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by Anonymous User on 02:37 PM May 13th, 2004 EST (#1)
Our Heroine is 5 months pregnant. If she had consensual sex with numerous partners while in Irag, her current partner better demand a paternity test.
by Anonymous User on 04:26 PM May 13th, 2004 EST (#2)
Maybe it'll work out for the best...if its his kid, he'll get custody (since she'll probably be in prison for 15 years) and he can go out and find a real woman.
Not so sure he'll get custody -- or that he should. Wasn't he one of the other abusers?
by Anonymous User on 12:39 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#13)
It's not likely she will go to prison, is it?
Interesting to see that the defence will be based on "following orders". It didn't work in WW2 or more recently in Yugoslavia. However, now that a woman may use it in defence, it'll be interesting to see what the talking heads make of it and indeed, what the justiciary thinks.......
All those involved are using that defense. I doubt it will work.
by Anonymous User on 02:24 AM May 14th, 2004 EST (#8)
"Interesting to see that the defense will be based on "following orders". It didn't work in WW2 or more recently in Yugoslavia."
"All those involved are using that defense. I doubt it will work."
The American prosecutors of the nazi war criminals of WWII successfully argued against the defense, "I was just being a good German soldier (following orders).” That defense just didn’t work for the nazi war criminals, but that was then, and this is now. The American prosecution's successful come back to the nazi argument was, "There is a law above the law." In other words, “You should have known better. You should have known what was right to do.” Obviously the American legal system today no longer follows that axiom.
America is no longer the world's moral beacon for equal rights, equal justice, and equal protection under the law. The defense, "I was just following orders," might very well work for these “accused war criminals” of feminazi america, where atrocities against men are routinely accepted. There are shocking similarities between the abuse of men today in feminazi america, and the pattern of atrocities committed by pre WWII nazis against similarly demonized groups of people.
Although the behavior of the soldiers as Abu Ghraib is detestable, it is still minor compared to the egregious atrocities of the nazi’s in WWII. Sadly, there are similarities.
Will the defense, "I was just following orders," work for the accused soldiers of Abu Ghraib? We'll see. We will certainly note the gender of any who might successfully use that defense as it will say a lot about the direction our country is headed in.
by Anonymous User on 10:58 AM May 14th, 2004 EST (#12)
Will the defense, "I was just following orders," work for the accused soldiers of Abu Ghraib? We'll see.
My prediction is that as England begins to claim she was raped in the porno pics that the defense will work.
It will work because the female gender is held to a different standard than men. In this case, claiming to be a victim is all that is necessary.
Hell. The media has already begun opening the door for England to make these claims today. They are doing this by hyping sex scandels in the news beginning today.
by Anonymous User on 12:54 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#14)
Has anyone been to any of the feminist websites, like N O W, or others?
What are they saying about Miss England?
Are they chasitseing her, or (more likely) praising her for her actions.
I have heard it said that some feminists are praising England as a feminist icon, especialy for the picture of her and the Iraqi man on a leash. Anyone know if any of this is true?
by Anonymous User on 02:59 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#17)
Hi, Jinx.
I tried a GOOGLE search useing the keywords; "Lynndie England", "Feminist" and "Feminists". You might have a bit of luck that way, as a good number of results were shown.
I tried useing the keywords, "N.O.W." and "National Organization of Women". Not that many results came back when I used the latter keywords though.
Matt Drudge seems to have some articles of interest.
Hope that's good to get you started.
"Hoka hey!"
Unless there's some stealth reforms going on here in the so-called justice system of feminazi amerika, you can be sure the female perpetrators of torture and abuse will be held to a lower standard of moral behavior than their male counterparts.
The female general in charge of the Iraqui prison is already copping to having been manipulated by her (male) higher ups in the chain-of-command.
We have abundant evidence -- in our anti-Family, Divorce, DV, and criminal courts that men are always prosecuted and sentenced more harshly,and will be presumed guilty not innocent.
Within a few days somebody's going to spin Ms. England's bestial behaviors as just one more example of female "victimization."
Anybody know the Vegas odds on England doing some prison time?
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 10:11 AM May 15th, 2004 EST (#24)
Heard one reporter referring to her as "little Lynndie England". Yep, over the next few weeks these females will cast off the "tough as any man" persona and miraculously metamorphosize into helpless defenseless fragile flowers.
"The American prosecutors of the nazi war criminals of WWII successfully argued against the defense, "I was just being a good German soldier (following orders).” "
Actually this is a commonly held misconception. No military tribunal...even the one trying the nazis at Nurenburg..was ever going to set the legal precedent that it is OK to disobey orders if those orders do not sit well with your conscience.
What sunk the people who used this as a defence was the fact that the prosecutors had no difficulty whatsoever finding cases from corporal all the way up to general in the German army who said things like "I'm a soldier, not a butcher, if you want the Jew dead kill him yourself" and no grievous consequence was ever suffered by anyone who said so.
That is the actual origin of the higher moral code arguement. If it can be demonstrated that she would have suffered grievous consequence for disobeying the orders then the defense will stand.
It is unfortunately a prevalent human trend to obey such orders ...grievous consequence or not.
"There are 5000 in Israel who have not bowed their knees to Baal". At that point in time that represented about 2% of the Israeli population...the rest were murdering their own children out of force of conformity and peer pressure.
At any given point in time about 2% of the population can be counted on to have integrity...why do you think this forum does not have several million members?
Just kidding...
What kills me the most about this situation is that in all the articles that include interviews with her family, her mother and sister keep stressing that..."she just wanted to earn money for college...she didn't sign up for prison duty in Iraq".
