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Remember to remove the spaces.
If this child is ordered to pay support, I'm donating the money. I say again, gentlemen, who else here is ready to offer assistance to a fund to right this type of wrong?
Mitchell A. Smith
"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @04:14PM EST (#4)
"Remember to remove the spaces.
If this child is ordered to pay support, I'm donating the money. I say again, gentlemen, who else here is ready to offer assistance to a fund to right this type of wrong?"
Does anyone know of any "man-friendly" attorneys? I doubt there are many of they do exist. I've been considering a career change, and law just may be a place worth exploring if I had the opportunity to help put a stop to such atrocities as 12-year-old boys being forced to pay child support to their own rapist. I still have to shake my head when I think of this; I cannot fathom the thinking behind this kind of treatment of a kid, and a child molester being allowed to raise the baby on top of that. It just flies in the face of any sense of justice or common sense.
- Freebird
I've been considering getting involved in this men's movement for a while now. I would certainly be interested in getting involved in this cause, either supporting an existing group that's already doing good work or in starting a new one.
I think our biggest problem is that this is a state's rights issue which means getting the laws changed 50 times over, unless we could possibly get something overall passed at the federal level.
I think one way this problem could be attacked is to fight for men to have the right to put their child up for adoption, a right women already have. In fact, in some jurisdictions, all a woman has to do is drop her unwanted baby off at a designated spot and she's absolved of all future responsibility for her child. So why not the equal right for men? When a woman has a baby, the father should have the same equal right to put his baby up for adoption and the mother can, if she wants, adopt her baby as a single mother just as she does now when seeking to adopt the children of other mothers even when she doesn't have a husband or male "wallet."(ex. Calista Flockhart of Aly McBeal fame and Rosie O'Donnell). Ideally, this should be accomplished before the baby is born, but doesn't have to be. After the baby is born, the woman still has the right to put the baby up for adoption.
I am also wondering whether there is already an organization(s) fighting this injustice and whether or not they are doing good work towards that end that we could either support or supplement. Just a cursory look at the side panel of this website shows which has this as a goal. Another obvious one is Choice4Men.
Finally, I'm wondering if this men's movement is not too fractured and maybe needs an all encompassing group to coordinate and plan actions by all the other groups. And would this even work? Would each smaller group want to remain autonomous? I personally think that maybe there are too many smaller groups with too few members to really move toward some serious progress. I think we need a group that contains a really large number of members. Larger than any other before.
What do you all think?
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @10:39PM EST (#6)
There is no men's movement, never was. Just a bunch of frustrated and angry males who can't handle life.
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @11:12PM EST (#7)
"There is no men's movement, never was. Just a bunch of frustrated and angry males who can't handle life."
I thank God daily that a bunch of frustrated and angry males who can't handle life in a man-hating society exist and are willing to do something about.
to be front page at any time. Why not make the anons -1 by default?
Anyone can sign up for an email account with hotmail or yahoo or various other outfits. Sign up for email (if you need to), then sign up with this site, confirm signup by return email, then post. This way the obvious flimflam can be banned by account.
I know that some anons bring value to the topics on hand, but often they post gibberish or attack the cause without any sound logic.
Anyway, just offering ideas.
Mitchell A. Smith
"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
by Anonymous User on Sunday May 11, @12:46AM EST (#10)
"This way the obvious flimflam can be banned by account."
I didn't realize this place made use of a system of banning. I thought this was one of the things that distinguished this site from numerous feminist websites that ban users and delete any posts from users that don't follow the party line.
I don't advocate banning anyone. What I advocate is having a checkbox that says "don't show me anonymous messages."
This way I can filter out anonymous crap from those such as yourself. ---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
>I didn't realize this place made use of a system of banning.
It doesn't. I think that's a problem with this site. It should. By sex and by "anonymous" as a handle. Not all of us men think alike, so it should be obvious I'm not advocating banning based on opinions or whether or not the party line is agreed to.
Clicking on and reading anonymous postings is annoying and such a waste of time. Especially when its from an ugly woman, not to mention when one anonymous poster starts replying to another anonymous poster.
Then you wonder if the second one isn't just talking to himself/herself.
I think it would be an improvement to have everyone required to have a handle. And I still think women should be banned. After all, this is a site. I know this mens movement needs women, but I still prefer talking to men on these subjects and women rarely if ever have anything constructive to contribute. There are other sites that women can join if they want to contribute. Why can't this one be different. If Augusta National can do it...
Barring that last restriction, everyone's sex should be attached to their required handle. At the very least, I personally like to know who and which sex I'm talking to or arguing with when I talk and argue.
P.S. ID handles don't identify a person's real identity anyway, so I don't see the problem. It just helps us attribute successive ideas and opinions to one person... and hopefully in the future, sex.
P.S.P.S. And I think Thundercloud should get a handle so we no longer see "Anonymous" for his postings when going through the posting threads. That excuse that he forgot his password is tired. I never have to use a password to get onto and be recognized by this site, so it's no doubt using a cookie to recognize me each time I come here. Thundercloud: Drop the excuses and get a handle!
I think requiring everyone to have a handle is a good idea. The ability to ignore users by the user's handle would be great also. Having a personal profile for each user would be good. Sex could be part of the profile using one of those scroll down bars so you have to fill it out.
Banning women I don't agree with. Women have made some signifigant contributions to men's activism. If the misandrists really, really wanted they could just sign on as men and post anyway.
Let them post.
They make good practice for our arguments.
The more they post, the more armed we become!!
There is just way to much disagreement in the men's movement. Some don't want any women in the movement others do. Some want a 50's lifestyle others want a modern lifestyle. Some are mysoginists others aren't. Some believe gays are ok others think that they are a sign of the coming apocalaypse. It seems there isn't even agreement on what a 'real' man is.
Father's rights issues are a good thing to rally around but then there is a lot of disagreement here also. Some guys are pro-abortion others aren't. Some are pro-choice for men others think both men and women should live with the consequences of casual sex. Some think it's ok for men to stay at home others think men who stay at home are new age pussies.
The viciousness of the arguments on here show how strongly held these beliefs are. Look at this thread, anon posts his concerns about the party line and is told his opinion is crap.
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