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by Anonymous User on 03:11 PM May 20th, 2004 EST (#1)
The biggest cost is the opportunity cost from not having a career once the children leave the house. Hate to hear her whine in her old age because she doesn't have any money to support herself any more. Older people have more difficulty entereing the workforce than younger people.
by Anonymous User on 06:00 PM May 20th, 2004 EST (#2)
Dear Miserly Moms,
I'm a single mom with an ex-husband pressuring me to go to work so he can lower his child support payments, and I want to prove to him once and for all that it costs more for me to work than to continue to be a stay-at-home mom, totally available to my children and the ministry of raising them. Can you help me? Thank you very sincerely,
Go figure. I'm not surprised that this mom cannot do the math. If Anne cannot do a budget then she doesn't even have the skill to operate a cash register. She probably cannot even balance a check book. So yes it would be cheeper to stay at home and collect vagina mony.
That the writer said it was her EX-husband pressuring her, while the reply referred to the writer's husband [note the lack of ex]?
I think it does make a difference if a couple deciding to have one parent be a stay-at-home, and this type of situation, where she arbitarily decides that staying-at-home is better and therefore he should support it.
And, let's also note, what kind of job would she be eligible for? Would she be cashiering or otherwise menial job? Then the arguments about hair-care, clothes, employee presents, and such are kind of blown. I worked as a cashier, and I can assure you none of my clothes were dry-clean only! And despite working in a grocery store, I almost never bought convenience food!
the description made a good point about child-care, maybe if she worked part-time while he has shared custody or while her kids are in school? She doesn't say old the kids are, but com'on.
and, uhm, just a note, but rarely does a stay-at-home mom stay at home ALL THE TIME - she ferries her kids to a dozen and one activities, or just goes visiting with them, which all take up gas.
by Anonymous User on 10:51 AM May 21st, 2004 EST (#4)
Then DON'T work. Or DON'T have kids, one or the other.
"Hoka hey!"
That guy is a sissy wearing kilts at work. Moms should stay at home doing some homscholling to their children or child, and get the child or children out of public school, to have all those far left ideas and forgetting about our founding fathers ideology.
"I'm a single mom with an ex-husband pressuring me to go to work so he can lower his child support payments, and I want to prove to him once and for all that it costs more for me to work than to continue to be a stay-at-home mom, totally available to my children and the ministry of raising them. Can you help me? Thank you very sincerely "
Women are not financially responsible of their children?, women can have children and not work to support them? and even used them as an excuse to become a social parasite that lives at the expense of other people work.
In my country if you can not support your children you donĀ“t have the right to rise them, this parasite would lose custody of those children automatically and them given to the father or placed into adoption.
It is amazing, amazing to see that there are people that thinks that they can have custody of a child without having to work to support them, and not only that but that having children and not working to support them, entitles them to become parasites that lives at the expense of other people sweat.
Parasites do not deserve to have children, what was that the feminazi judge said?, yes, i remember, sterilized them, remove their children from them and throw them in jail for a while, then let them chose between working for a living or looking for food on the trashcans.