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Ask Marilyn column on male bashing
posted by Adam on 10:20 AM June 28th, 2004
News mens_issues writes "I normally don't get the Denver Post, but the Sunday paper was being offered for free at the local supermarket today. In the Parade Magazine section, I found this in the Ask Marilyn column:

Why do so many women complain so much about men? It seems to go on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This just blows my mind! David Alston, Silver Spring, Md.

Please click on "Read More" for Marilyn's reply.

Marilyn vos Savant replied:

It's everywhere these days, isn't it? I think that a teensy bit of jealousy may reside at the heart of the matter (along with some other stuff, of course). Men seem to have it all - with the exception of things like enough hair - and this rankles many women, expecially those who believe that some men abuse their positions. P.S. I'm bracing myself for an onslaught of mail, David. Sometimes it's easy to be honest, and sometimes it's not!

So what do you think? At least Marilyn was brave enough to call women on being jealous, as well as using the phrase "Men SEEM to have it all" and "This rankles many women, especially those who BELIEVE that some men abuse their positions."

Perhaps we could email Marilyn and inform her more of our perspective, though I'd like to thank her for at least not reflexively bashing men. Well, she does have the world's highest recorded IQ - it's nice that a woman with such intelligence is able to at least see part of what is going on.

Her site can be found here


ABC news report on women and violence | Lopsided at the top. Girls rule academia.  >

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If you want "it all" then WORK for it..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:41 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#1)
>"men seem to have it all"

Really? I'll admit right now that I am a lower- middle class working man. I would hardly say I have it all. And so would many other men in my position.
But wether we are upper, middle or lower class men, one thing stands certain, and that is that what we DO have we've worked our @$$es off for. I know I have!
No one handed me what I have I had to work HARD to achieve any and everything I have.
If some day I DO achieve "having it all" you can bet dolars to doughnuts I worked like mad to get it.
I didn't sit around complaining how hard my job (or my life in general) was so hard and un-fair, and I didn't (and don't) complain when women were (are) promoted before I am.
Ladies, If you think we men get things handed to us on that proverbial SILVER PLATTER, I encourage you to think AGAIN. I would also submit to you that it is you women not us men who are supported by special privleges and rights as well as every conceivable government program to HELP you succeed.
Few to NO MEN have that kind of backing!
It seems to me that in order to "have it all" too many women want to gripe, whine, complain and blame men to achieve it.
Well you ladies go right ahead and achieve things that way if you want too.
Me I'm gonna do it the way my Great Grandfather, my Grandfather and my Father achieved it. Through good ol' fashioned hard work and self relience!
If or when I get there, I will be able to say with pride; "I did it all by myself, with the help of my creator, of course." I will take pride in that.
How can you take pride in something SOMEONE ELSE gave you? That's all I have to ask the feminists and like minded women.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:If you want "it all" then WORK for it..., (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:38 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1582 Info)
Now, now Thundercloud....let's admit it. Any time a door of opportunity is closed on us guys all we have to do is wave the old key to the city that's hangin' between our legs and that door just opens like magic ( I don't know about you big guy but that's where I wear my freemason's ring).

And any time I ever needed a raise...why just tack a union picket sign on the old totem pole and money just pours down like mana from Heaven.

  And if in the clamour of competitors for life's scarce goodies crowds you too close, all it takes is the slightest touch of the old coup stick to make your competitors...err...ummm...UNCOMFORTABLE!!!

And if you are down and out on the street...completely ostracised homeless and labeled a looser and no one is willing to feed you.....why just wag it at the nearest cop and they'll sure change their minds about feeding you.

Ah yessss!!! There is much to be envied in the penis.
Idiot Savant? (Score:2)
by Roy on 03:51 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1393 Info)
This supposed "intellectual" columnist Marilyn vos Savant has just shown the depth of her understanding when she's outside her comfort zone of math puzzles and assorted numerical trivia.

"Men seem to have it all ..."

Gosh Marilyn, if you say so.

