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The Kraken Wakes
posted by Thomas on 01:27 PM March 19th, 2004
False Accusations Wendy McElroy has published an essay on FoxNews.com (probably read by quite a few people) about the cold reception being given to Naomi Wolf's most recent claim to victimhood. As McElroy points out, "a cultural tide has turned."

It's been my personal experience to find that, here at the hypocenter of the Kobe Bryant tempest, women as well as men are no longer falling for the vile claim that women don't lie about rape. Most of the people with whom I've spoken about the Bryant case, at least those who state their opinion on the matter (and in many cases they're the ones who broach the topic), say they believe he's innocent. And several, including women, have expressed outrage at this nation's plague of false accusations against men.

Hey, Ray. Do you have a T-shirt that states, "Imprison False Accusers"?

Differences in Male and Female Sexual Behavior Biologically Determined | Man seeks $65,000 for flawed alimony ruling  >

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better yet Ray (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:02 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1582 Info)
How about a picture of Wendy McElroy's beautiful face with the slogan www.mensactivism.org home of the official Wendy McElroy Fan Club (love ya Wendy you are a doll)
Yep, Wendy is a true lady (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:20 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)
Yep, I totally agree.

As you all know I was falsely accused of rape. Before I found sites like this I was a very angry felt totally alone. It was Wendy McElroy who wrote an E-mail reply to me offering sympathy, hope, and just general decency. This was before she was really famous, and she didn't have to write to me with such kindness, but she did. You guys here all can probably understand how an E-mail like that was so uplifting. Even thinking about it now makes me kinda misty (hey, I'm human too!). I had no open venue to speak about it. When I spoke about it my friends they were kind, but had no clue how devastating it was. And Wendy, this complete stranger, wrote me a letter of empathy, kindness, and warmth.

She's aces in my books.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re: Changing Attitudes Does Not Equal Legal Reform (Score:1)
by Roy on 04:48 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1393 Info)
It's heartening that Naomi "The Lipstick Feminist" has been so thoroughly dissed for her latest tome on female victimology.

But we've not even begun to make the real changes in terms of massive legal reforms to overturn the feminazi apparatus that targets men and denies them legal due process.

For example, on the domestic violence front, massive amounts of VAWA money is currently funding a nationwide "training and orientation" campaign for cops and judges -- the goal of which is to get these public officials to tow the feminist line on DV by strengthening "must arrest the primary aggressor" (men) policies; and by creating special DV prosecution courts.

I would not be fooled by the dismissal of one silly feminist's latest whine about her oppression by a college professor twenty years ago.

The real battlelines are in the courthouses across the nation, where men are still denied equal access to justice.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
True Roy, but attitudes are changing (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 05:48 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)

I understand and agree with your post. I would however say that attitude are changing and that those attitudes will perkolate into less resistance of men's legislation. It took time for the P.C. crowd to gain their power and it will take time to dismantle it. I completely understand your frustration with the present situation. I can never gain back the years it took me to rebuild my life after a false rape allegation. I would love to make the woman who did it give me her house and let her continue to pay the mortgage to show her how much she takes for granted that I lost. But that will never happen.

The tide is slowly changing. Unfortunately there will be no sudden forehead slapping moment for this country. And more will suffer while it changes. I can only hope that our efforts will help some person down the road from losing what we lost. We'll probably never even get a thank you. But, being a Christian man, I know in my heart I will get my reward on the other side.

