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Domestic Violence Research Data Suppressed
posted by Matt on 10:16 AM July 16th, 2004
Domestic Violence Ray writes "(click) Researcher Hides Domestic Violence Study Behind University Lawyers This article by Mark Charalambous details the efforts of Steve Basile to find out the truth regarding domestic violence and domestic violence research.

Click "Read More" for more.

This article questions: the "scientific methodologies employed by other researher(s) at a leading university (Harvard), the secrecy with which Harvard University protects information that should be readily available for other researchers like Steve to study and replicate. Are the conclusions of domestic violence researchers at Harvard University (as well as information those conclusions are based on) so confidential that the level of secrecy being employed is required, or are there more sinister factors at work here such as: suppression of academic freedom, the freedom of information act taking a back seat to domestic violence industry ideology? Have any public (taxpayer) funds been spent doing this Harvard University research, or do the funds for such questionable research come from private sources? If from private sources who are those private sources supporting such ethically questionable behavior? Could the following study be just some of the information that the Massachusettes domestic violence industry doesn't want the public to know? (click) Comparison of Abuse Alleged by Same- and Opposite-Gender Litigants as Cited in Requests for Abuse Prevention Orders. Just click the PDF link at the top of the page if you'd like to buy a copy of Steve Basile's Research."

Tennessee May Use GPS on Parolees | Feminist Law Professor Supports Pat. Fraud  >

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DV rsearch data suppressed (Score:1)
by Gregory on 10:21 PM July 16th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1218 Info)
This is why I have less respect for higher ed institutions than I used to and why I'm suspicious of much of the academic research work on gender topics coming out of places like Harvard.
Re:DV rsearch data suppressed (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 11:16 PM July 16th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1714 Info)
Harvard - even over here in England, is fast becoming a Disreputable institution, which is sad:

Christina Hoff Sommers, in her books "Who Stole Femininism" & "The War Against Boys" has debunked too much of the purported research and studies emanating from this once acclaimed accademy !

Perhaps people need to be more aware of Professor John Archer of Lancaster Univisity, here in England. He has studied studies and surveys for many a year.

Our own NSPCC whose studies and Data the mens movement started to use a few years ago, have now ceased compiling such data, claiming they are not required to collate same - perhaps because it shows men in a more favourable light than the feminist brigade would care for. However they are wrong to claim same because the British government produced a "White Paper" under the heading of "Saving Lives our Healthier Nation" (1999) (para 11.29) which effectively mandates them to collect and publish such essential information !
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