After all, your membership in Mensa must mean you're correct!

Then again maybe m-e-n-s-a stands for "men enquiring need superficial answers..."

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Idiot Savant? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:07 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#4)
She didn't say men have it all, she implied that women THINK men have it all. Different statement.
Re:Idiot Savant? (Score:2)
by Philalethes on 09:37 AM June 29th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #186 Info)
...math puzzles and assorted numerical trivia.

That about sums up the whole "I.Q." idea. Mental cleverness, however extreme, is in no way equivalent to wisdom. Marilyn VS may be very "smart," but I've always wondered at somebody making a career out of the general populace's gullibility: does that indicate real intelligence? I'd be embarrassed to make such a spectacle of myself. Well, I guess it's a living; and you might as well use what you have.

BTW, I was a member of Mensa, briefly, about 40 years ago. All you had to do to qualify was score above some number on the standard IQ test. It didn't make me any less of an idiot in real, practical terms than I was at that age. In fact, Mensa people seem generally to perfectly exemplify the "nerd" archetype: very clever in the abstract, but often tending toward hopeless in real life. The friend who introduced me to Mensa had, as I recall, gotten a perfect score on every IQ test, but was hopelessly unqualified to deal with the world. (Not a moral judgment, just an observation, that "intelligence" isn't necessarily a blessing.)
I'm not holding my breath (Score:1)
by NoLoveLost on 04:03 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1715 Info)

          Ms. Vos Savant has readily acknowledged that she's likely to get flamed for writing something that doesn't unabashedly flame men. I am waiting for the volume of mail she's going to receive from the feminasties to acheive crushing proportions, and then she prints a retraction more suited to the gender guerillas' agenda.

Intelligence never assumes.... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 05:04 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #907 Info)
... a lack of ignorance. A person with a 200+ IQ can still be taught next to nothing all his life and thus be utterly ignorant.

MvS is no exception. Updating her on reality is time well-spent. And don't let IQ scores scare you. They really are not that important.
Let's look at the emperor's clothes first.... (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on 09:27 AM June 30th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #901 Info)
Perhaps we could email Marilyn and inform her more of our perspective, though I'd like to thank her for at least not reflexively bashing men. Well, she does have the world's highest recorded IQ - it's nice that a woman with such intelligence is able to at least see part of what is going on.

I think this is just avoiding political problems by joking her way out of a tough question, as she always does when someone asks her a REAL tough question instead of an old science-puzzle or riddle.

In actuality, she's a fraud, a "naked empress" who managed to
insult intelligence by claiming the world's highest IQ in history (established through dubious means), and yet having no greater accomplishment than a column based on this label (exaggerated by no less than 100, by the look of things) where she has a staff to look up the answers to a couple of questions once a week, 6 months in advance.
Likewise, she used this phony-claim-to-fame to snare and marry Richard Jarvis, the developer of the world's first artificial heart, who funds her lavish lifestyle while she rests on her Guinness-book laurels.
Another reason for "the Shiksa Syndrome..."
My (belated) reply to Ask Marilyn (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 07:10 PM July 5th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #267 Info)
Dear Marilyn,
In reply to your response to David Alston:
The perception by many women that men "seem to have it all" is terribly misleading. While men may make up the majority of political leaders, the laws that they pass tend to be made in the interests of women and children (for example, there is an Office of Women's Health in the federal government, but no corresponding Office of Men's Health - in spite of the higher mortality rates suffered by men). Similarly, men earn more than women on average due largely to the fact that they tend to work longer hours at more hazardous jobs while their wives are more likely to work part time in order to care for their families - there is a sacrifice for both genders here. Finally, I would point out that women today have more choices than men, as they can choose to have a work or care for a family, while in most cases men's only choice is to work.
In reality, men's issues are as valid as women's issues, and it is unfortunate that the one-sided approach to equality fostered by radical feminists has created an animosity between men and women that serves no useful purpose.
Steven G. Van Valkenburg

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