I heard them bust up laughing.
I have never been so scared in my life as I was that day.
Ok stroll down memory lane is done.
Where the heck are the parents now? Why arent kids being taught that some shit is just plain wrong? Where are they at when it comes to teaching responcibility for ones actions? What do they think, its ok to procreate, then let the state and television guide and mentor them. It is not the states or televisions responcibility to teach our children morals and values. It is the responcibility of the parents.
Im sorry, but a 2 lb boulder to the head would have garenteed a butt whippin from a parent back then. Boy or girl, no exceptions.
by Anonymous User on 12:43 PM August 5th, 2005 EST (#20)
I grew up in Indiana. (Sorry not a reservation)
And yeah we were pretty rough and tumble, as kids. I don't know if it was just us or if most kids from Indiana were(are?) little hellions.
And yeah, If I had taken a rock and slammed it into another kid's head I would have Hell to pay when my parents were told about it by the other kid's parents.
We played kind of rough, but we knew where to draw the line, even as kids. And rocks to the head were definatly OVER the line.
The problem is, when it comes to violence against males by females there IS no line. They seem to believe that there is no limit of violence that a female can do to a male. Society, media and other outlets tell girls that female violence against males is perfectly acceptable. It's considered cute and/or funny. Even sexual. So I am not at all surprised that this girl did this to this boy.
And I won't be suprised when it happens again...,
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 08:33 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#14)
Sure, I had rock fights growing up but...
The dimensions given in the article describe half a brick. This is NOT play, this is assault.
by Anonymous User on 10:22 AM August 5th, 2005 EST (#18)
Well that is why boys never liked to play with girls. Girls just couldn't follow the rules and throw rocks that were less than 1/4 inch in diameter.
They'd get all excited and then look for one of those 10 pound rocks. Then of course there were the rules that boys cannot hit (throw rocks at) girls. So, girls have always gotten special treatment.
Incidentally, this is a good reason why women should stay at home pregnant and watch soap operas. If women went to war then they'd either start crying at the first physical contact (or psych abuse) or throw a nuk at the enemy when things got rough rather than sticking to the rules. They are truly nasty bitches as this little girl demonstrates.
Now what we have is mostly feminized males who whine at the first sign of trouble and cannot stand getting hit in the head with a rock. Sure. It hurts and there are a couple of stitches, but
is was just play. Not assault of any kind.
The Marxist-Feminist pussies will never get this fact.
by Boy Genteel on 06:05 PM August 6th, 2005 EST (#27)
"Well that is why boys never liked to play with girls. Girls just couldn't follow the rules and throw rocks that were less than 1/4 inch in diameter."
Just in case anyone ELSE is confused, it is NOT okay to throw rocks at people, no matter the size of the rock or the area of the body you aim at.
"They'd get all excited and then look for one of those 10 pound rocks. Then of course there were the rules that boys cannot hit (throw rocks at) girls. So, girls have always gotten special treatment."
Your "special treatment" idea is the only one here I'm willing to go along with.
"Incidentally, this is a good reason why women should stay at home pregnant and watch soap operas. If women went to war then they'd either start crying at the first physical contact (or psych abuse) or throw a nuk at the enemy when things got rough rather than sticking to the rules. They are truly nasty bitches as this little girl demonstrates."
You must sit up at night and think up ways to make our group look bad.
"Now what we have is mostly feminized males who whine at the first sign of trouble and cannot stand getting hit in the head with a rock. Sure. It hurts and there are a couple of stitches, but
is was just play. Not assault of any kind."
Mmm, no. Throwing a rock, even a pebble, at someone's head most certainly IS an assault.0
"The Marxist-Feminist pussies will never get this fact."
Not sure why you bring communism into a discussion about rock assault. Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Anonymous User on 03:16 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#11)
Kadamba Simmons was murdered by her violent ex-boyfreind and all you guys can talk about is violence against males by females!
by Anonymous User on 03:31 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#12)
Who the hell is Kadamba Simmons, and what does it have to do with this discussion??
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 08:38 PM August 4th, 2005 EST (#15)
Ah, just another troll.
The discussion is about the double standard employed in condemning male on female violence, and excusing female on male violence. But given the usual female inability to see things from a man's point of view, this not-so-subtle point probably flew right over your head like a warning shot.
by SacredNaCl on 01:55 AM August 5th, 2005 EST (#16)
Ohh, we can see the truth. Its only this troll who can't grasp that if an 11 year old boy were throwing bricks at an 8 year old girl the charges would no doubt be the same, and the public reaction to it would be disgust at the boy for throwing bricks at a poor little girl.
