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Misandric play - "The male intellect: an oxymoron?
posted by Hombre on Friday October 03, @01:49PM
from the When-are-men-who-think-men-are-idiots-going-to-stop-philosophizing? dept.
Masculinity mens_issues writes "There is a play showing in Boulder (where else?) called "The male intellect: an oxymoron?" by Robert Dubac. The "protagonist" of this stupid play is a man named Bobby who supposedly can't figure women out. The explanation then goes into the worn out cliche about him being a chauvinist "like most guys," as well as the fact that the five men who have taught him the most about women are even bigger "chauvinists." Here is the link: http://www.maleintellect.com/ Steve"

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I wrote to the Author and Producer (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Friday October 03, @07:14PM EST (#1)
(User #1387 Info)
Here is what I wrote:

Nice job,
        You tap into the current PC misandry and take away a paycheck. "its a comedy" you say? How about a show that hits all them buttons women just love to have pushed: " a bitter, bile spitting, misandrist who 'just doesn't get it' is counseled on dating from lonely male-hating hags". I imagine you wouldn't make this play, or if made it wouldn't do so well. You and I could have a long discussion about demographics and who will see this play, based on it's theme, the PC male-bashing (making men look like empty headed buffoons is soooo PC), or maybe about how if turned around you would be sued by N.O.W. or somesuch. But, I imagine you just keep a quick buck from a "pop-culture"play that taps into the Ricky/Oprah generation and say "what's his problem". But I guess from the tone of your play I can look at you and say: I guess some men : "just don't get it". Making money by feeding into misandry. Nice going.
        Steven Beene

I must admit, I AM being a BIT disingenuous, I didn't SEE the show. Just read about it.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Duh? (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Saturday October 04, @04:36AM EST (#2)
(User #308 Info)
What is there to figure out about women? They're selfish, vain, inconsiderate, whining babies - and that's before they attend their first women's studies class. If you take the view that women are spoilt children (check out Veruca Salt in Roald Dahl's 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory'), you won't go far wrong. The rest is all conceit; the idea that she's 'complex' or in some way 'deep'. The problem isn't that men don't understand women, it's that there's nothing there to be understood. If ever a woman does have any intellectual depth, it's only because she's learned a whole load of men's ideas.
Re:Duh? (Score:1)
by mens_issues on Saturday October 04, @12:17PM EST (#3)
(User #267 Info)
Uberganger, I haven't seen you post in awhile :)

You wrote one of the funniest responses to a post I've ever seen (sometime last year). It was the one where some troll wrote about young women being lined up to "perform like seals" for adult websites. You responded that you always had a thing for women balancing beach balls on their noses and that it must have started when you had your first erection at Sea World at the age of ten - "it's a harmless fetish, but I seem to go through an awful lot of raw fish." Too funny.

To be fair, there are many good gals out there too. It's just that there are also too many women who haven't outgrown the Veruca Salt (spoiled brat) mentality of childhood - and the political, legal and economic system that lets these individuals get away with this.

Re:Duh? (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Monday October 06, @06:26AM EST (#4)
(User #308 Info)
Thanks for remembering me, Steve. I remember the seal thing, and it's making me smile to think about it now. Thanks to my bizarre fetishism, all the strip-joints in my town have strict 'no fish' policies.

OK, there are good gals out there, but sometimes I get so annoyed because there are so many women who aren't even aware of what spoilt brats they are. There a scene in 'Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory' where Veruca is going 'I want, I want, I want...' and Grandpa Joe says to Charlie, "What she wants is a kick in the pants." Amen, brother!
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