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CA Paternity Fraud Champion
posted by D on Monday January 27, @04:44PM
from the Paternity-Fraud dept.
Reproductive Rights warble writes "Attention ALL California Paternity Fraud victims! I have reviewed all of the tapes from the legislative sessions that took place last year. As everybody knows we need a champion to push paternity fraud legislation in the California 2003 legislative session. I believe that John Longville is that perfect candidate. THIS MAN GETS IT! P John Longville is the ONLY person on the Committee of the Judiciary that stood up to the bigotry that men face. He identified the issue and went after the issue like a bulldog!

Please send your FAX now requesting him to be our champion for paternity fraud legislation. I believe John Longville is a major fighter and will fight for the rights of paternity fraud victims. You can view his web site here: Assemblymember Longville

All of the information necessary to send letters and faxes are there. You can even call if you like. Please appraise him for his exposure of the bigotry that paternity fraud victims face and encourage him to be our champion.



Angry Harry, Radical Feminists and the Superbowl | UK Human Genetics Commission  >

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Sample Letter (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Tuesday January 28, @10:32AM EST (#1)
(User #643 Info)
Here is a sample letter that you can fax or send to Mr. Longville asking him to help us provide relief to paternity fraud victims. In this case, I sincerely believe that every letter will count. So, if you are in California I'm asking that you customize this letter and send it in.



Honorable John Longville
California State Assembly
201 North E Street, Suite 205
Sacramento, CA 92401
Phone: (916) 319-2062
Fax: (916) 319-2162


Dear Assemblyman Longville,

I am writing to advocate on behalf of paternity fraud victims in California. This group is a collection of individuals that have experienced hardship, bias, discrimination, and outright oppression. They are a group that is without a popular voice and that was beaten down last year by the opposition and the veto of AB2240.

Paternity fraud victims in California are composed of war veterans like Taron James who selflessly fought in the Gulf War. He risked his life and well being to assure that Kuwait would be restored to its rightful place. Meanwhile, in California he fell victim to paternity fraud and suffers at the hands of a rogue justice system that refuses to accept DNA evidence that exonerates him completely. One must ask, how many more veterans will become victims as they are ordered overseas and cannot represent themselves against mothers that would commit paternity fraud?

In addition, these victims include people like Bert Riddick who warned the legislature last year that if AB2240 did not become law that he would loose his home and his family. After the opposition tore apart AB2240 and Governor Davis vetoed the bill, Bert Riddick went into a deep depression. Everything was lost as predicted and he could do nothing to stem the losses. He was powerless to end the oppression. We are barely able to maintain contact with Bert, and he barely hangs on while the DCSS seizes $1600 per month that is sent to a mother who committed paternity fraud for financial gain.

Other victims include veterans like the Chaka and Yvette Kee family who desperately cling to their livelihood while the California DCSS mocks justice. The DCSS mocks justice because they continue to seek a means whereby they can continue seizing the funds of Chaka's family while knowing that there are TWO PATERNITY ORDERS in Orange County.

The costs of fighting the rogue Orange County DCSS has exceeded over $5000 and has placed this family of a limited income in deep debt. What they have spend to prove Chaka's innocence is TEN TIMES the cost of a DNA test to prove their innocence! Yet the DCSS continues to beat down this family in a cold and calculating manner.

Currently, NCFM-LA has agreed to represent the Kee family and provide an attorney, but this will come at a very high cost that only a few can afford, and this help is only available to one family. NCFM, LA cannot provide legal council to the thousands of other families that are being victimized by the DCSS due to limited resources. So, they go without as the DCSS manipulates the system to seize their funds.

Mr. Longville, these are but a few of the victims of paternity fraud. We come to you and ask you to stand up against those that would continue to oppress these victims and their innocent children. We know that you will have to stand against many who would have this oppression continue. We know that the opposition will make this an uncomfortable and difficult fight, but the fact is that only you have the reputation in the Assembly for fighting on behalf of the downtrodden like non other. We know that some in your own party will oppose you and malign you, but we believe that only you Mr. Longville, saw through the biases and had the courage to speak out against that bias with a conviction like nobody else. Only you exposed the fallacies of the opposition while they claimed nobody uses paternity fraud for personal gain.

Finally, are asking that you work with NCFM, LA, CAPF, NCFC, and other groups that support language to stop the opposition who would have paternity fraud continue. Please note that NCFM, LA is one of a few that also seeks to fight for the downtrodden (i. e. See the Gunther Project ) Therefore, it seems obvious that you would make a good team member in fighting against paternity fraud. Please, sponsor the bill that NCFM, LA is proposing and work with them to craft language that will end this abuse of war veterans and other innocent families.


