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ESPN calls Kobe selfish for staying at work
posted by D on Saturday November 08, @08:17PM
from the Justice dept.
False Accusations CJ writes "Mike Greenberg, a writer and commentator for ESPN, calls for Kobe to quit his work until the legal system has determined guilt or not. "What he needs to do is walk away, exit stage left, disappear into thin air to whatever degree that is possible, until all this blows over." Excuse me Greenberg, but this country once had a standard of innocent until proven guilty. Clearly "she-said-he-said" laws have undermined due process enough, and makes any allegation against a man difficult to defend; now this idiot calls for Kobe to stop what he does for a living because he has allegations against him. MSN has jumped on the “misandry wagon” and broadcasted this article from its website too. LINK HERE

NH Men's Commission Dissed Too! | Male Rape used to advertise PaddyPower  >

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.
"Disappear into thin air, and SLAM DUNK!" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday November 08, @09:00PM EST (#1)
"What he needs to do is walk away, exit stage left, disappear into thin air to whatever degree that is possible, until all this blows over."

I certainly hope for his sake and ours that Kobe is innocent, and I really have my doubts about whether Kobe should even have been charged in the 1st place (based on what I have seen so far).

Kobe had the team high score in an overtime victory over the world champion San Antonio Spurs a day or two ago. While I respect the Spurs, and Spurs fans, I have to say, "thanks Kobe for standing tall," while you go through the Feminazi law persecution that so many innocent men have gone through, and to all the critics of Kobe I merely say, "KISS MY MISANDRY." I will believe in your innocence until proven otherwise. I'm tired of being hated just for having been born a male, and I am sick and tired of seeing other men persecuted, just for having been born male.

Lastly, if Kobe is found innocent, then I want to see this female prosecuted and incarcerated for having put Kobe through all this.

And to all the women out their who are outraged by what I have said, all I have to say to your selfish self-interests is this, "The next time your male companion prematurely ejaculates during sex and your not satisfied, get off him, and stop raping him. This world is not all about you and your pleasure and what you want."

Sincerely, Ray
Re: Desires interruptus... (Score:1)
by Roy on Sunday November 09, @02:11AM EST (#3)
(User #1393 Info)
Ray wrote -

"This world is not all about you and your pleasure and what you want."

And... therein lies the revolution!

"The man's desire is for the woman; but the woman's desire is rarely other than for the desire of the man." (Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
23 July 1827)

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
The best a woman has to offer, isn't. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @11:42AM EST (#9)
"The man's desire is for the woman; but the woman's desire is rarely other than for the desire of the man."

Physiology has betrayed men. Under militant feminism in the Western world, nature’s plan to ensure the continuation of Homo Sapiens has become nothing more than a system of entrapment that will cost men their life, liberty and happiness. We have been hardwired or at least role conditioned to do all the pursuing in an intimate relationship, and therein is the horror of all that has come to men’s intimate relationships and well-being over the past 30 years. Militant feminists have taken full advantage of the aforementioned intimate relationship protocol and decorum and exploited it to the max. to further their own agenda. Decent (non militant feminists) should be, and are, MAD AS HELL!

Men by nature desire women and will do (and have done) anything to win their favor, right up to dying for them as the statistics readily show. Further, to men’s disadvantage is the fact that girl’s learn this and militant feminists (and even ordinary women) exploit this to their advantage at every opportunity, (opportunists that they are). I am saying that again at the risk of being redundant for the sake of emphasis.

Ironically, cruelly, men (PRIVILEGED PATRIARCHS) are blamed by militant feminists for: all violence, causing all wars, always being the primary aggressor in any argument with a woman, exercising power and control over women, being rapists for desiring heterosexual sex, etc., etc., etc.