She may not need a long stay at juvenile hall, but she definitely needs to learn a strong lesson here about life. Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 12:28 PM August 5th, 2005 EST (#19)
Okay, I did a GOOGLE search for Kadamba Simmons.
She was some actress in the 90's who did some B movies. Appearantly she was a pretty good actress (who did bad movies) and a nice person, but was murdered by a jelous ex-boyfriend.
That is, indeed sad...
...But that was back in 1995!!!!!!!
So I have NO idea what the hell it has to do with what we are talking about, or what realavence it has to the subject. So this person is either a troll or someone stuck in a 90's time warp, or SOMETHING, I don't know.
So, Anon if you have a point (which I doubt) could you please explain it to us, and how we "guys can't see the truth"...?
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 01:14 PM August 5th, 2005 EST (#21)
Thundercloud wrote, "....I did a GOOGLE search for Kadamba Simmons.
She was some actress in the 90's who did some B movies. Appearantly she was a pretty good actress (who did bad movies) and a nice person, but was murdered by a jelous ex-boyfriend.
But that was back in 1995!!!!!!! ...."
How sad. AU is still sobbing for some murdered bitch....that was killed in 1995.
Here that sound?
It's the sound of the world's smallest violin.
by Anonymous User on 02:11 PM August 5th, 2005 EST (#22)
Kadamba was a human being, jerk. not a bitch. A human being.
by Anonymous User on 02:46 PM August 5th, 2005 EST (#23)
No one said she WASN'T a human being.
I even said in my preivious post "She was a nice person".
But as I also said, that happened in 1995. You DO know this is 2005, don't you? I don't understand how the death of a woman 10 years ago has anything to do with this topic. You are either a troll or someone who is doing too many drugs. (...or not enough.)
So unless you have a specific point you are trying to make with this whole thing about Kadamba Simmons, Please go away.
I'm not going to waste anymore time with you if you don't have some point to all this.
But if you do, I'll be glad to hear it.
"Hoka hey!"
by Boy Genteel on 06:08 PM August 6th, 2005 EST (#28)
"Kadamba was a human being, jerk. not a bitch. A human being."
As are the MALE human beings abused by women and girls. I don't see why you only reserve sympathy for one gender. NO human being deserves abuse or violence. That is our point.
Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Uberganger on 07:49 AM August 8th, 2005 EST (#31)
Be that as it may, it's entirely possible that she was the Primary Aggressor. If she made the man feel jealous, that was a form of emotional violence. His response was, therefor, an act of provoked self-defense.
Love and kisses,
Catherine McKinnon.
It's really sad that Phil Hartman was murdered by his violent wife, yet all our anonymous troll can talk about is Kadamba Simmons. "Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
by Anonymous User on 01:46 PM August 6th, 2005 EST (#25)
You know, in my town, they would probably do the same thing. Hitting someone with half a brick is large enough assault that someone is going to get arrested, even if it is kids. Do I think much will happen? Probably not.
Now what the papers aren't reporting: The girl, and her family -- Illegal aliens from Mexico.
The boys: Hmong Asians.
Yes, a wonder of multiculturalism. This is, as we say, a hate crime. The fact that its minors is obscuring that. I've been to that neighborhood, I know what goes on there. In a few years these folks will be older, she'll be hanging out with the Latin Kings and the boys will be begging their parents to send them to a private school because of gang activity.
by Anonymous User on 04:10 PM August 6th, 2005 EST (#26)
>"It's really sad that Phil Hartman was murdered by his violent wife,..."
Yes. And that hasn't even BEEN 10 years ago...!
Yes, It's sad that Kadamba Simmons was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. But it's just as much a tragedy that Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife.
It is sad when ANYONE dies that way. But why is it some how more tragic and relevent when the victim is FEMALE?
All I can say is that if our troll really believed in equality he (she?) would hold the death of Phil Hartman And other men killed in the same way just as relevant as Ms. Simmons.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 10:11 AM August 7th, 2005 EST (#29)
bloody women need to learn their fucking place in the kitchen where them whores belong.
by Boy Genteel on 03:20 PM August 7th, 2005 EST (#30)
"bloody women need to learn their fucking place in the kitchen where them whores belong."
Please: no trolls on the Sabbath.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Anonymous User on 12:12 PM August 8th, 2005 EST (#32)
In my opinion, a "woman's place" is anywhere she wants to be. ...As long as I'm not already standing there...,
Sorry, Agelina TROLL-ie. No one here is going to agree with that statement or about how we should mourn the death of Kadamba Simmons more than anyone else, male or female.
"Hoka hey!"
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