Your Name
555 Yourstreet
YourCity, State zip

Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Sample Letter - Disregard and Use This One (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Tuesday January 28, @10:35AM EST (#2)
(User #643 Info)
That last one was a bad version. Sorry, please use this one:


Honorable John Longville
California State Assembly
201 North E Street, Suite 205
Sacramento, CA 92401
Phone: (916) 319-2062
Fax: (916) 319-2162


Dear Assemblyman Longville,

I am writing to advocate on behalf of paternity fraud victims in California. This group is a collection of individuals that have experienced hardship, bias, discrimination, and outright oppression. They are a group that is without a popular voice and that was beaten down last year by the opposition and the veto of AB2240.

Paternity fraud victims in California are composed of war veterans like Taron James who selflessly fought in the Gulf War. He risked his life and well being to assure that Kuwait would be restored to its rightful place. Meanwhile, in California he fell victim to paternity fraud and suffers at the hands of a rogue justice system that refuses to accept DNA evidence that exonerates him completely. One must ask, how many more veterans will become victims as they are ordered overseas and cannot represent themselves against mothers that would commit paternity fraud?

In addition, the victims include people like Bert Riddick who warned the legislature last year that if AB2240 did not become law that he would loose his home and his family. After the opposition tore apart AB2240 and Governor Davis vetoed the bill, Bert Riddick went into a deep depression, as everything was lost as predicted. We are barely able to maintain contact with Bert, and he barely hangs on while the DCSS seizes $1600 per month that is sent to a mother who committed paternity fraud for financial gain.

Other victims include veterans like the Chaka and Yvette Kee family who desperately cling to their livelihood while the California DCSS mocks justice. The DCSS mocks justice because they continue to seek a means whereby they can continue seizing the funds of Chaka's family while knowing that there are TWO PATERNITY ORDERS for the same child in Orange County.

The costs of fighting the rogue Orange County DCSS has exceeded over $5000 and has placed this family of a limited income in what they feel deep debt. That is TEN TIMES the cost of a DNA test to prove their innocence! Yet the DCSS continues to beat down this family in a cold and calculating manner.

Currently, NCFM-LA has agreed to represent the Kee family and provide an attorney, but this will come at a very high cost that only a few can afford, and the help is only available to one family. NCFM, LA cannot provide legal council to the thousands of other families that are being victimized by the DCSS due to limited resources. So, they go without as the DCSS manipulates the system to seize their funds.

Mr. Longville, these are but a few of the victims of paternity fraud. We come to you and ask you to stand up against those that would continue to oppress these victims and their innocent children. We know that you will have to stand against many who would have this oppression continue. We know that the opposition will make this an uncomfortable and difficult fight, but the fact is that only you have the reputation in the Assembly for fighting on behalf of the downtrodden like non other. We know that some in your own party will oppose you and malign you. Everybody saw how you stood up to the biases and had the courage to speak out against them with a conviction like nobody else. Only you exposed the fallacies of the opposition while they claimed nobody uses paternity fraud for personal gain.

Finally, are asking that you work with NCFM, LA, CAPF, NCFC, and other groups that support language to stop the opposition who would have this fraud continue. Please note that NCFM, LA is one of a few that also seeks to fight for the downtrodden (i. e. See the Gunther Project ) Therefore, it seems obvious that you would make a good team member in fighting against paternity fraud. Please, sponsor the bill that NCFM, LA is proposing and work with them to craft language that will end this abuse of war veterans and innocent families.


Your Name
555 Yourstreet
YourCity, State zip

Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Excellent letter Warble! (Score:1)
by Tom on Tuesday January 28, @03:21PM EST (#3)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Excellent letter. Personalizing the fight by offering the stories of men who have suffered under this fraud makes this letter potent. Great job. This will stop people in their tracks and make them think.

I wrote him a short email note last night simply thanking him for his support and letting him know that this issue and his actions are getting a national stage.
Stand Your Ground Forum
Well written (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday January 31, @11:15PM EST (#4)

I am a little slow getting my letter written, but have gotten some things out of the way so I'll have time this weekend. This is very important and should be a priority on everyone's list. One of the things I was working on was the next truck signs. One of the contributors to this site is to be praised for providing the basic words to the primary side of the sign:


and on the other side


Sincerely, Ray

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