We are accused (blamed) by militant feminists for having all power and control over women, yet women have expected men: to ask for dates, pay for dates, have a car, have a home or apt. to go to, make all the moves to have sex, get a woman in the mood to have sex, accept it when they are not in the mood, etc., etc., etc. The vast majority of men have done all that, but all you hear is that men are brutes who can't control their sex drives or take no for an answer (no means no). Militant feminist propaganda further espouses that all men are rapists (since women's studies has determined that all heterosexual sex is rape), and that all heterosexual sex is really just men exercising power and control over women.

Note: (Women's Studies has determined that homosexual sex is just fine and acceptable between men, but especially so between women. The later is viewed as "empowering" to women).

Regarding life in the family home, when is the last time the man was allowed to decide the decor of the home. Obviously, women have power and control there too (big time). "If men have all the power and control why do women make all the rules?"

Considering the laws today, any man who asks a woman for a date is a fool, and many men who enter an intimate relationship with a woman are doomed.

The Selective Service poster hanging in my post office as I write this says, "A Man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do." At least they are writing that at an educational level, where our males, who have been failed by schools, can read it.

Just add to that the old Marine core motto of, "Get Tough or Die,” and you will have fully ensconced yourself in the militant feminist model that establishes men as "Privileged Patriarch's," and purveyors of all violence.

As we are seeing daily in Iraq, the truth is, “MEN BECOMING ALL THEY CAN BE,” is nothing more than men becoming "DISPOSABLE PATRIOTS," not PRIVILEGED PATRIARCHS.” As an old veteran, my sorrow over the deaths of so many young men in Iraq is tempered by the knowledge that they are at least spared the horrors of coming back and being enslaved men under the jackboot heal of militant feminism in feminazi america.

Happy F---ing Veterans Day,


Re: Feminism is a social toxin.... (Score:1)
by Roy on Sunday November 09, @03:17PM EST (#12)
(User #1393 Info)
It is true, and tragically so, that feminism has deformed all male-female relationships into a pathological enterprise.

While they espouse "egalitarian" partnerships based on mutual respect and cooperation, in fact they have conspired tirelessly (credit given for equal parts malevolence and tenacity!) to distort the legal environment to the grave detriment of men.

Today, an egalitarian relationship between a man and a woman has become utterly impossible.

Regardless of the individuals' integrity and regard for one another, there is only one gender that enjoys a 24 x 7 state-sanctioned gestapo goon squad that will, upon receiving a phone call and hearing four words -- "I'm afraid of HIM!" -- descend like mad dogs on the man, to immediately take away his property, his legal due process, his children, and his livelihood.

Judge feminism by its deeds, not by its always disingenuous words...

The rad fems have never been about equality, only about the subjugation of their "enemy."

For men today, the only truly safe option is to remove oneself from the arena of peril; which is to say, shun women until they themselves demonstrate the integrity to rejoin us in righting the terrible injustice that has descended upon this culture.

In the meantime, be sure to duck and cover!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Outstanding Ray (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @05:07PM EST (#31)
(User #1387 Info)
Damn dude, I been away for a couple of days and have not had a chance to read the longer posts, just skim stuff. But that post must have been a total visceral vent session. And, I agree that the "patriarchy" thing is just espoused over and over in our schools, fem sites, and in the media. It's usually used as a self-justification for some action that a woman wants to do, but if done against another woman she wouldn't dare.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:"Disappear into thin air, and SLAM DUNK!" (Score:1)
by PJ on Tuesday November 11, @05:17AM EST (#24)
(User #1448 Info)
Right on Ray!
Just found this site. Great to know there are many who know what we men are going through. I was beginning to give up hope.
Re: Kobe...
Does anyone know if there is a National Database of "Women who have a sent a man/men to jail"? I think there should be. Maybe if they know they will be identified, they will think twice before making a false accusation or mis-using the laws as one more tool in their arsenal of ways to abuse men.
Re:"Disappear into thin air, and SLAM DUNK!" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday November 11, @03:09PM EST (#26)
"I was beginning to give up hope."

Don't do that. We are begining to see a good number of good men coming together to address men's issues, although a lot of us are nothing more than the "walking wounded."

Does anyone know if there is a National Database of "Women who have a sent a man/men to jail"?

