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by Anonymous User on 02:21 PM May 12th, 2004 EST (#1)
Why don't we start our OWN list of racist females?
I'll even start.
I'd like to begin the list with Queen Isabella who funded not only Christopher Columus' trip here to the U.S. but also funded and perpetuated the slavery and slaughter of "my" people (American Indians).
And while we're at it maybe we should also begin a list of MEN throughout history that fought against racism. Abraham Lincoln is a good one to start with.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 02:39 PM May 12th, 2004 EST (#2)
Yeah, lots of women in the Carribean owned black slaves, and they were less likely to set their slaves free than male slave owners of the same size plantation (i.e. same economic needs). And women certainly took part in the Little Rock, Ark incident. Yet it's till mostly males who get singled out for blame.
I knew a white guy in college who's ex girlfriend got revenge on him by telling a group of militant blacks that her ex-boyfriend was a racist skinhead, even though his head was shaved only because he was a Marine. They surrounded and confronted him and he had to explain himself. She could have had him killed.
here are a couple to add to that list.
Queen elizabeth of england: here is a woman whose name is considered the same as rapist and murdurer in ireland, she ordered the burning of catholic preists and outlawed the catholic faith in ireland she also told english officers that it was thier duty to rape irish women and kill irish men all because she considered the irish sub-human, oh yeah she also set about the ocupation of of north america by english settelers ( which as we all know led to a rather nasty gehocide) and she helped to start the slave trade
queen victoria: here is a woman who was as big a war monger as they get . she colonized most of africa (and the rest of the world) crushing and destorying any resistence that she met. she added a new level of oppersion to the sturgle between ireland and england as she attempted to strave them to death. she wasted hundreds of thousends of innocent men in purposless wars across europe. oh by the way she opposed womens right to vote as well.
the suffurgettes: they apposed the right of black men and non- land owning men (read working class)to vote. they where upper class elite racists who beleived in (white upper-class) female supiority.
damn... i fell kinda better now...
I think starting a list is a great idea...since the courts in the US refuse to enforce the law in most cases of false accusations. We need to embarrass and humiliate these individuals as much as we can to hopefully create a climate that deters such pathetic actions.
On top of false accusers being downright despicable creatures, as a taxpayer, I am sick and tired of counties, states and the feds willingly wasting tax money due to these particular irresponsible, unaccountable females of the species.
I have always thought about starting a website listing every false accuser (whenever a name can be determined and confirmed) whatever the level of crime that the true victim was falsely accused of committing. I just want the names out there...I'm tired of the anonymity they receive under the guise of the feminist crutch "we need to encourage all those oppressed and abused to speak out."
False accusations and family my mind, these are the two biggest battles that men and boys (and the women who care about them) face right now.
Done for now,
Jeff "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
You know, it might be more useful for someone to write a properly footnoted and referenced paper and publish it here. At least that way, some enterprising high school or college student could use it as source material for a term paper.
by Anonymous User on 10:39 PM May 12th, 2004 EST (#10)
My guess is that they would never even get a chance to read that paper in class.
You know, it might be more useful for someone to write a properly footnoted and referenced paper and publish it here. At least that way, some enterprising high school or college student could use it as source material for a term paper.
The problem with publishing it here is that the site is difficult to navigate so it will disappear unless Scott puts a permanent link to it. If anyone will write it, I will put it on the website.
well i'am free this week. can i contribute to this effort?
Sheesh .... "I'm free this week" ... ahhh, those were the days ...
(just jealous)
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
by Anonymous User on 05:56 PM May 13th, 2004 EST (#20)
hey now, I'm a college student, and i don't remember the last time I had a free hour, much less a free week. 20 credits and the MCAT can do that to you.
I look forward to working again not to make money, but to get more than 2.5 hours of sleep per night. :)
haha, if college was easy for you, you either took it easy and pissed it away, or you're just really freaking smart.
Oh, to be honest a little bit of both.
Some people learn easily (standard learning models) and that's me. I also do very well when tested.
That being said I ALSO did the whole fraternity, keg party, and hooking up part in college.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
the only reason why i'am free is that it's finals week and i've already had all but one of mine and that one's next wensday
How about this you say??? THIS SOUNDS LIKE A STROKE OF GENIUS!!!! I am told that anybody with two opposible thumbs can start a website but I have not yet learned how. One of the best things we at this forum could possibly do is create resourse points on the internet for guys at college with enough courage to challange the feminazi gauleiters at the disease epicenter. I for one will devote my internet subscriber allotment for this purpose if someone will help me get it going. Let me propose this to the administrators of this site...let's have a workshop section to help men's activists set up resource sites on their own unused bandwith and let's get the word out to all the guerrilla cadets out there in campus land.....I just knew...I just had a hunch that this might be a turning point night on this site.....come on guys, my tenth degree rantmaster typing fingers are getting soooooo itchy.
by Anonymous User on 07:46 PM May 18th, 2004 EST (#26)
I hope it isn't bad form to refer to someone else's site (with a discussion section) here:
If you move down to section 9. you will see some red lettering saying certain sites are good for school research (I have a slight bias here as one of the sites is mine.)
