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by Anonymous User on Thursday May 08, @07:19PM EST (#1)
I heard Ms. Ireland on Fox News, Bill O'reilly the other night and Bill ask her flatly if she was a Christian. She would not say "yes" or "no."
Why do I think that this is just some underhanded endeavor by her to use that institutions name to attack those Christians who don't share her Feminist outlook on the world. I think the new understanding of what YWCA should stand for is Young Women, Anathema to Christ, because what they will believe in and practice will most likely be acursed to the majority of Christians.
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 08, @07:34PM EST (#2)
At least where I live the YWCA has been a radical feminist orginization for a long time, christian in name only. Ireland is only going to push it over the edge of the radical feminist path it's been going towards for a while now.
by Anonymous User on Friday May 09, @06:49PM EST (#6)
Why not let Patricia Ireland destroy the YWCA? Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. The YMCA could appoint a men's activist to head it--preferably one would would be willing to admit to being Christian. That would make for an interesting contrast.
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 08, @09:46PM EST (#3)
The next step is to appoint a former KKK leader to head the NAACP. While refusing to answer the question of whether he's racist, he'll talk of the importance of teaching black youth how to set fires, and make that the primary focus of the NAACP. I'm sure there will be a lot of opportunity for collaborative projects between the KKK's NAACP and Ireland's YMCA.
This is a sick joke. Especially the part about Ireland leading the YMCA.
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 08, @09:48PM EST (#4)
sub "YWCA" for "YMCA" in above. Maybe the YMCA is her next step?
by Anonymous User on Friday May 09, @02:40AM EST (#5)
The Concerned Women for America have been strongly countering the feminist agenda (the Hillary crowd) at the United Nations recently. I think Ireland and her ilk want to embarass this group by taking something CWA hold's sacred (the name refering to their identity) and confusing the issue(s). The U.N. is one area that I heard she wants to be active in.
May all her ways be confounded and confused in the same way she would try to do to others so that unwary people may not be misled by her and her ilk.
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @12:11AM EST (#8)
Thanks for the article, this has been my experience with the YWCA
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @04:13AM EST (#9)
The YWCA accepts money from the State of California and provides domestic violence services. Allegedly, they are denying these services to men AND ARE BEING SUED FOR SAME.
It is against the law in the State of California to discriminate, based on sex, in services provided and in the prices charged for goods and services, etc.
It will be interesting to see if Ms. Ireland will lead the YWCA to follow the Biblical admonition stated in MATT 5:25-26 as she brings her leadership to the Young Womens CHRISTIAN Association.
A good measure of how Chiristian she and this organization are will be shown by how much she follows the teaching of the Bible. Let everyone watch and discern this one. It should be interesting.
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