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The Latest on "The Rantings"
posted by Matt on 11:00 PM March 24th, 2005
Book Reviews TLE writes "It's been a few weeks since I announced my anti-feminist book, The Rantings of a Single Male. In that time, several positive reviews have appeared on Amazon. It's also the featured book this month at Mensight Magazine, where you can find some very intense excerpts. Darren Blacksmith has recently endorsed The Rantings and has published an off-the-wall conversation with me on his CoolTools4Men website. And now Angry Harry has the book listed in the UK. If you have read The Rantings, let's hear what you think!"

Female crime and punishment (?) | UNH Newspaper creating hostile environment  >

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Read it, Liked it (Score:1)
by B_Riddick on 04:48 AM March 25th, 2005 EST (#1)
It's late, so I may come up with more to say later, but I just wanted to say that I read it, and thought it was great.
My experiences with women are much fewer and much more abbreviated than the author's, but I nonetheless found many parallels between my negative experiences with women and his(though the author seemed fortunate enough to have had some positive times with them as well, whereas mine have been entirely negative). There was a definite ring of truth there, and I found myself nodding in agreement as many of the female tendencies or patterns of behavior were talked about.
It was scary to contemplate some of the things, there were some parts of life that I didn't know as much about, and didn't know how far gone things had become in those arenas (such as office life), so that was a real eye-opener for me.
I also haven't traveled much, so it was fun to hear about different experiences in different places. (I spent a month in a foreign country once, and made a few brief visits to places other than that).
There was also a surprisingly good sense of humor interspersed throughout. I am not much given to laughter these days, but I found myself laughing out loud at certain points, or grinning in appreciation of a well-placed quip. It's hard to explain without context, but I just cracked up when I read the part where, after plunging the bathtub at a woman's house at her request, the author imagines inviting her over to his house, asking her to do the laundry, and makes the comment "There's a six-pack of roses in the fridge.." (something like that). I don't know, I guess it just struck the funnybone just right. Not to say that it's a work of comedy, just had a few comedic moments that help alleviate the heaviness of the subject material.
There are also some good facts and the like included here and there, when talking about some of the bigger issues that MRA's are currently working on, and definitely gives the impression of someone who has done his homework, and knows what he's talking about.
I think the author did a great job of coming out and saying what a lot of us are thinking, as well. I think most women would have problems reading this, but at the same time if they wanted insight into how we feel about a lot of the crap they throw our way, and what we think of them when they do it, it could be very educational for them. :)
I think it was very readable, and was one of those books that I couldn't put down for long. I had to get to the next rant (it's organized in a series of alphabetized 'rants', a nice touch). I hope to see it and others of its like displayed in major bookstores someday, in a section where people might actually find it.

Re:Read it, Liked it (Score:2)
by TLE on 03:58 PM March 26th, 2005 EST (#2)
Glad you liked it, and thanks for taking the time to post.

...the author seemed fortunate enough to have had some positive times with them as well, whereas mine have been entirely negative...

Yeah, although I've had a brutal time trying to relate to women, I have plenty of friends who experienced far worse. I'm still unensnared and unencumbered. There are lots of men in deep long-term pain out there.
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