See you at the banquet.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Yep, Wendy is a true lady (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 07:36 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1161 Info)
"As you all know I was falsely accused of rape. Before I found sites like this I was a very angry felt totally alone. It was Wendy McElroy who wrote an E-mail reply to me offering sympathy, hope, and just general decency. This was before she was really famous, and she didn't have to write to me with such kindness, but she did. You guys here all can probably understand how an E-mail like that was so uplifting. Even thinking about it now makes me kinda misty (hey, I'm human too!)."
This was nice to read. It reminds me a little of that story--true or not--of a kid who was always picked on in school unmercifully by others. One day, he was pushed down and his books were knocked to the ground. But another boy helped him up and said, "Don't worry...those kids are jerks," and helped pick up his books. The second boy found out later that the first boy intended to go home that day and commit suicide--until he was shown kindness and compassion from a stranger.


thank you, Wendy McElroy (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:55 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#6)

Ms. McElroy is one courageous, compassionate woman. Everyone should be following her example.
About Time!!! (Score:1)
by mts1 on 08:07 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1382 Info)
Well this whole idea that women do not lie about rape is about to blown to pieces, and its the feminists in the media that have sort of brought it out mistakenly!!! And its funny...

The Colorado situation is going to show that even young girls think they can scream assault and get a young boy in trouble.

I have recently heard that male hatred on the Colorado campuses is rampant. And the truth will come out in all these cases.
"Imprison False Accusers"? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:17 PM March 19th, 2004 EST (#8)
I think you've seen this one before, but, about 15 of us wore this T-shirt to a protest in front of a Southern California Police Dept. about a month ago.

Prosecute False Accusers

A friend of mine whose a lawyer told me the word "prosecute" encompasses "arresting," "charging," and "prosecuting." The logic is, to prosecute, you must first arrest and charge before you can get to the point where you prosecute.


(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Wendy, you said that better than I ever could have (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:15 AM March 20th, 2004 EST (#9)
I sent an email to New York Magazine about 2 weeks ago about Ms. Wolf's article, and I think I also put it here in some thread. I just sent it to Wendy and here it is again if anyone missed it.


"The Silent Treatment
She was a Yale senior. He was the superstar professor she’d hoped to impress—until he put his hand on her thigh. Two decades later, she’s speaking out. But her alma mater still isn’t listening. A story of sex, secrets, and Ivy League denial.

By Naomi Wolf"


Dear Editor:
I just read the above article by Naomi Wolf in your magazine. I also got my copy of VFW magazine (March, 2004) about a week ago. It sits on my desk now as I write this. On the cover is a male vet just back from Iraq. He sits in a wheel chair with both of his legs missing below the knees. I heard in another story last week that a 20-something vet who lost a leg will get an $800 allowance for the rest of his life.
While I am sure some females have there difficulties in life, the truth is men face violence and discrimination that is far worse than anything Ms. Wolf has ever dreamed of. Thanks to articles like the one by Ms. Wolf cited above, feminism in America is getting to be a bigger joke everyday. When you compare Ms. Wolf's complaint(s) to those of good men returning from Iraq, who really have problems, I for one am disgusted at the relative pettiness I read printed there. To see such tripe being presented in a time, when many of those brave men are facing far, far worse than Ms. Wolf alleges happened to her is appalling. In the future, when your magazine does an article about gender discrimination, please try to keep in perspective the great price that males are enduring for being a member of the disposable gender.
Sincerely, Ray XXXXXXX

Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:2)
by Philalethes on 04:14 PM March 20th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #186 Info)
I'm sorry, I won't be joining the pathetically eager Wendy McElroy fan club. She may be a "kinder, gentler" dominatrix, but you can be sure she still holds the whip. Can't anyone see what's happening here? Even if some "tide" is turning, it's still women who hold all the power, and use it solely at their whim.

McElroy writes, "my point is that our cultural assumptions have shifted." What do you mean "our," white woman? My "assumptions" haven't "shifted"; it's always been plain to me that Naomi Wolfe and all her myriad "sisters" are idiots. What she means by "our" is the consensus among white, Anglo/Jewish North American women. Men, men's thoughts and opinions, men's welfare or abuse, don't count except insofar as they may affect men's fitness to meet the needs of women. This is nothing but an argument between factions of women about how men should best be managed.

