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by Anonymous User on Friday May 16, @06:35PM EST (#1)
The article seems freely available, for now.
I have played Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and I must say that this passage
In the game, made by Rockstar Games for Sony's Playstation 2 and just re-released in a PC version, players are rewarded for beating and killing women - who exist mostly at the edges of the game - with their fists, feet and in one instance, a golf club.
is completely ridiculous. The game rewards the beating, shooting, burning, blowing up, and running over (with a car) of any bystander, whether man or woman, or of any race. The number of missions featuring female enemies is really low; they were even more scarce in GTA III.
It seems like some people are looking for any reason to complain.
The feminists express concern only for women's safety. Thet spout the usual nonsense about women's inequality, ignoring all the ways in which women are privileged and protected. It just reinforces my view of feminism as a pathological movement dedicated to building female privilege and power. Feminists are interested in entitlement, not equality.
The feminists express concern only for women's safety. Thet spout the usual nonsense about women's inequality, ignoring all the ways in which women are privileged and protected. It just reinforces my view of feminism as a pathological movement dedicated to building female privilege and power. Feminists are interested in entitlement, not equality.
That entitlement has to be paid for as a matter of public policy, at the expense of men.
Yes, they created a message board for this debate, and a bunch of us--males and females alike--are acknowledging this point. Of course, many of those posts are getting lost among the "WIMMEN SUK" and "MENN aL SuCk", but hey, that's AOL>
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 17, @12:07AM EST (#4)
So let me get this straight, it's ok to have women in video games as long as they meet certain conditions:
1) The women are the heroes of the story.
2) They are as powerful or even better, more powerful then the men in the game.
3) The game has a political agenda so we don't forget about opression of women while playing. For example the enemies could be christians, Republican party members, 'deadbeat' dads or cheating husbands. Of course the enemies would have to all be men.
4) All women in the game must look like butch dykes.
If the game doesn't meet these requirments then it promotes violence against women.
I really thought that the human race wasn't possible of creating people as stupid as the women quoted in this article. Let alone give them positions of power or make them head of orginizations.
They don't mind women entering the ring and fighting the men. What bothers them is that the men can actually fight back! And win! That's not how it usually goes in those female empowerment movies.
l/p: fuckyou111/fuckyou
Anyway, violence by woman against men with sexual tones is an industry onto itself. Check out the "mixed" sections of the following websites:
Green Eyes
DT Wrestling
Basically its S&M, only one sided, F -> M.
by Anonymous User on Sunday May 18, @01:06PM EST (#8)
.. I don't know where to begin! Just a couple paragraphs for commentary...
"'Now women can be killing machines, but adolescent about everything else,' Ms. Hooks said."
Being sexual is being adolescent?? Is it better women be turned into killing machines, at least in video games videos, or to be adolescent (whatever that means)?
"That is what one sees in 'Charlie's Angels,' " she continued. "The women kill as ruthlessly and as brutally as any men, but when it comes to sex that drops out and they are little girls. It is a tremendous burden."
For centuries now men have been expected to be brutal warriors and gentle lovers. Yet no one ever seemes to seriously question this state of affairs until females got a taste of the same expecations.
"Ultimately, Ms. Hooks said, 'They take people's minds away from really how much power females are losing in real life.'"
Only someone living in a totally delusional state can imagine that women have been losing power these past 30 years as compared to men.
This feminist is so far gone I dunno what could bring her back...
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