Wah...wah. Usually (except in the feminist world) risks are part of the game when rewards are involved. You don't just get to sign up for reserve duty and (b/c you are female) expect that you will not be involved in anything except for paper pushing.
Jeff "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
by Anonymous User on 11:52 PM May 13th, 2004 EST (#6)
She is basically trailer trash. Calling her a feminist 'might' be giving her too much credit.
I agree. Feminists didn't invent victimology, they just refined it into an artform.
The important point of this is that it shows when women are put in positions of unrestricted power, they are just as likely to abuse it as all us bad men and our "hegemonic masculinities."
The female general in charge of the prison is a different case. I'd say she's texbook feminist. Likes power over lots of men, and when things go wrong she's just a woman struggling in a man's world. Can't hold her accountable. When she saw the photos of men being mistreated she was shocked, shocked I tell you. No wait, that was the guy with wires attached to his testicles.
by Anonymous User on 01:03 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#15)
Yeah, That's what I think, too.
The one thing that tends to define a feminist is her lust for sadistic power over males.
As I have so often said, they literaly GET OFF on it. The more emasculaiting, sexualy violent and de-humanizing the better.
I remember one feminist "genius" who once described her wish to see a particular man; "Hog-tied with a high-heeled shoe stuffed in his mouth!"? A very common scenerio in female-dominatrix-pornography. Any one remember who that was that said that?
"Hoka hey!"
Although I think most American women are influenced in negative anti-male ways by feminism, I also think a "feminist" is someone who has a political agenda in mind when denigrating men. She sees it as benefiting women when men are humiliated. I doubt this idiot girl had any such agenda in mind, she was just having some "fun" emasculating some helpless men. She probably picked up the concept that torturing men is "fun" from all the TV she watched back in her trailer.
You may be right. Perhaps the darling Lynndie England is less a feminist than a product of feminism.
What do you see as being the difference between the two? England is certainly "liberated" from any "historical oppression" which would have caused her to resist engaging in these activities.
Take a look at this billboard. Aside from the army fatigues versus the high heels, I can't see much difference in the message shown by this picture and the one of England holding the leash of a male prisoner.
Thomas, you hit the nail on the head. I agree completely. I don't think she has an agenda...just a product of a society that denigrates men and boys.
Jeff / "This is not Equality" "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
This whole Iraqi prison torture comic opera is going to put the lie to feminism, and all it's silly nonsense about "if only women (the morally superior gender) were in power..."
Guess what?
Give Ms. England power, and what does she do?
Screw as many of her comrades as possible. Then, take photos with debased Muslim male prisoners.
Then, get pregnant and bail out back to the high life in West Virginia.
Then, claim she was "just following orders..."
Her picture should be on our dollar bills.
This would be a reasonable representation of how defiled by feminism this nation has become.
"In alibis we trust."
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 12:10 AM May 17th, 2004 EST (#29)
Yeah, That VOODOO JEANS billboard really set me off about two years ago, when I first saw it.
And yes, that is EXACTLY the type of image I am talking about when I say that the anti-male climate in this country (and others) is at least somewhat responsible for what we see Ms. England doing in those photos.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 10:53 AM May 14th, 2004 EST (#10)
....prisoners. How many people believe that she was just following orders to have sex in front of numerous viewers including prisoners, who had no choice in the matter?
We now the false allegations of sexual assault and rape have started. It is already being implied that England was raped "under orders."
This is as we have predicted and expected. As expected the news media is playing right into the feminist agenda of blaming men (commanders), and holding the little feminist darlings up to be angels of chastity.
by Anonymous User on 01:09 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#16)
You mean to say that England is equaiting herself to THE IRAQI PRISONERS??!!??
Holy Hanna!! Just when you think you've seen the limits of female excuse makeing, along comes something like THIS to broad-side you!
I swear to Pete...!
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 06:21 PM May 14th, 2004 EST (#22)
It started this morning when the media started reporting on the sex abuse scandal in Iraq. Basically, they started sending up trial ballons to see what the reaction would be if England claimed the porno was really rape.
It's probably worth reading this piece in the NY Village Voice about the perception of England's behaviour.
My first reaction is to say the obvious—that sadism is an equal-opportunity employer. But I'm not entirely sure," says Mary Katzenstein, a professor of women's studies and government at Cornell University......"Certainly one can find some women who will be willing accomplices to violent and violating behavior but in a group of 100 women and 100 men, would you find equal numbers of compliant sadists?" she asks. "I wonder."
It's interesting to note the feminist use of different mnethodologies. When there is no doubt that a female is equally capable of carrying out sexual assaults, the barometer or test of culpability of a gender simply comes down to numbers. i.e. she is saying that more men would do it than women so we can make no assumptions or judgements on England's behaviour.
Using that methodology, it's amazing that women ever get custody of children given the government documented higher incidence of infanticide carried out by women.
On to our friends at Amnesty International.....
Officials at Amnesty International seemed initially puzzled as to whether the Iraqi detainees had been sexually assaulted. "We're calling it torture and ill treatment," said a spokeswoman for Amnesty. "We are concerned that the prisoners were forced into sexual positions and I don't want to say that we wouldn't call it [sexual assault]."
They later confirmed that England's (amongst others) actions amounted to sexual assault. However it's interesting to note the confused/puzzled tone of the AI spokeswoman's initial response.
It is particularly pleasurable watching certain females squirm as they begin to realise that their entire gender isn't the superior, saintly breed they imagine. Even more pleasurable is watching as it dawns on them that men in general are waking up to the double standards so prevalent in the media and that men perceive England's actions as primarily one of feminist perceived vengeance.
Not a great recruiting tool for future generations of "sympathetic" men.......