Have you not noticed that this is the case in all the current ferment over what is feminism, who is a feminist, etc.? It's a big coffee klatsch, a room full of women, all talking at once at top volume. (One of the biggest lies of feminism is what I call the Myth of Sisterhood -- that all women think alike. The truth is all wars are between factions of women, using men as proxies: front men, fall guys, whipping boys, cannon fodder.) When -- if -- they figure it out, they'll let us know what our role is to be.

Note that every one of the "critics" and "skeptics" she quotes or refers to are women. Not a single man. Men's opinions of Naomi Wolf are irrelevant; this is an issue -- like all issues of any importance -- to be decided by Woman, alone in Her Perfect Wisdom.

Women are notoriously, eternally creatures of mood, whim and impulse; change is their natural element. If you faint with gratitude to see Her changing Her mind today and allowing that men -- some men, at least -- should be treated a little better, what will you do tomorrow when She exercises Her eternal prerogative and changes it again?

She will, you know. She gets bored easily. Very easily.

The idea that justice should be based on standards that do not change is a product of the male mind, and foreign to the female, for whom how she "feels" at any given moment is the absolute, final standard of judgment.

Another element of the male mind, much ridiculed and complained of by females, is the faculty of discrimination, whence comes the understanding that in some matters (everything, in fact, that matters in human life) you can't have your cake and eat it too. We must make choices. One of those choices is which part of our nature shall rule our lives: emotion or reason? It's either one or the other; no "equality" is possible. It's women's hatred of and refusal to acknowledge that choice that is the bedrock of feminism. You heard what they yelled: "We want it all!" They were not kidding.

One way you can always tell a feminist, even the "kinder, gentler" variety: she refuses to use her "husband"'s name. I know, women will fume and spit about this, but I've found it to be a good indicator of where a woman really stands. I know intelligent, powerful women, clearly dominant in many respects in their marriage situations, who nonetheless identify themselves as their husbands' wives; this does not diminish their real power in any way, but seems to constitute an acknowledgement, subtle (and often not consciously understood by the woman herself) but real, that she is not the be-all and end-all of creation. That there is a natural hierarchy, and that, for human life to be human, reason must be acknowledged the master of emotion.

"Individualist" feminism is really the ultimate form of the disease, woman usurping not only man but God as well. "I am Me, I don't need anything or anyone, no one can tell me what to do, I can do anything I want!" It is precisely because Woman is naturally subjective and narcissistic that sane cultures have placed man in charge.

"If you allow them [women] to pull away restraints and put themselves on an equality with their husbands, do you imagine that you will be able to tolerate them? From the moment that they become your fellows, they will become your masters." --Marcus Porcius Cato (the Elder, aka the Censor), 234-149 BCE

Read this quote again: it is not a joke, it is simply the truth. There is no "equality"; one or the other must be the final authority. And the prediction has come to pass, as evidenced by the common response of "men" here to Wendy McElroy. American "men" in our time are really boys, expectantly awaiting Mother's judgment, pathetically grateful when she deigns to withhold the lash.

Boys are males who are subject to women; men are males who have graduated from childhood, that state that is naturally under female authority, and become capable and worthy of caring for and managing women and children. This "graduation" is another kind of birth, and in our culture it has been aborted wholesale (not by accident that abortion is the "sacrament" of feminism), so that boys do not grow into men, and thus women can be "free" -- which in practice means totally out of control, along with every imaginable social pathology. Look around; it is all of a piece.

Probably nothing can be done about this; the disease, like every historical case of social degeneration and collapse, must run its course. Perhaps no one who reads this will be capable of understanding, but here it is anyway: the truth.

Hyphenate them any way you want, a feminist is a feminist is a feminist.
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:1)
by MAUS on 07:28 PM March 20th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1582 Info)
So what role to you see women playing in the world? I am NOT going to emulate the enemy and become a mysogynist and paint women into a corner where it doesn't matter what they do or what they don't do I can find something catty to say about it. Let's face it the genie is out of the bottle and there will be no such thing as stuffing it back in. I have no problem co-existing with women or with women having positions of power over me.

