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Joint custody plan under fire
posted by Thomas on Friday June 20, @02:25PM
from the Fatherhood dept.
Fatherhood Chas writes "Following yesterday's article about Australian plans to consider equal custody of children, predictable responses are now reported from women's organisations. American readers might like to respond online to these statements in the news report, and to set the record straight: "Sole Parents Union president Kathleen Swinbourne said overseas evidence showed the move was terrible for children, treating them like equally divisible pieces of property. "The research from America shows that it rarely works and kids are the ones that lose," she said. Another comment: "Elspeth McInnes, convener of the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children, said California had been forced to amend its shared custody laws to prioritise child safety after "horrendous" problems with violence." Read the article here.

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