What they have can be expanded and improved on and with that I will offer you my assistance.
Tom Pollock
by Anonymous User on 08:11 PM May 18th, 2004 EST (#27)
It would be better if we stayed away from the devisive race question. The concept of race as presented above is one that goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of feminism and needless to say is not one we wish to focus one.
BTW, I am part Cherokee and object to your term
"American Indians"; American comes from Amerigo Vespucci, a white-eyed devil who you reject but whose name you embrace. Indians comes from the other devil Columbus who thought he was in the West Indies and used the name by mistake. What's more, America is a feminine form which I reject out of hand.
It is time to publish the names of these "nasty girls" who use accusations to "get back" at males they don't like!"
It's time to sue the pants off them and their parents for intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation of character and whatever else. Words cannot express how angry I would be if one of my daughters behaved like this, but I'll bet the reaction of many of these parents is, "Oh, she's a good kid and a victim of circumstance" (that's why these girls end up like this in the first place). They need to be taught a lesson in the worst way.
the feminazis always advocate castrating rapists....sooooo...false accusers should have their lying tongues cut out.
>>>It is time to publish the names of these "nasty girls" who use accusations to "get back" at males they don't like!"
This is getting ridiculous. My mother is from England and my father was from Poland. They both lived through World War II and my father spent time in a concentration camp. My mother told me stories that during Nazi-occupied Germany, if someone had a grudge against their neighbor, they could simply accuse them of being a traitor to the country or a sympathizer and the neighbor would be "taken away".
Then, during the TV mini-series "V" a similar thing happened and my mother noticed the comparison that "V" was making with Nazi germany.
Now this type of thing is happening again with women and men???!!! If a woman doesnt like a man, she simply has to accuse him of violence and/or sexual crimes and get him "taken away"??
by Anonymous User on 05:43 PM May 12th, 2004 EST (#7)
My mother told me stories that during Nazi-occupied Germany, if someone had a grudge against their neighbor, they could simply accuse them of being a traitor to the country or a sympathizer and the neighbor would be "taken away".
Now this type of thing is happening again with women and men???!!! If a woman doesnt like a man, she simply has to accuse him of violence and/or sexual crimes and get him "taken away"??
It gets even better. On mothers day I had the pleasure of my step-son calling and telling a horrific story during our Mother's Day dinner.
It was about the police arresting a mother for domestic violence. They arrested the mother for battering her husband. From what I understand the assault against the husband was not severe, but this guy knew to call the police.
Now, we ALL KNOW that it is rare for women to get arrested for the crime of domestic violence (DV) and that men will often be arrested even when they are innocent. So, it is clear that we can infer that she must not have looked like she was severely beaten by her husband.
Well this whore gets out of jail on Sunday (Mother's Day) and she shows up at my stepson's doorstep. By then she looked severely beaten, and she told my son a story of how she, the innocent mother who was breast feeding a child, was arrested even though the police knew she was badly beaten by her husband. NOT! LIAR!
As we know this is standard operating procedure for feminist. Again, we know that because of feminist training and the new "primary agressor laws," that if the husband had severely beaten his wife that he'd be in jail and his wife would be breast feeding the child at home. They simply don't arrest men if the wife has ANY visible injury; especially when a mother is at home breast-feeding a child during a police response. So, it was clear to me that the wounds were self-inflicted when she showed up Sunday. It was obvious and it is still obvious.
Her goal? To get my military stepson and his military friends to break the legs and arms of her husband and put him in the hospital. That's right. This wicked bitch was trying to get together a group of military men to beat the hell out of her husband because he called the police and had her arrested for DV.
As we all know, most men are pretty stupid and they can be easily manipulated like this, and they get even more motivated if they believe they can get some sex.
Well I happened to be there when these phone calls were going down. So, when I suggested and insisted that she was lying, that she had self-inflicted wounds, and that she was manipulating my stepson all hell broke loose at the family dinner.
None of the males in my family could stomach the repulsive idea that this evil bitch was setting up our military men to attack her innocent husband. In their minds, he was the evil batterer that beat a mother to a pulp while she was breast-feeding her innocent child. So, they quickly turned against me and attacked me for no good reason during the Mother's Day dinner!
Why did they do this? Simple. Men are taught from birth to do this because of feminist brainwashing of the public in our schools. They simply cannot believe that a woman would plan the battery of her husband out of an unfounded revenge. To American men, women are angels worthy of worship.
Obviously, this crap has got to stop and feminists must be attacked on their own turf. This is definitely a cultural war that men must start fighting.
What a freaking nightmare.
So sorry man.
Not surprised, but sincerely sorry you got that reaction.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
If she was arrested and went to jail, they'd have taken photos of her, especially if she was involved in a DV dispute. Tell her to put up the evidence or STFU.
