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by Anonymous User on 05:57 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#1)
Thanks for posting the online petition. I would encourage everyone to sign this petition...lets keep the activism going!
by mens_issues on 06:32 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#2)
I have added the 7th. signature to the petition. A petition to boycott Tom Cruise's new movie has over 4700 signatures.
Lets get the message out so that people get their priorities straight.
by Tumescent on 08:19 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#3)
"Before you hold your hearings to extend VAWA, you may wish to take time to read the National Family Violence Surveys of 1975 and 1985.
Aren't there any studies that can be pointed to that are more recent? I mean, these studies are 20-30 years old. Just wondering....
by JustSayNo on 08:56 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#5)
Yes, there are more recent studies, but I specifically chose the NFV Surveys because (1) they were the seminal, ground-breaking studies; (2) they are among the most thorough & comprehensive of all DV studies; (3) I believe that they are the most often referenced of all DV studies; (4) they were published LONG before the first VAWA, so the "revelation" that women are more violent than men isn't "news" and that they were clearly available -- but ignored -- during VAWA hearings; and (5), so I could make the point that there have been more than 30 YEARS of studies that have come to the same conclusion.
by Anonymous User on 08:48 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#4)
...we need to focus on violence against men not necessarily perpetrated by women, such as prison rape, murder (men are 75% of homocide victims) and of course, combat deaths.
by LSBeene on 10:29 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
regardless of the oft disputed % of DV that men comprise, we deserve the services offered. A husband, especially one with children, needs a place to go if/when he is battered. Shelters offer counseling, legal advice, group support, and a group's protection when he has been taking years of subtle and overt abuse. The present situation is wrong and it's gender biased. We need the shelters. There ARE shelters. The answer of "go and build your own" ignores that MEN have, through Vawa, been supporting shelters that won't accept men (and often boy-children over 12) and ALL the SERVICES that are provided therein. There are shelters: give us shelter. Why does my skin color, religion, or gender factor in on whether or not I can (not) get these services (that I helped pay for) and then claim to solve DV. We need access to these shelters too sir.
With Abiding respect,
L. Steven Beene II,
Nome, Alaska Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
by Luek on 07:39 AM June 30th, 2005 EST (#7)
Number 26's comment was very chilling.
I've been assaulted several times by my son's mom. On two occasions, still bleeding, I went to the police. Despite a policy of automatic arrest when there are visible injuries (and despite her admission of causing the injuries), there was no arrest. No prosecution. One officer warned me (being helpful, mind you, not being mean) that "The next time she starts swinging at you, get out of there fast. If she just breaks a fingernail trying to hit you, we will arrest YOU!"
Okay folks it is past time to clean up this country when an officer of the law makes such a statement to a victim of assault and battery. We can start with this VAWA junk legislation.
Canada too. That pretty much sums up the conversation I had with the police when they showed up at my house.
Further, they informed me of this in front of her. They made sure she heard it. Think it got better?
by Anonymous User on 10:33 AM June 30th, 2005 EST (#9)
"The next time she starts swinging at you, get out of there fast. If she just breaks a fingernail trying to hit you, we will arrest YOU!"
It sounds like the LAPD. The police are trained by gender feminist bigots to be man-hating bigots and they are. So are our judges too. A while back, as I was in Home Depot wearing a T-shirt that said "FEMINIST LIES MAKE BAD LAWS," a man came up to me smiling, introduced himself as a criminal defense attorney, and told me a story about a judge he knew.
The judge told the attorney that he was at a d.v. training session with other judges, and that he made the statement that he based his decisions on the law and facts in evidence, and not on accusations of one party only (something to that effect). The attorney told me (that the judge told him) assistants to the d.v. trainer actually "booed" that judge.
These hellion domestic violence trainers have far too much power in our society to do their evil. There is no justice in America today, and law as a body has no integrity as long as VAWA works its evil. If there were truly justice in America today, those gender feminist devils would be the 1st filling our jails.
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 10:53 AM June 30th, 2005 EST (#10)
"The next time she starts swinging at you, get out of there fast. If she just breaks a fingernail trying to hit you, we will arrest YOU!"
# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do looking for rationalizations to fit their gender profiling prejudices,
# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do fabricating evidence to fit their profiling prejudices,
# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do destroying (or ignoring) real evidence to fit their profiling prejudice,
then there wouldn't be nearly so many men being railroaded in our gender bigoted courts and having their lives destroyed by false accusations of domestic violence.
We have the domestic violence industry’s gender bigoted, domestic violence trainers largely to thank for the hate war on men being waged by our gender feminist trained police and judges. America’s police and judges are trained by gender feminist bigots to be man-hating bigots - and they are. Our American system of law, that clearly has such a tyranny in place in one area under the Violence Against Women Act, has no integrity in any area.
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 06:49 PM June 30th, 2005 EST (#11)
I read VAWA 2005 in the Senate's version (S. 1197) in its entirety, and one thing that caught my eye was just how much additional funding they are seeking for "educational" outreach and services.
I suspect this is a strategy to foment hysteria where none exists, because all our nation's crime statistics show that violence against women has declined dramatically in the past decade.
And when facts can't support a feminist argument, there's always ready recourse to propaganda.
So, VAWA 2005 wants to "expand and enhance" programs that indoctrinate police and judges to tow the feminazi line.
VAWA 2005 wants to have school programs nationwide to educate boys about their gender's inherent criminality under the guise of "addressing dating violence."
VAWA 2005 wants to "further strengthen" awareness about campus violence against women by continuing to promote date rape hysteria, and the bill seeks an additional $25 million -- $75 mil for 5 years of "Take Back the Night" charades!
VAWA 2005 wants to "educate" nurses and doctors to interrogate patients about domestic violence in the home anytime a woman shows up in a hospital with an injury.
Strangely, VAWA 2005 contains no provisions to "educate" people to think critically about feminist propaganda, or to question in any way the ultimate future outcomes of the gender war that VAWA fuels with our billions of tax dollars.
by Uberganger on 07:52 AM July 1st, 2005 EST (#12)
If she just breaks a fingernail trying to hit you, we will arrest YOU! Isn't this the so-called Primary Aggressor Rule? Under mandatory arrest laws feminists were outraged to find that about a third of the time it was the woman (that's the good person) being arrested, not the man (a.k.a. the bad person). So, manhating feminist legal professor Katherine McKinnon came up with the Primary Aggressor Rule to 'help' law enforcement officers to arrest the 'right' person when called to domestic incidents. The Primary Aggressor Rule states that instead of simply arresting the person who isn't bruised/bleeding/stabbed/shot (under the mistaken belief that they must therefor be the wongdoer), officers should arrest the person who has most control. How on Earth is such a thing decided? I mean, in a domestic violence incident, the male victim has the whole of society's prejudices against him, and the woman has the flipside of those prejudices in her favour; surely, then, she has by far the most control. Well, no. The one who has the most control is... the tallest... the heaviest... the one who earns most money... that kind of thing. Goodness me, that sounds awfully like the man, and 95% of the time it is. So at a stroke the feminist lie of domestic violence is made to look real, and hardly any women will get arrested - she could have the blood-stained knife in her hand and be saying "I'm glad I stabbed him in the face!" and he will be arrested for DV because he's 6 foot 4 inches tall. It doesn't matter that he hasn't done anything aggressive. The reason why the Primary Aggressor Rule is so named is the same reason why Battered Woman Syndrome is so named: to tell you what to think of the situation in the absense of any facts. Expect reports that read "in 95% of domestic violence incidents the man is the primary aggressor" - nobody will know that the term 'primary aggressor' is a deliberate falsification of reality, and most people will take it on faith that the implied meaning of the term is literally true. Make no mistake, the people we are dealing with are not only pigs, they are seriously nasty pigs. They will not rest until they have twisted the legal system so that no woman can ever be found guilty and no man can ever be found innocent. As far as the men's movement goes, domestic violence is the defining battle of the war. If it could be won, the rest would follow.
by quetzal on 09:46 AM July 2nd, 2005 EST (#13)
Saudi women depicted by Oprah Winfrey as "oppressed", know the rest, the usual party line. This petition sends the message that her comments were not appreciated. The petition was initiated by SAUDI WOMEN!
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