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Letter to Progressive.Com
posted by Adam on Monday March 24, @09:09AM
from the News dept.
News BlondGuy10 writes "Glenn Renwick Progressive Insurance 6300 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, OH 44143 Dear Mr. Renwick: I am writing to you regarding a commercial that you are running. The commercial in question is the voodoo commercial with Kate Martin. This commercial is highly offensive to me and to other males in this country. Every time I see it I want to throw a brick at my television. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to think that airing a commercial over and over depicting a supposedly jilted, revengeful female relentlessly sexually humiliating a male using voodoo and her computer is going to make other males buy your insurance. Are you under the mistaken impression that is does? What kind of message is this type "advertising" sending to young, impressionable minds in country? I expressed these thoughts at your web site and a female replied that this was a humorous way to sell insurance and that it would continue. Well, male bashing is NOT funny to males and it is going to stop. Let's see a commercial where the tables are turned and it is a female being made a complete fool of and routinely discarded like yesterday's trash under the guise of humorous advertising. That would be on the air about 2 seconds before the women's groups had it removed! You are spending much money I am sure to run this GARBAGE which is making males NOT buy your insurance. You don't have to be a rocket scientist, Mr. Renwick, to see that there might be an error in this plan. I would not buy your insurance if it were the only insurance on the planet. Nor will anyone else over whom I have any control. Further, I am going to post this letter to every male movement web site I can find. Hopefully, you will receive additional letters in this regard. I hope that I have your attention and that this trash will be removed from the air and replaced with a commercial where the male is NOT the subject of humiliation to the delight of a "victimized" female such as "Ms". Martin. Thank you for your time and attention. (signed)"

The Machismo Monologues | Progressive Insurance At It Again!  >

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The problem... (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Monday March 24, @01:54PM EST (#1)
(User #901 Info)
The only thing wrong with this letter is that you're appealing to the person's best interest and moral sense, rather than standing on principle and your rights as a human being and US Citizen.
In this regard, the broadcast is a violation of every man's rights in terms of representing "fighting words" as well as being defamatory and bigoted against the male gender in a manner so as to deliberately or negigently offend a particular individual or group, and in a manner which demeans them or is intended to lower their public perception or self-eseteem.
Such defamatory portrayals are likewise a violation of FCC "acceptable use" laws regarding use of the public airwaves.
Such "Safe prejudices" are often used, but rarely in so brazen a manner, and ads such as these simply lower the bar for greater defamation, which is always an incite to dehumanization; if you can portray someone as less than human, it facilitates their treatment as such-- as history shows in countless cases of bigotry and hatred.
I would have called him a Nazi.

My letter to Regressive Insurance (Score:1)
by napnip on Monday March 24, @02:24PM EST (#2)
(User #494 Info) http://www.aynrand.org
Dear Regressive,

Since I am not actually a Regressive customer, I suppose my words will irrelevant. Nonetheless, I am writing to let you know that I will under no circumstances, ever purchase insurance from you.

It seems you've made a business out of misandry. You obviously have some type of hatred, or at best, dislike of men and masculinity in general. Your male-bashing commercials are proof, disguised as "humor".

I will also be urging everyone I know to avoid your company like the proverbial plague. Which I suppose is OK with you, since you obviously feel that you don't need mens' business anyway.

As far as your name is concerned, I refuse to call a company "Progressive" when it feels that it can place one gender on a pedastal while bashing another. You should seriously consider changing your name to Regressive Insurance.

Perhaps Geico will appreciate my business better than you would.


[Name and addy omitted here for obvious reasons]

"Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
Re:My letter to Regressive Insurance (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday March 25, @12:26AM EST (#4)
((("Perhaps Geico will appreciate my buisness better that you would.")))

That's a great touch.
I like that little lizard, anyway.
Better to have a small reptile as a mascott than a big one as a company president.

General stupidity.... (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Monday March 24, @02:58PM EST (#3)
(User #901 Info)
The level of intelligence-- or lack thereof-- displayed by such commercials must be taken into account; seriously, when a commercial has to sink the the level of casting voodoo curses, or in a related commercial, magically turning everything in an apartment into something the person wishes for, you have to consider this as below even the intelligence of commercials which portray beautiful women springing from their brand of beer-bottles.

Additionally, providing women with this kind of fodder for their hateful fantasies agaist men-- not to mention the notion that they spend their time engaged in such-- represents a vicarious violation of men in general, while demeaning women as well-- if only as an abuser, which is hardly as demeaning as to the victim.

However, I do have to mention that the male-centered commercial didn't display a man torturing a woman, but rather changing his scrubby male room-mate into a beautiful model-- a commercial for which the word "dumb" does no justice; somehow I must have missed the part where he rips out her ovaries and uterus with a meat-hook to the sound of a laugh-track.
Stupid commercials are bad enough, but to make them personally offensive by pandering to the target-audience-- no doubt products of the failed public-school system- at the expense of the dignity of another group, is not only presumptuous, unethical and cowardly, but is also, technically, WELL outside of the penumbral protection of the First Amendment.

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