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Besides repeating three or four times throughout the article the qualification that men supposedly hurt women more severely than vice versa, did anyone notice the author's suggestion as to why we need to acknowledge that women commit domestic violence as often as men?
"By not understanding the mutual role they often play, women are at great risk for injury, new studies show."
"But new data is emerging that says women are also involved in aggression. If we do not tell women that, we put them at risk."
Why is it that no mention is made of the risk the victimized males face? Apparently, when we ignore the male victims in doemstic violence, we are only putting women at risk. The man's bruises are of no concern or consequence. Of much less apparent consequence is the fact that he has nowhere to go for help.
One walks away from this article with the feeling that women who abuse their spouses are in fact victims of a society which ignores their male victims! WTF??!!
One of these days people are going to feel comfortable with the radical idea that men are worthy of concern. It ain't always about the woman.
did anyone notice the author's suggestion as to why we need to acknowledge that women commit domestic violence as often as men?... One walks away from this article with the feeling that women who abuse their spouses are in fact victims of a society which ignores their male victims!
I did notice that. The article smacks as much of feminist damage control as of any attempt to be honest or fair. Nevertheless, the truth is eking out.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 23, @05:46PM EST (#3)
The truth is like oil in water, it will always rise to the surface.
That's why those sows in canada want to make the truth illegal.
Can anyone say, 1984 totalitarian visionaries?
"Nevertheless, the truth is eking out."
It's being let out reluctantly, but it's being let out.
We're gettin' there slowly, but we're gettin' there.
Remain vigilant.
Very good point Hobbes. A man's pain is taboo in our culture. People can't even acknowledge it in a news story about their victimization. We are only comfortable talking about a woman's pain. We have a long way to go. This is why it is so important that we get stories in the public domain about men who have been abused. Slowly people will start listening.
Stand Your Ground Forum
I agree with everyone here in that the author seems to fall all over herself with excuses and justifications. That being said, I am surprised that the USA Today would even acknowledge this. I sent off a congratulatory letter to the Leninists to reward them.
And of course, it was slanted to show that women need help; which is the typical pheminist spin.
Man: Batterers, brutal, must be jailed.
Woman: Batterers, victims, at risk, must be helped.
Same old double standard.
---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
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