There is Project Innocene where 137 men and 1 woman have been freed by DNA evidence:


Ultimately, that only makes me wonder how many men are rotting in jail today who actaully had sex and where then framed for rape so DNA evidence will never free them, only support the false accusers testimony.

However, I can think of no better ornaization to join than The National Coalition of Free Men.


They have chapters in various cities, but if they don't have one where you live consider joining the National Chapter anyway. There is strength in numbers.

Here is another great site for info on thes issues:


Nice to meet you,

I completely understand (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @04:57AM EST (#28)
(User #1387 Info)
As a man who was also falsely accused, I know what he is going through. I went through it. Twice.
      The first time the college found me guilty (big surprise). The short version: she told me she had been raped by her last boyfriend and we needed to go slow on the sex thing. I did, but after about a month of dating I realized she had a lot of issues and being 21 I, to be brutally honest, didn't want to have a girlfriend who had 101 issues a day. About 5 months later she told her NEXT boyfriend that her LAST boyfriend had raped her. Now this nebulous person had a name and an identity. I won't go into all the details, but the school made it impossible for me to defend myself. About 6 months later I had amassed so much evidence, and, unknown to me, many people had quietly come forward disputing her story, that her own parents (her dad was a professor, and got a lot of what was being said back-channel) and her paster confronted her and she confessed. She took a semester off to "heal"
  from the experience. Needless to say, I never went back.
      The second time, again short version: girl and I had sex, it was her first time (she was 19), no drugs nor alcohol alleged, nor violence. She said she didn't realize she was no longer a virgin until I pulled out and told her "we will have to have more fun next time." This DIFFERENT college (where I was only 1 year from graduation) made it impossible to defend myself. I was found "responsible" (again, what a surprise) and expelled. Out of desperation I called my local Assistant District Attorney and begged her to come and take a statement from me, I would have no lawyer present, and if she thought I was guilty, to arrest me. This woman was shocked, told me I was either obviously innocent or nuts. I faxed her ONLY the ACCUSERS statement (but volunteered for a follow up interview, without a lawyer) and she read it. She said based on the woman's statement alone she would not be willing to prosecute the case. She told me the story was contradictory and sounded contrived and smacked of being coached by a "rape victim's advocate". The school could have cared less what she thought. I mean, why should they care what a professional RAPE prosecutor thinks, unless it backs them up.
      So, in neither case was I arrested, but I have never gotten a college degree. I don't want pity, but I will be damned if I will stand by while I, by inaction, watch the process of unequal justice.
      I don't write about this much. I didn't write on this until the post has almost fallen off the board. Just makes me remember too much.
      I do think that there should be a False-Accusers data base. The logical extension that if rape is such a viscerally horrendous crime that it warrents a data base, then it follows that those who would use that too easily doled out power to destroy a man's life should be marked as the sociopaths they are. And, in all cases actually, there should be a law: for whatever penalty you falsely name another, that penalty and one day shall be put upon the false accuser. In the legal world, it's called a deterrent.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:I completely understand (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 12, @08:38AM EST (#30)
"story was contradictory and sounded contrived and smacked of being coached by a "rape victim's advocate"."

Oh dear God, could there actually be people out there who would accept money to do such things just to get more money to criminalize more innocent men, just to get more money...

You too eh? I know the feeling. Only the batterer and the Marxist-Leninist, terrorist advocate in my case falsely accused me of d.v. after having put me on crutches in one of her rages. I still have the police record and have showed it to my pastor, internal affairs, etc., etc., etc. She clearly should have been arrested for all the provably false statements. What a bunch of scam artists. What a bunch of outright crooks. America is definitely already a police state. I mean it is here right now. I have no confidence in American law, and less in American justice. What a pack of hypocrites are Americans to go impose our will on terrorists, when what we are doing to men in our own country is no different than what foreign terrorists have done to us. It's all just done more covertly so as to arouse as little public attention as possible. The main difference is that the American feminist brand of terrorism is being committed under color of law.

