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Another Female Gets Away With Murder...Sort Of
posted by Adam on Wednesday June 11, @09:55AM
from the Double-standards dept.
Domestic Violence Luek writes " This news story is significant because one, it shows that a woman will probably get the lesser charge of manslaughter rather than murder when she deliberately kills a man in a manner like this. And two, it suggests speculation that one of the factors that caused this man's violent brutal death was the social conditioning now in vogue that a man will never ever hit a woman no matter what she does. Did social conditioning in regards to violence against women suppress the natural human instinct to defend one's self against a violent physical attack?"

Stop Prisoner Rape | "Evidence" not required for sex discrimination law  >

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manslaughter? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday June 11, @03:50PM EST (#1)
This sounds like a clear cut case of murder.

The prosecuting DA must be a feminist, which in trun means sexist.

Re:manslaughter? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday June 12, @02:14AM EST (#2)
In all cases of assault the main concern of the police/courts is the gender identity of the assailant and victim. This is far more important than the motivation for the assault or the severity of the assault. Murder by a female is regarded as a trivial offense.
          Why is this? Why do men have no right of self-defense?
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