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by Anonymous User on 05:55 PM May 31st, 2004 EST (#1)
"feminists complain that judges are no longer taking claims of domestic violence seriously,"
-this has to be the most totally f*cked up thing I have ever heard. Think about the logic here: DV claims are made and NO basis for fact gathering or evidence is needed, yet laying claim to victimhood gives one considerable advantage in any court. How the hell can judges who now categorically discriminate against men be too lenient? Apparently feminists want any man accused of anything by a woman to go to jail on allegation alone.
1 in 75 men in the US have been to prison. The system is broken. The hate mongering feminists will likely start some type of activist campaign funded by federally granted money to re-educate judges to punish men even more - so that their hate anti-male lesbian hate statistics will enable more government money for their anti-male hate campaigns.
Lets watch out for this - for real. Stop the hatred.
There is abundant evidence from the Anti-Family/Divorce Courts that suggests women's attorneys routinely advise their clients (who initiate 70%-plus of divorces...) to allege domestic violence and/or child abuse against their soon-to-be ex's.
This is especially true when child custody is contested.
Attorneys are now afraid that if they do not advise their female clients to file such claims, that they themselves may be sued for malpractice.
Better to criminalize an innocent man than to risk the "bottom line."
Any man who believes he can seek anything approaching a fair hearing, let alone justice, in this gender-biased system, is deluded.
Because radical feminism is finding it harder and harder to recruit gullible younger women into their cause, they are now seeking to up the stakes in the legal Gulag to further criminalize men " a priori..."
It's eventually going to be presumptive guilt-by-virtue-of-chromosomes.
Guess which gender, by birthright, gets the inevitable "justice"?
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 11:29 PM May 31st, 2004 EST (#5)
"The hate mongering feminists will likely start some type of activist campaign funded by federally granted money to re-educate judges to punish men even more -"
It may soon be time to dress up as a Judge and picket the courthouse with a big sign, "Gender Feminist Trained, Man-Hating Judges Have No Integrity."
Better down in the winter time when it's cooler.
by Anonymous User on 01:03 PM June 1st, 2004 EST (#8)
AU mistakenly writes, "1 in 75 men in the US have been to prison."
That is incorrect. What we have is ~2.1 million males in jail, or 1 of every 75 men living in prison or jail. That means that 1/75th of our mail population is currently IN jail. The number of males that have seen the inside of a jail is MUCH higher.
On other words, of the ~157 million males in the US, 2.1 million of them are currently doing time. That is about 1.3 percent of the total American male population. For the feminist this is too low.
If we assumpe that at least 10% of the male population has seen jail that would mean that about 21 million males that have been to jail in their lifetime.
by Anonymous User on 11:07 PM May 31st, 2004 EST (#4)
Boy, ain't that the truth!
"Hoka hey!"
Considering the nature of most abuse claims lacks any evidence of actual abuse... Judges are well within their rights to question it, though I don't think enough of them do.
When you see orders being handed out for things like "He yelled at me" "He used cuss words in front of the kids" ...You know the system is broken. Producing such a restraining order (which never should have been granted in the first place) only amounts to abuse of the legal system. Any parent who without good cause is trying to deny their children access to the other parent doesn't deserve to keep those kids in their custody. That's a definite form of abuse. You'll never hear them harp on that, 'cept for some poor wittle woman who lost her kids cause the big bad legal system is sooo unfair to poor wittle women...
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 11:44 PM May 31st, 2004 EST (#6)
"I just think they're whining and crying to keep the DV gravy train on its tracks and will continue to lie and whine and complain no matter how much the pendulum swings in their favor."
The lied to get VAWA, and they've never stopped. If judges had any integrity, any backbone, any guts they'd enforce the constitution, but they don't. That's why I always say, "Under Duress," when I am sworn in to a panel, when serving on jury duty. I haven't served on a jury in 15 years and I'm proud of it. I told the last judge that excused my that, "I have no confidence in a system of law whose actions embrace principles of Nazism." That was right after the judge told me it was my duty to serve on jury duty. I have no duty to serve a legal system that is so corrupt it wages a campaign of hate against all men. If fact I consider it my patriotic duty not to serve that corruption, that evil.
Sincerely, Ray
We need people like YOU (and other MRAs) ON juries Ray.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
"This just means we have to be smarter to get onto these juries and not make it obvious to activist judges and lawyers that we're on to their tricks, sexist or otherwise. We will never get picked if we make it obvious to them that we are wise to their tricks."
Seriously. If it's not too much of a burden, the thing to do is to get ON a jury duty, and then be other words, to refuse to let either side be railroaded by an unfair system.
Do you think for one minute that some ardent Gender-Feminist would have ANY problem in saying or doing whatever she thought was necessary to get on a jury? Especially one that involved something involving a gender issue?
Our place as MRAs is to be ON a jury so that we can ensure fairness is what is applied. We should not go there to screw over a woman to "teach her a lesson" because a woman who is innocent or who is a victim is no different than any of us.
We should STRIVE to be on juries, not be short sighted and show "we know their game" and thereby be EXCLUDED from the decisions involving justice.
Just my opinion.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Can do so at:
I also cc'd the author at via e-mail.
Mine is as follows:
To the editors:
I read Ms Norris' article at: ex.ssf?/base/news-1/1085751492202570.xml regarding Massachusettes courts and domestic violence claims.
All I can say is, please stop spreading misinformation. It is well-established that most claims of DV and child abuse lodged by women against men in divorce proceedings are false. Simply put, they are a bargaining tactic. If the claims were real they were much more likely to be made before the couple's relationship fell apart. Even then, they are used all too often as a means of getting an upper hand, or attempting to do so, in a future divorce battle. It is also well-established but not well-known that the average child abuser is in fact female (the child's mother), with the average child victime being male, and that women are as likely both to assault men in the context of peronal relationships and more likely to use weapons in attempts to do so than men. Yet this fact and related ones seem all too absent from today's press.
The real tragedy is the destruction of the marriage compact, and even the viability of LTRs between men and women, that feminists have wrought and that the government has participated in. Considering that 50% of new marriages end in divorce, with 70% of divorces initiated by the female spouse, while 90% of the time, child custody is given to the woman, this leaves a man with a 1 in 3 (.5 x .7 x .9 = .33) chance of being left by his wife, who gets the kids, and sticks him with the bill. This constitutes a real and substantial disincentive for men to marry or even engage in LTRs with women these days and it is due to the machinations of feminists to encourage women to make false alegations against men in the process of exploiting them in the context of a relationship to obtain financial support form him, using his children as leverage. It is disgusting and it is high time the courts began at least not kow-towing to the feminist agenda. It's a start, but is a long time coming and needs follow up with true, wide-spread divorce and marriage law reform.
While the women were chosen based on their dissatisfaction with the court system, Silverman said all possessed documentation of abuse they endured, including police reports, witness affidavits, restraining orders and other things of that nature.
Calling the police will get you a police report. Your mom can give you that affadavit about how awful your husband is and temporary restraining orders are easier to get than take-out pizza. Nice standard of proof that these men are abusers. The self-selected losers cited by this article couldn't come up with a convincing enough story for the low standards of guilt necessary for family court. Why should anyone else listen to them?
"feminists complain that judges are no longer taking claims of domestic violence seriously,"
saying that the court system "derides these allegations as a tactic in divorce litigation"
I thought judges were supposed to make judgments. How silly of me.
Not only are there no penalties given to liars and cheats, these psychos now want to absolutely assure that these sleazy tactics will work – every time. The process of total corruption is nearly complete.
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