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Anti-Male Bias on Judge Judy
posted by Adam on Wednesday January 14, @04:04PM
from the Go-get-her! dept.
News TLE writes "Today was a case involving a woman suing a man for return of property she considered hers after a breakup. The man had been honest with the woman for several years that he had no intention of marrying her. Even so, Judge Judy went into a tizzy accusing the man of "wasting her time" whereby she began to award the woman most items in dispute as compensation for her lost time. Then she went off on how "men never get better, we just get used to them." I wrote in to Judge Judy to complain of her bias. She needs to understand that marriage is no longer an intelligent choice for men. And maybe women don't get better either. Anyone else see it?"

Father's rights activist receives award for community service | He never came forward because he thought no one would believe him  >

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not sure where to place her (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 14, @05:39PM EST (#1)
I'm not sure where to place Judge Judy; she doesn't appear that friendly to males (and particularly young males) on her show, but in her book Don't Pee On My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining she speaks a little about gender bias against fathers in custody cases.
Re:not sure where to place her (Score:1)
by TLE on Wednesday January 14, @07:19PM EST (#4)
(User #1376 Info)
I've seen her support some father's rights issues such as men not being obligated to pay child support for children they discover are not theirs.

She does have very strong anti single male attitudes. Men should marry women and take care of them. We are here to serve women. She once said when men get up in the morning they should say to their wives "You're beautiful, I love you, and I'm sorry."

Re:not sure where to place her (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 14, @07:37PM EST (#5)
I've watched it a few times but can't say I found her to be a feminazi. Maybe I'm wrong and I haven't seen enough shows.
                Some years ago the was a similar show called "The Peoples Court". It was a complete joke. The gallant male judge INVARIABLY found in favour of the female in any male versus female case, irrespective of the evidence. Compared to him, Judge Judy is a saint.
Re:not sure where to place her (Score:2, Interesting)
by Kyle Knutson on Wednesday January 14, @11:13PM EST (#6)
(User #32 Info) http://ncfm-tc.8m.com/
I'd say she has a strong anti male atttude in general. She's an unabashed sexist, and has been for some time. I e-mailed the following letter, pretty much self-explanatory, to the "Judge Judy" show back in June of 2001:
I found comments made by "Judge Judy" on her program for June 6, 2001 to be sexist and offensive in the extreme. This particular episode featured a 20 year old man named Ryan and a 33 year old woman named Cecilia. The conflict arose between Cecilia and Ryan's girlfriend (Diane, also on the show), the two of whom had a physical altercation over Ryan, with both women wanting Ryan's attention and affection.
Any intelligent, objective observer would have concluded that the two women acted like babies, yet the illustrious judge repeatedly sounded the theme that it was Ryan who was really the baby, apparently for no reason other than the sin of being male.
At one point she said, "You're a baby when you're 20 if you're a boy; you're a baby when you're 22 if you're a boy, and sometimes when you're 52 if you're a boy". An appalling attitude such as this is nothing short of misandry defined. HOW UTTERLY, UTTERLY SEXIST AND OFFENSIVE!
And how pathetically ironic that remarks like this would be aired on June 6 -- D-Day -- the day on which, 57 years ago, "babies" by the thousands gave their lives on faraway soil so that -- three generations hence -- some third rate TV arbiter is free to reveal to the entire nation her own woefully immature prejudice and ignorance.

Nice job Kyle (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Friday January 16, @11:43PM EST (#9)
(User #1387 Info)
Nice job Kyle!!

Nice touch about the D-day comment especially!

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
What is it with Judge Judy? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 14, @05:41PM EST (#2)

She can change six "D" batteries in the dark, but she can't find a man's rights in broad daylight.

Madcap Misogynist
Phooey On Judge Judy (Score:2)
by Luek on Wednesday January 14, @05:57PM EST (#3)
(User #358 Info)
I stopped watching here stupid silly show some time ago due to her misandry. I have no doubt that she has not changed her asinine attitude since I last saw her. Her type never does!

I believe the reason she gives women the edge is because she is a sodomite and digs girls.

Oh well, to each their own. She is a jerk.

PS: I remember reading something about her and it said she was not really a judge. She was appointed to somekind of arbitrator position as part of a politically payoff for supporting the fomer mayor of NYC in his election.
Don't be so hard on her (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday January 16, @10:33AM EST (#7)
While her actions on this case, if true(I have not seen the show myself) sound rather suspect, I wouldn't be so quick to display anger towards her or people like her.

Conservative women are in a difficult position of wanting to bring balance and equity to family relations, while at the same time they see a responsibility to promote marriage. Women such as her may have a bad knee-jerk reaction to men who are "afraid of committment" and react unfairly.

In some limited sense I agree, though the real problem here is not so much men's unwillingness to commit. The real problem are the laws that treat men so unfailry in domestic relations and divorce.

We need to put a strong message out to conservative women: the real way to promote marriage is not through punitive action (which will never work because there are real and substantial reasons why many men refuse to commit to married relationships) scolding, intimidation and the rampant dispensing ego-dystonic advice, but instead by reforming family laws and policies in such a way that men will wish commit to marriages as women do, and will feel safe in doing so.

Until that time, men can hardly be blamed.

This discussion will come to the forefront more and more as time progresses, esp. in relation to the American Law Institute's Principles of Family Dissolution. We need to send a clear message out to conservative women not to fall into the allure of these policies as a way of fulfilling their dreams of "forcing" men into marriage. The mantra "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free" is of no consequence, especially since a man can drink orange juice instead. The responsible policy is instead to reform laws so that men and women are treated fairly.

Re:Don't be so hard on her (Score:1)
by Peter on Friday January 16, @06:33PM EST (#8)
(User #1513 Info)
Amen. I am a single guy with a successful business and a nice home with no mortgage or other debt. Marriage for me? No way in Hell. She wants out in a few years regardless of the reason then I loose everything and I do not feel like starting over again. Any man today with anything going for him at all is a fool to marry. There is a 60% probability he will be in divorce court loosing everything. This is not just my opinion but I have seen this over and over with my own eyes. I think women have cut their own throats in this country but oh well, shit happens.
Judge Judy Is Sexist!!!! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 28, @07:46PM EST (#10)
Without a doubt in my mind, judge Judy is bias towards women. She always badgers the men, much more than thew women on her show. I have stopped watching out of frustration, its not right. The first couple of times I saw her acting this way, i didnt think anything of it, but the more I watched, the more I saw her bias and prejudice come out. Im not saying that she always rules against the guys, but the guys always have to prove the hell out of there cases and prove there credibility to the judge. When the women never (rarely) get questioned about there credibility. Or when its a male on trial, she always wants to see documentation for the claims made. When its a woman , I've seen her take there word for it. How's that not blatent sexism!!!!???? Anyhow just wanted to vent a little.

Concerned citizen
Los Angeles, CA
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