POWER is the issue. At the ceremony where Oskar Schindler planted his commorative olive tree on the Avenue of the Righteous Among Nations in Tel Aviv (the only member of the Nazi Party to be so honoured) he said that he was an Epicurean and always sought to enjoy the best in life and had no qualms about being an opportunist. "I have always loved wine,women,good food, good clothing, good times in good company...and POWER. I have known many people who have had power who didn't seem to know how to enjoy it. By far the finest way to savour POWER, IS TO HAVE THE SINCERE AND HEART FELT GRATITUDE OF THOSE YOU HAVE POWER OVER"

More people of both genders should live by these words. So far I have had no reason to feel gratitude toward our feminazi gauleiters (gauleitresses?)
Re: Maybe It's Indeed a Boy's Movement? (Score:1)
by Roy on 10:33 PM March 20th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1393 Info)
Philalethes wrote --

"Boys are males who are subject to women; men are males who have graduated from childhood..."

I wish I could muster a logical argument to disagree; however, you have spoken truthfully.

Feminism has always been about destroying (in post-modernist terms -- "redefining") masculinity into something like perpetual boyhood.

In other words, pseudo-men in thrall to subjugation ("chivalry!") to females.

She who defines the terms of the discourse wins the outcome of the debate.

Or, as George Orwell demonstrated -- control language and you control thought.

Control thought and you control... everything that matters....

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 09:38 AM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1260 Info)
"what do you mean "our" white women"

what the hell does it matter that she's white?
and on your anglo/jewish remark she has a irish name so shes not an anglo ( to the the irish bieng called an angle is tad bit of an inslut considering that the anglos oppersed us for about 700 years) and again how do you know that she's yewish.
and on your idea about choosing between logic and reason. the truth is that thier must be a blance of the two. if one or the other dominiates we either become emotionless machines or whinning babies.
to adress your idea that wendy sticks up for us just for our gratitude. i would to say that she gets more hate mail form her "sisters" then she gets gatitude form us. the entire situation reminds me of a 180 lb guy who stuck up for a guy who was getting kicked aroud by a few hell's angels. he ended up in the hospital for the rest of the week.

as far as individualism (read libertarianism) being an expression of "me, me, me" you are wrong. it is more a way of say that no one individual has any inate power over anyone else that is , i have no power to tell you what to do just as you have no such power over me that is not to say that one can do any thing one wants as one is still held to respect one and anothers basic rights. this is one reason why feminists are hostile to McElroy, she acts to destroy the power that they hold so dear.
and just because we are independent of women does that mean we have to be un civil and accept a helping hand when one is offered to us? even if it is offered by a woman? really people, come on.
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 09:42 AM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1260 Info)
sorry about my spelling errors. keep in mind that i'am a terrible typer aan am not as incoherent as i seem in real life.
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:1)
by Larry on 06:23 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#18)
(User #203 Info)
what the hell does it matter that she's white?

I believe he's making an allusion to an old joke:

Lone Ranger: "Tonto, We're surrounded by bloodthirsty Apaches, our horses have run off, and I'm out of silver bullets. We're in trouble!"

Tonto: "What you mean 'we', white man?"

ADULT: What you are once you've run out of excuses.
Right on! (Score:1)
by VinceJS on 11:43 AM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1290 Info)
Perhaps no one who reads this will be capable of understanding, but here it is anyway: the truth.

Hyphenate them any way you want, a feminist is a feminist is a feminist.

Well I am "capable of understanding" and understand quite well. Even "anti-feminists" are feminists. A point I made on another thread was that many women bemoan the loss of traditional morality not for the reasons that men such as myself do (namely right is right, wrong is wrong, period) but mainly for the loss of advantages it brings them, and see themselves essentially as morally superior beings who can do no wrong.

Other than this I have absolutely nothing to add to your excellent post, which is one of the best I have ever seen on mensactivism.org.

