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Mainstream Discourse on the Nonexistent Wage Gap
posted by Hombre on Saturday September 13, @10:15AM
from the people-waking-up-to-todays-realities dept.
News hurkle writes "http://www.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_100/101_dat ing_advice.html What a thing to see in a typically FHM/Maxim - oriented site. I love it I love it I love it. Note, some points are made that even veteran male advocates forget sometimes. Good stuff."

Where's the justice? I'd say it's been served. | 2-Day Challenge to catch up for Farrell  >

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Good Article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday September 13, @01:36PM EST (#1)
The author is questioning the traditional idea that men should be expected to materially provide for women. Just as women have shrugged off the traditional obligations of womanhood, men should do likewise.
          Mens magazines are presently pseudo-feminist, but increasingly there is a willingness to deal with mens issues ( REAL issues such as false allegations, family courts as distinct from "how to lose 10 lbs", "how to make yourself more attractive to women", etc). These magazines will eventually play an important role in the mens movement.
Re:Good Article (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Saturday September 13, @08:22PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"Mens magazines are presently pseudo-feminist,"

Re:Good Article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday September 14, @12:26PM EST (#6)
Do you guys mean quasi feminist? Psuedo, would mean false feminists.

P. George
Re:Good Article (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Sunday September 14, @01:16PM EST (#7)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"Do you guys mean quasi feminist? Psuedo, would mean false feminists. "

Since I believe all feminism is fake than I guess I would lable it Psuedo. For now your definition can can also show how it is quasi feminist. Though nearly every institution now is at the least "quasi" feminist.
Re:Good Article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday September 14, @08:59PM EST (#9)
"Do you guys mean quasi feminist? Psuedo, would mean false feminists."
                                      Yes, I meant quasi feminist.

Great to see (Score:1)
by Tom on Saturday September 13, @07:12PM EST (#2)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
This article was great to see. Askmen.com seems to be a mainstream sort of place and to hear him nailing the wage gap and then to call women on their double standard of expecting the man to pay for dates is a breath of fresh air!

Sign this online letter about domestic violence
Re:Great to see (Score:1)
by Gregory on Saturday September 13, @09:58PM EST (#4)
(User #1218 Info)
I agree. It was a great article.
Re:Great to see (Score:2)
by Dittohd on Sunday September 14, @11:11AM EST (#5)
(User #1075 Info)
>Even if it were true that women earn 25% less than men, women still should be picking up 75% of their half of the dating expenses. Equal rights means equal rights.

My only problem with the article was the condition for women paying half on dates as whether or not she earns the same as the man. If she makes more than the man, should she pay proportionately more?

I say it shouldn't matter. How many women determine how much a man makes before expecting him to pay for their date?

The date should be paid for by both regardless of how much each makes, IMHO. They should either go places they both can afford or go on dates that don't cost much, if anything.

What do women do when they go out together? The one making the most pays? Do they determine exactly how much each makes so they can come up with exact percentages for each? Hardly!


Re:Great to see (Score:1)
by hurkle (nosecow@hotmail.com) on Sunday September 14, @02:43PM EST (#8)
(User #1246 Info)
yea, but this was obviously a satirical question. I mean the author wrote sex-ploytation. So my guess is he tamped it down quite a bit for the meanstream. Didn't want to scare them off. Let them learn the truh, then they won't be scared.
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