Welcome to feminazi america as you, I, and now Kobe are aware it is.

I saw the John Ashcroft, feminazi commercial on T.V. just last night asking men to take the pledge against domestic violence (what can men do to stop violence against women). He is certainly begining to look more and more the part of the Reich Minister of Propoganda Enforcement. In his support of corupt domestic violence law he appears more and more to be cut from the same mold as Goeblls (sp?) and Himmler in their methodology.


not just playing (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Sunday November 09, @01:13AM EST (#2)
(User #665 Info)
What they really want is for Kobe to slink off into silence so they can continue to bash him without him protesting his innocence and acting innocent [such as going to work] - like he lives in some sort of trial by jury type of country! Basically, "we've" decided his case already, so would he please acknowledge our verdict? -sarcasm-
Masculist Man speaks (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @02:15AM EST (#4)
Why doesn't Mike Greenberg do everybody favor and go away. I for one will not miss him.


An old warrior returns (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @04:22AM EST (#5)
Sorry to interupt, but I just wanted to let everyone here know that I'm back.
I missed y'all.


"Hoka hey!"
Re:An old warrior returns (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Sunday November 09, @05:39AM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Glad to see your among us. Thank you for posting here, thunder. Spread the word.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re:An old warrior returns (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @07:44AM EST (#7)
Your posts have been missed.
Re:An old warrior returns (Score:1)
by Ragtime (ragtimeNOSPAM@PLEASEmensrights.ca) on Sunday November 09, @01:38PM EST (#11)
(User #288 Info)
Good to have you back, my friend. Welcome.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Re:An old warrior returns (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @04:33PM EST (#16)

I've missed you, and wondered if you were O.K. I hope that you are living well and continuing to prove all the misandrists wrong. Truly, living well is the best revenge.

"Hoka hey!"

Re:An old warrior returns (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday November 10, @01:10AM EST (#21)
Thanks, guys.
Yeah, I'm fine. Although I didn't expect to be "gone" for, what was it, 5 months or so?
As I have said before I am an Indian activist as well as a men's activist. My Indian "side" needed attending to, badly. Then my computer went down AGAIN!!! then I got really sick for some reason, but I'm okay now.

(Maybe a feminist witch put a hex on me, I don't know.)

"Hoka hey!"
Re:An old warrior returns (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Sunday November 09, @05:56PM EST (#19)
(User #665 Info)
:P Yo man. Check out some previous news bits, people are getting upset about us. *grins*
Speaking of warriors (Score:1)
by Larry on Monday November 10, @01:15AM EST (#22)
(User #203 Info)
Hey TC, welcome back! I missed you, too.

I just read something the other day that I thought you might enjoy.

At this point, having completely renounced his own comfort and privacy, paradoxically, the warrior finds himself more alone. He is like an island sitting alone in the middle of a lake. Occasional ferry boats and commuters go back and forth between the shore and the island, but all that activity only expresses the further loneliness, or the aloneness, of the island. Although the warrior's life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others. The fullness of his experience is his own, and he must live with his own truth. Yet he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and loneliness is what enables the warrior to constantly reach out to help others. By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart. This is not something to feel bad about: it is a cause for rejoicing. It is entering the warrior's world.

-from Shambala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa

Kinda sounds like Ray, doesn't it?

Proud member of the Sperm Cartel
Re:Speaking of warriors (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday November 10, @02:42AM EST (#23)
Yes, That pretty much sums up what it means to be a warrior.
And also, Yes, that DOES indeed sound like RAY!

  "Hoka hey!"
The Good That Could Come Out Of This Affair (Score:2)
by Luek on Sunday November 09, @11:27AM EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
I hope this high profile case brings to light the misandric rape laws in this country and causes them to be reformed.

The "he said/she said" rule with the "she said" half being the all powerful catalyst that can ruin a man's life such as in the William Hetherington's case in Michigan has to be dismantled.

