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Why, when this woman was arrested for having sex with a 15 year old...was she released and free to do what she pleased? The second boy being raped by this woman would have been avoided if she had been in jail!
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by Anonymous User on 06:50 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#8)
There are many reasons, but judicial chivalry is one.
I'm glad to see these news stories being published on mensactivism and discussed, instead of just buried in the back pages of the biased news media sources. With more attention given to the criminality of battering women, it gets harder and harder for society, the media, cops, and judges to ignore female malfeasance. It gets harder to sweep female criminal behavior under the rug. It also gets harder and harder for gender feminists, women's studies programs, and women's commissions to perpetrate their hate agenda against all things male.
(click) Here are a couple of reasons
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Maybe the Orange County Rescue Mission will let her be a volunteer.
I'm sure they won't object to her picking up little boys, will they?
"Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
When she was doing these acts behind closed doors, was there a male volunteer alongside her?? :bleh:
by Anonymous User on 06:04 PM May 27th, 2004 EST (#4)
Det. McGaha says when questioned about why she chose 15-year-old boys as sex partners, Burden replied: "yeah she had a problem, she realized that she probably needed to date someone her own age range -- or in fact not date any men at all."
Detectives say the parents of both alleged victims are very upset and want Burden punished. She goes before a judge next week on five counts of rape for allegedly having sex with the victims on five different occasions.
Give me a shitting break. If some man were alleged to have sex with multiple 15 year old girls on five different occasions then they would be labeling him a serial rapist, a sexual predator, a pedophile, and more!
It's the typical crap about how a woman is doing the boys a favor by choosing them as "sexual partners."
Ah, but don't you realize? Every sexual act is an act of violence against women. These boys must have molested her! Yeah, that's it! After all, men are big and strong, right? Women can't harm men at all, it's the other way around! And besides, she managed to have sex with the boys, so it must have been consentual! Right? Am I right, folks?
I love the line 'sex partners' like they were talking about some sort of slightly odd choice, like a 30 year old woman going for a 55 year old man. As opposed to the molestation and staturatory rape of children under consentual age in most US states. If it were reversed gender-wise, it'd be more along the lines of "perverted child-sodomizing fantasy-fufillers" or "helpless, weeping children exposed to a situation that was too mature for their ages". But no, they're boys, so they're kinda quirky "sex partners".
Nice call Deep thought.
Very well said.
Ya gotta love the "subtle nuances" (not so subtle IMO) that the papers spin on this.
Oh, once again, where are the CHILDREN SEXUAL ASSAULT ADVOCATES in the story ...
oops, they only comment when it's a GIRL victim.
Silly me
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
by Anonymous User on 11:09 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#9)
....where are the CHILDREN SEXUAL ASSAULT ADVOCATES in the story ...
Their silence is simply more proof that child rights advocates are simply feminist using children as a front for their agenda.
by Anonymous User on 11:38 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#10)
Ah, but don't you realize? Every sexual act is an act of violence against women. These boys must have molested her! Yeah, that's it! After all, men are big and strong, right? Women can't harm men at all, it's the other way around! And besides, she managed to have sex with the boys, so it must have been consensual! Right? Am I right, folks?
Uh. Well almost. DeepThought should have MacKinnon (the arch-ardent male hating feminist of all time) has illustrated, men have ALL of the power in our culture. We call this power structure the patriarchy. Because of the patriarchy women hold no meaningful power in our culture from a collective perspective.
That means it's impossible for a woman to consent to sexual intercourse in any meaningful way so long as men continue to wander the streets. Until all males are in prison and subjected to female torture then all hetero sex is rape. It is the great MacKinnon Marxist-Feminist extraordinaire, and dog-leash lady that have helped America come to this most insightful discovery of all time.
So, we find that DeepThought is quite mistaken. In reality, it is by virtue of the gender of the boys and their coerced participation in the evil male patriarchy that they raped the teacher. I say coerced because we all know that no male would ever willingly join such an evil oppressive structure without extensive brainwashing from evil males in power. No they would all become efeminate and put aside their penis.
We only need but look to MacKinnon's Marxist-feminist theory of male-hate to learn that it was the boys who raped the teacher. If a male is a part of the patriarchy power structure then they are preventing ALL women worldwide from being able to make any meaningful consent.
Thus it should be the boys that are sent to prison for rape of the teacher, and the feminists can use this as evidence that the evil patriarchy is still in power. That is why we don’t call this victimized female an alleged sexual predator. It simply isn’t really her fault that she had sexual relations with these boys. No. It was the boys and the patriarchy that allegedly raped the teacher.
Now if we examine who brought the boys into the power structure of the patriarchy, we will no doubt find male authority figures in the form of fathers, coaches, uncles, and more. Since they recruited the boys into the patriarchy then they must be guilty as an accessory to an alleged rape of the teacher. I figure that no less than 4 males should be prosecuted for that alleged rape of the teacher.
Ah……feminism has taught me well…..I have learned the art of blaming it on the male gender no matter what woman is in power.
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