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by Anonymous User on 05:26 PM July 1st, 2005 EST (#1)
Mr. Barnaby has committed a "pre-crime".
They're going to get all the bad people before they do their bad things. Now I feel so much more secure.
I wonder what's on the television....?
Seems like society has finally caught up with Philip K. Dick.
by Anonymous User on 06:55 PM July 1st, 2005 EST (#2)
Would he have gotten into less trouble?
by Anonymous User on 12:58 AM July 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
Anyone who supports this ruling should be put in jail and have the keys thrown away. All those who support this ruling are unfit to dwell among sane and civilized human beings. They are a menace to society. As was said to the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials, "There is a law above the law." "I was just being a good German soldier," was not an excuse then, and saying, "I was just being a good Illinois judge or prosecutor," doesn't wash now - for the same reasons. Imprison judges and prosecutors who don't respect Father's and men's rights. Man-hating judges have no place in our courts. This is beyond outrageous.
Imprison Judges Who Don't Respect Father's and Men's Rights
(Click "View Larger") Disregard other
by Anonymous User on 01:02 PM July 2nd, 2005 EST (#4)
Maybe one day men will be considered human beings but until then, we're stuck
by Luek on 03:58 PM July 2nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Next time just squash the little brat!
I am really beginning to hate kids due to these assine laws. Laws made and enforced by pasty faced old males in positions of authority BTW!
Go figure!
by Anonymous User on 04:18 PM July 2nd, 2005 EST (#6)
These laws are pretty damn unfair. But I don't think I could bring myself to hate children because of bad laws.
There might be some kids out their, blame their parents, who are rotten. I might fear them because of these laws. It's really the laws that are fearful, though. Not the children.
I reserve my bad feelings for the people who write and adjudicate the laws.
I certainly do love my children!
by SacredNaCl on 07:11 PM July 4th, 2005 EST (#7)
I'm struggling to believe a jury convicted him of anything. Some of these kids NEED a good ass chewing out when they walk in front of a car, yes, its better from their parents, but the "takes a village people" seem to try to convict anyone who corrects their kids.
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by SacredNaCl on 08:54 PM July 4th, 2005 EST (#8)
Unfortunately this has been moved from the front page already... Although Illinois Gov. Blagojevich isn't exactly friendly to men, mens rights, and is pretty deeply entrenched on the left - he is responsible for seeing the law there executed in accordance with the peoples will. I wrote him a letter, sent an email, and will try to make a phone call on this guys behalf to get the governor to intervene in this gross case of injustice. I think that is probably the best way we can help this guy, and the Gov. does have the power to intervene. Even if you aren't from his state, send off a letter or email (click the "contact us" page, otherwise where to contact is hard to find...intentionally), anyone who is actually from the state of Illinois should definitely call & write - as you will have more impact.
Even guys from out of state can have impact as it tells him people are watching, and most of these guys don't want to be remembered for that. They all also entertain thoughts of presidential & other higher office runs. Not that I would vote for this guy in a million years, I've seen what else he has done (including the "psychiatric drugging of kids" campaign in the schools there).
We owe it to this guy to try to get this corrected.
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