Re:The Good That Could Come Out Of This Affair (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on Sunday November 09, @11:58AM EST (#10)
(User #1339 Info)
Least he can still go to work. Plenty of men accused but convicted of nothing get the axe from their jobs on nothing other than an allegation, then find it impossible to go back to work in their field when they are found "not guilty" in the courts. In many areas even "arrest" stay on your record. Try getting a security clearence with an "arrest"(It can be done, but it adds a ton of delay to the process. The kind of delay that usually cost you the position you applied for.), try getting your spot back at the University, or as a Doctor or Nurse or even elementary school teacher.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:The Good That Could Come Out Of This Affair (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @04:24PM EST (#15)
"I hope this high profile case brings to light the misandric rape laws in this country and causes them to be reformed."

I hope this high profile case brings to light the misandric Women's Studies classes that are taught in our colleges. Women's Studies teaches that all heterosexual sex is rape, because men have and use "POWER AND CONTROL" over women to oppress them in sexual relations and otherwise.

Let us hope that some day we can break the militant feminist "CYCLE OF STUPIDITY" that is built around their theory of "POWER AND CONTROL." Let us hope that some day we will be free of the TAX PAYER FUNDED abhorent pseudo-science of Women's Studies and all the REALLY STUPID LAWS that they have spawned.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:The Good That Could Come Out Of This Affair (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Sunday November 09, @05:54PM EST (#18)
(User #665 Info)
Unfortunately, I think this case won't help bring to light the idiocy inherent in current rape laws. Kobe is a basketball player, an automatic point against him in the feminist lobby. Secondly, he's married, he's a bad man even if he didn't rape the woman. No matter what happens, he'll be the bad guy. If they bring in troops of witnesses, evidence, etc., and the court finds him innocent, it'll be a miscarriage of justice and the poor girl's virtue will never be avenged blah blah blah.
If he is found guilty, feminists will still be unhappy he didn't get the death penalty or something, and everyone will follow their lead or be content. Very few people will be upset on his behalf.

I don't know if I could think of a "good" guy who'd really get people riled, they'll be so distorted by the time the feminist media gets done with him it won't matter. what a mess.
sick, vicious attacks (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @04:00PM EST (#13)
The idea that Kobe should quit his job because some woman excused him of rape after she showed up at his hotel room and entered in the middle of the night is ludicrous. That journalist are saying this just shows the extent of misandry in our culture.

Keep in mind, men, that if you didn't have all Kobe's money to buy lawyers, you would be in jail now for some long minimum sentence for "rape." Especially if you're a black male and a white woman accuses you of "rape."

So men really do need to videotape every sexual encounter they have with a woman. Keep the tapes for at least 30 days, because that's how long a woman has to decide if the sex was non-consensual. A woman may not like being treated like an amateur porn star (and most men wouldn't like it, either). But if you explain the situation I'm sure most women will understand.
Re:sick, vicious attacks (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday November 09, @04:15PM EST (#14)
"Keep in mind, men, that if you didn't have all Kobe's money to buy lawyers, you would be in jail now for some long minimum sentence for "rape." Especially if you're a black male and a white woman accuses you of "rape."

I agree 100%. Videotape, a contract, witnesses all would be advisable to have when having sex with a woman these days.

Geven the condition of militant feminst laws in our society today, I'm sure a case for rape could be made out of any sexual encounter between a man and a woman. After all Women's Studies teaches that all heterosexual sex is rape, and who could argue with the wisdom of that program?

Re:sick, vicious attacks (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Sunday November 09, @05:43PM EST (#17)
(User #665 Info)
Ya know, it isn't going to matter. In a court of law that tape showing a sigh will be interpreted as a violent protest. The contract will be considered null and void as mid-act he transformed into a sort of werewolf, (wererapist?) which means he violated it somehow. The witnesses only served to pressure the victim into signing the contract/participating in the act, making them accessories if not rapists themselves.