Men, men's thoughts and opinions, men's welfare or abuse, don't count except insofar as they may affect men's fitness to meet the needs of women. This is nothing but an argument between factions of women about how men should best be managed.

Keep on telling it like it is, Philalathes.

come on guys don't shun alies (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:14 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1582 Info)
Even Churchill and the US set aside their differences with Stalin long enough to put the Nazi movement in the jug...if we have a common enemy do not turn away allies...Stalin's world eventually caved in on itself because nature simply is not an egalitrian...and if nature was a Dworkin/McKinnon Feminazi...CUNTS WOULD HAVE TEETH!!!
Re:come on guys don't shun alies (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 04:28 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1260 Info)
testify brother! altought i wouldn't compair wendy with stalin she's really more of a defector.
In deserved defense of Wendy McElroy (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:08 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#19)
(User #1387 Info)
Guys ... seriously.

Look at what Wendy has written. Look at what she advocates. Look at who Glenn Sacks has had on his show time and time again BECAUSE she is advocating for men.

I know the "iFeminists" name is a bit of a misnomer, but Wendy is a valued member of the Men's Movement.

She is courageous in her taking "feminists" to task for their lies. She argues against false allegations of DV and rape. She's written empathetically about men raped in prison. She's exposed one feminist lies after another.

Don't be put off by her "iFeminist" title. She's one of the good guys. Don't believe me, go to her site (there is a link here) and see how much she rips up Feminazis. She hates em.

I do not speak for her but I can extrapolate from what I have read of her writings: Her idea of feminism is the idea of equality anf fairness. The word feminist has a very different connotation to her than to most of us. But she fights for our cause.

Do some reading, then pass judgement. Trust me, she's awesome.

With respects,

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:In deserved defense of Wendy McElroy (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:51 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#20)
"Do some reading, then pass judgement. Trust me, she's awesome."

I was at a lecture being put on at a local university campus by the women's studies department. At the end of the presentation one of the questions I asked was. "Gee, there are so many people calling themselves feminists that I get confused. There are radical feminists, gender feminists, ifeminists, fundamental feminists, the Independent Women's Forum, militant feminists, the Concernced Women of America. Would you clarify who's what?"

The speaker did just that even though I had mixed the good and the bad of feminism to the best of my ability. The speaker identified each one accurately and dismissed Wendy along with the other advocates for equal rights for men and women. The femi-supremacists according to the speaker were "the only true feminists who were concerned about women's rights."

The speaker knew and I knew that Wendy is not a part of that bigotted agenda. I'm sure that Wendy and I don't agree on every political point, but our differences are miniscule compared to the chasm that exist between the radical feminist agenda and people like you, me and Wendy.

Re:In deserved defense of Wendy McElroy (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:20 PM March 22nd, 2004 EST (#21)
I'm with you Steven. Wendy gives us hope that there are sane women out there. I too wish she and other "equity" or "independent" feminists would drop the "feminist" term altogether. The feminists are right that Wendy and others like Hoff Sommers are not feminists at all. They just wish feminism was something different than it is. "Equity feminism" is an oxymoron. But I don't want to get caught up in semantics here. There will be disagreement within our movement even among those of us sporting the male appendage. Let's not catagorically dismiss allies just because we don't agree with them 100%, or because they lack our specific testicular wisdom.

TLE (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:09 PM March 23rd, 2004 EST (#24)
(User #1387 Info)
You're a fucking riot bro ...

because they lack our specific testicular wisdom.

I had to reread that and then try NOT to laugh so hard.

Nice turn of a phrase!

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:38 AM March 23rd, 2004 EST (#22)
Hail Philalethes. Rome salutes you. Excellent post and insight. Well said.
Re:Kinder, gentler feminism? (Score:1)
by zenpriest on 10:59 AM March 23rd, 2004 EST (#23)
(User #1286 Info)

pleas email me at zenpriest@menforjustice.com. I have some things I would like to discuss with you.
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