She's REMARRIED and no downward modification is done?
"he needs over 2000K a month in "child support"?!
Ummmm, shall we compare where SHE lives and where HE lives?
Mommy support
Child support is not about supporting oneīs children is just being forced by the State to perform slave labor for the benefit of a third person.
Is just about the right of women to exploit men, is about the right of women to have custody of the children without having to work to support them, is about the right of women to live at the expense of men or profit from their without having to do any thing in return as it used to be.
It is about rights without responsabilities.
"The fundamental premise of child support is, if you bring a child into the world, you have a responsibility to support it"
Bullshit, if that would be true child support will never be more than half of the real cost of rising a child, to make sure BOTH parents support their children, and housewives would be jail for failing to support their children, they will check that married working women are really contributing to the cost of rising them.
Besides never, ever has been that way, children must be supported by the people that has the right to rise and educate them, no right no responsabilities, responsabilities without rigths is salvery we all knoe that. If i get paid for a job i have the responsability to do it, without a salary i will not do it, not voluntarely, read child support, it will never work without the violence and coercitive methods of the goverment.
Men have been always responsible to support their children but had the custody of their children too, men had to support women but women had to obey and serve men in return.
Feminists wanted women to have the right of having the custody of the children, but without having to work to support them, they wanted to get rid of their duty of serving men with out giving up the right to profit from men labor.
So instead of same rights and same obligation regarding children, like joint physicall custody or any other agreement of that kind, they denyed men the right to rise their children and gave them to women, then using children as a excuse, they forced men to perform slave labor and the money produced by that salve labor given to women so they can keep on profiting from men work without having to do ANYTHING in return, so they can have custody of their children as men did without having to work to support them.
Under these conditions no mentally healthy person would want to have children, (in love people are insane during this period), so they denied men any reproductive right, women have abortion rights men donīt, women can place their children in to adoption men donīt, women no even need men written consent to have children from them.
Child support creates social parasites that live at the expense of other peoples work, and sweat.
Child support allow parasites to have children without having to support them.
Child support ceates a cast of social scum that receives benefits from the Goverment wihtout contributing a single dollar throught taxes.
Child support is about paying people to steal your children or even worst being forced to pay some criminal that has made you had an undesired child and afterwards kidnaping him/her.
Child support is about corrupt judges deciding how much a parent must spend on their children, the parent that has absolutely no right at all.
CHILD SUPPORT IS THE BIGEST LIE OF OUR TIMES, men third class status is based on this, it work like follows:
1) Give women coustody of children.(deny men custody rights)
2) Use children as an excuse to force men to performe eslave labor for women, and to steal men savings, homes, retirment benefits, etc.
3) Deny men any reproductive rigths, custody, abortion, adoption, having children on their own like women are allowed to do, any rights.
Using children as an excuse makes the explotation of males expands in other areas, lesser sentences for women, better treatment in jails, more social benefits from the state, exempt to die for their country, paying less taxes, and so on, so on, so on, so on ....................
The sadest thing is that all this is happening manly becouse of other men: the gentlemen, the judas of the world that sell their brothers, sons, and children for some silver and a pat on their back, the puritans and the traditionalist that feel safe of all this nauseating disgraces.
Fortuantely one by one are getting blasted, they are becoming affected too.
Each time i hear child support makes me sick, 1) is not about children, 2) is not about supporting them, is about slavery.
This is a serious problem with the entire Western legal system. It's WAY too easy for women to throw around accusations that potentially will ruin the man's life. You can never get fully rid of a rapist stamp, or sexual assaulter stamp. It will stay with these poor men forever.
This must change. It's becoming like the witch hunting process that took place in the 17th and 16th centuries. Accusations were being thrown around more and more and it got out of hand, which resulted in a situation where many innocent people were tortured and murdered.
It didn't stop before the Governor took action (he didn't take action before his own wife was accused of being a witch) and changed the law so that there had to be a thorough investigation whenever someone made an accusation, and he made the consequences worse for those that got caught up in the accusation craze and made false accusations against innocent people.
That's just what it's like today in the west, especially USA; it's like a witch-hunt. There's a clear parallel, and it must be stopped. Looking back at the case I described above which took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century, you will notice how the politicians didn't take action before they were directly affected by the problem themselves. I wonder how far it will go in these modern sexual accusation witch-hunts before we will see some change.
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by Anonymous User on 01:25 PM May 13th, 2004 EST (#18)
Yeah, that's right Clinton DID skate where the feminists were conserned, didn't he? I'd all but forgotten about that.
...which took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century...
And, for anyone who doesn't know, the accusers in the Salem trials were (wait for it...) teenage girls! Of course, I know that most teenage females, then and now, didn't/don't indulge in this kind of behavior (also, most of the Salem victims were women). Still, it's an interesting parallel to the subject of this thread. Le plus ce change..., as the French say.
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