Something that really needs to called for is a stop to considering any and all "bad times" rape. As I've said before, either you start having rape in the first, second, third degree, distinguishing the person who sexually tortures 12-year-olds from the one who couldn't distinguish "oh, oh, baby, oh no" from "oh, oh, stop" as the phrase for being serious. The idea it is the same is insane. That, or we lower the whole offense.

By the way, my boyfriend's brother said that they teach that all sex is violence.
Re: The end of romance... batteries rule! (Score:1)
by Roy on Sunday November 09, @09:48PM EST (#20)
(User #1393 Info)
Given the obvious peril that all men face should they be so foolish as to actually seek to engage in a "relationship" with a female....

I guess the feminists have indeed won the day.

I hope they never run out of batteries to satisfy the auto-erotic narcissism that they have so long been devoted to...

Of course, telling them to "go screw yourselves" now seems a bit redundant!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: The end of romance... batteries rule! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday November 11, @05:29AM EST (#25)
I have always suspected that most women are either latent lesbians or bi-sexual, in nature.

Fine, I say DO let them go "screw themselves".
Just go away and leave ME alone, and stop accuseing every man of rape that looks at you cross-eyed.
Personaly, I am celebit, so I don't have as much to worry about as the next guy.


  "Hoka hey!"
Re: The end of romance... batteries rule! (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Tuesday November 11, @11:54PM EST (#27)
(User #665 Info)
>Personaly, I am celebit, so I don't have as much >to worry about as the next guy.

Yet. :P
Kobe, guilty or innocent, should not leave (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @05:02AM EST (#29)
(User #1387 Info)
As a man who was also falsely accused, I know what he is going through. I went through it. Twice.
            The first time the college found me guilty (big surprise). The short version: she told me she had been raped by her last boyfriend and we needed to go slow on the sex thing. I did, but after about a month of dating I realized she had a lot of issues and being 21 I, to be brutally honest, didn't want to have a girlfriend who had 101 issues a day. About 5 months later she told her NEXT boyfriend that her LAST boyfriend had raped her. Now this nebulous person had a name and an identity. I won't go into all the details, but the school made it impossible for me to defend myself. About 6 months later I had amassed so much evidence, and, unknown to me, many people had quietly come forward disputing her story, that her own parents (her dad was a professor, and got a lot of what was being said back-channel) and her paster confronted her and she confessed. She took a semester off to "heal"
    from the experience. Needless to say, I never went back.
            The second time, again short version: girl and I had sex, it was her first time (she was 19), no drugs nor alcohol alleged, nor violence. She said she didn't realize she was no longer a virgin until I pulled out and told her "we will have to have more fun next time." This DIFFERENT college (where I was only 1 year from graduation) made it impossible to defend myself. I was found "responsible" (again, what a surprise) and expelled. Out of desperation I called my local Assistant District Attorney and begged her to come and take a statement from me, I would have no lawyer present, and if she thought I was guilty, to arrest me. This woman was shocked, told me I was either obviously innocent or nuts. I faxed her ONLY the ACCUSERS statement (but volunteered for a follow up interview, without a lawyer) and she read it. She said based on the woman's statement alone she would not be willing to prosecute the case. She told me the story was contradictory and sounded contrived and smacked of being coached by a "rape victim's advocate". The school could have cared less what she thought. I mean, why should they care what a professional RAPE prosecutor thinks, unless it backs them up.
            So, in neither case was I arrested, but I have never gotten a college degree. I don't want pity, but I will be damned if I will stand by while I, by inaction, watch the process of unequal justice.
            I don't write about this much. I didn't write on this until the post has almost fallen off the board. Just makes me remember too much.
            I do think that there should be a False-Accusers data base. The logical extension that if rape is such a viscerally horrendous crime that it warrents a data base, then it follows that those who would use that too easily doled out power to destroy a man's life should be marked as the sociopaths they are. And, in all cases actually, there should be a law: for whatever penalty you falsely name another, that penalty and one day shall be put upon the false accuser. In the legal world, it's called a deterrent.
                L. Steven Beene
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
[an error occurred while processing this directive]