posted by Adam on Saturday May 17, @09:39AM
from the The-Media dept.
Anonymous User writes "Wal Mart employes 75% female and has been removing male goods from there shelves citing "racy". . .not. Take a look at comso and the massive amounts of fem mags and then we'll understand "racy."
I have started watching CNN with my son. . .the journalist male and female are extremely anti-male. Watch as they nearly jump out of there seat when someone attempts to stand up for a boy or man. Every criminal women must be a victim. . .Evey man is guilty and should be exicuted or at least extreme punishment. They do have an older gentlemen that attempts to look and talk about things realistically; however, the other journalist always and very quickly, shuts him up. My son is learning the dangers of being male in today's society and I will do everything in my power to make him understand that he is, the very good person he is. . .reguardless of the schools, courts, tv, or societies general anti-male sentiment. I teach and prove (thanks CNN) the real threat and dangers of dating (especially having sex with a)women these days. Men loose their jobs, careers, property, money, health, they are very regularly and often wrongly imprisoned to be beaten and raped, just to name a few. . . Nobody cares (society). I myself am afraid and have chosen (if I still have that right) to NOT get on the elevator with the snake. . . I'll take the stairs too.
Signed: The persecuted"
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In the USA, females and their political supporters, minorities and others, in effect, hold political power as they are the electoral majority. This has resulted in their granting themselves privilege, avoiding individual and collective responsibility (as in the military service), and in promulgating discrimination against males (especially caucasian males) in general. The same social-political-cultural environment can not be called a "Republican Democracy" which implies and requires equal rights, equal freedoms, and equal responsibilities for all citizens. It should be called, in my opinion, the "dictatorship of the (feminine) majority" as a democratic form of government without adequate political safeguards for the rights, liberties, and responsibilities of all citizens amounts to nothing more than a "dictatorship of the majority." C.V. Compton Shaw
I've been thinking something along those lines. If we have a government, judiciary and media that is pro-feminist, then it is almost like being in a communist country. You can't say anything against the party and you won't be heard anyway and they can take retribution for your un-party like ways. This seems true to a greater or lesser extent around the world, and in Europe, they are presently deciding if we need a President for the EU. No-one seems to want my opinion, or any other voters. The EU seems to be a country for the politicians, by the politicians and of the politicians. International groups like the UN and the ICC have a pro-feminist attitude, and think they are morally superior and so can impose them on everyone else, because we, being wrong, needn't be listened to. George Washington was worried about factions destroying democracy. Before this is over, we may have to find a better way to ensure everyone is truly represented not just in the government but also in the judiciary and the media.
Raymond Cuttill Men's Books Men's Radio
I've produced MSNHatesMen.com that cites MSN's hatred for men. I was hoping other people might take up this idea. Maybe a WalmartHatesMen.com or a CNNHatesMen.com or the same for anyone who hates men. Remembering that you just have to criticise women to be judged a misogynist. This would mean that a company xxx that demeaned men would get a xxxHatesMen.Com site. It could also include websites, say Oprah.com gets a OprahHatesMen.com for example. It would just have to be a page or two. As long as it was visible and a thorn in the companies' side. They could all link together. In Britain I'd want a BBCHatesMen.com and Channel4HatesMen.com. I've got neither the time or money to do all of them. Anyone want a go at some company, CNN or Walmart or someone?
Raymond Cuttill Men's Books Men's Radio
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