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Man Friendly Feminists?
posted by D on Thursday January 23, @06:19PM
from the News dept.
News Dan Lynch writes "Speaking of fourth generation feminism (not sure if this qualifies)Christina Hoff Sommers is invading campuses in an effort to "Take Back the Campus" campaign. The campaign was originally started by the IWF. Whats good about this is a Chicago unversity club has started up and they are naming themselves "The Partnership for Common Sence Feminism". I know sounds like an oxymoron, but; the group is aiming to set the record straight about research. This undoubtedly will be a welcome sign for the men's movement. So if these women who are starting campus groups are going to be thorough in their investigations there will be another voice speaking out against the misleading information. Best of all it will be women dealing with women. They also ask men to participate aswell. This is FYI to let you know its spreading."

DNA Dragnet of Men in Louisiana | Large Scale Study Finds One-Parent Children at Risk  >

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Kudos to the IWF (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday January 24, @12:43AM EST (#1)
I would love to see any speaker from the IWF come to the California college campus where I work. The tyrant feminists of academia go unchallenged in their male bashing rhetoric in classroom, forums, and campus news articles. I would pay to see these IWF people show up and refute their lies. Good work IWF. I love what you're doing. Come to UCLA, Berkley, Stanford, Santa Monica, etc. and experience the depths of radical feminism. Check out the web sites for these campuses and go to women studies, womens centers, womens colleges, etc. and puruse the extent of their prejudice. To be a man on one of these campuses is to dwell in a hostile environment seething with bigotry.

Re:Kudos to the IWF (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday January 24, @03:29PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Not sure what our position as men should be in this. The invitations are open to men, but I wouldn't like to see it dominated by men.

Ideally what I would like to see is a group of kids both male and female openly talking about the issues and listening to what Sommers has to say.

Most kids given the straight facts will always go towards fairness. Its been proven to me over and over again and again.

However when in times of strife we will look for advantage anywhere we can get it. This is in my opinion a male and female attribute and a clear marker of us as a species.

We may have differences in biology but we have simularities as a species. Things like pressure and force affect us all. Just like the cold and the heat does.

Hopefully rational discourse will grow from this.
Im sure you'll laugh at that statement as you read my tag line :-)
Avoiding radical fems at CA colleges (Score:1)
by dogfree_zone on Monday January 27, @01:39PM EST (#4)
(User #708 Info)

‘Skirting’ around the subject of the IWF, or perhaps more correctly, doing an endrun around the greater issues of feminism on campus:
          The best way to avoid radical fems in PERSONAL life is just that. Expanding upon that idea, avoid the campus. We all know the party-line there.

The only reason to be dealing intimately with a university grad is to date her--avoiding the politically correct fanaticism as a primary purpose for dating her. Once graduated, if she still wants to deal with fanaticism, then don’t date her.
          Only date graduates, with enough years to have minimally cleared their heads. Very selectively date university teachers along the same basis, who have had some experience also in the wider world.
          Don’t date to be lectured to, enough of that already, including from me.
.....Keep away from university feminists and their protégés like the worst disease.
          This includes those who are devoted to current trends, and the media stars, and for that matter, toss in most of the media, avoid. Place on ignore, and live by your own opinions. You will find others who agree with you, enough-so for an excellent start

Ironically, I have found Northern California specifically including the Bay Area, to be the BEST place for a male to date, and/or find friendships with women. To my surprise some years ago even more specific, I found myself dating UC Berkeley alumni in the majority. I have more long friends from UC Berkeley than from any other institution.

          I have found the worst to date in general to be mid-America, which women demand the best of both worlds, according to her choice only: Selecting conservative traditional values such as demands of monogamy & marriage & YOU pay, all when convenient to HER. And the next moment when that is not convenient, selecting the feminist values of radical independence & career.

          The very worst place for me to date is the South. I’ll take a baldass bold honest Manhattan JAP, long before an abusive duplicitous hankie-dropper. Scarlett O’Hara is the worst of fems--seeming old fashioned, but in my estimation more a model for the most modern of fems.

The major advantage to the Bay Area, is that there is more diversity than may meet the eye initially. However, most of those with diversity to suit me mutually, sets her own standards in her private life--again, she also avoiding the party-lines.

        Some female academics even survive the test--survive both general academia and the feminists. Example: Last trip to SF I met an associate professor 32 at State, hence meeting her mentor 42, department chair of both Sociology, and of the Women’s Studies department. This might seem an unlikely encounter, particularly if you knew some of my views, most especially of academics. We did have a lively time, the only man invited to their table of five fems our initial group introduction. Several were more as I might have expected. The professor and her associate were more a surprise. Both are more open to ideas--and practices-- in their private life.
          And had they not been mutually satisfactory, I have another eight-million-minus-2 to review in the area. Again, do an endrun around the public & common, and center-in on the exceptions privately. The associate had gonads galore. But I went for the professor.

Other than my youngest first closest encounter of the third kind, in the South, subsequently getting smart, I met all my several mates in SF or Oakland/Berkeley. All are at the top of the career women, and are would-be icons of feminism. THESE WOMEN AVOID FEMINISM LIKE I DO, LIKE THE PLAGUE. Their private life is their OWN, and own choices. They do their business at work, and their man at home.

Excellent (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday January 24, @10:30AM EST (#2)

Her agenda makes a lot of sense.

I wish her luck, you know the campus rad-fems will be gunning for her... and spreading their propaganda before, during and after the event to ensure that their jobs will have meaning on campus.

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