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It's All The Woman's Fault
posted by Thomas on Tuesday January 21, @06:55PM
from the Humor dept.
Humor In this essay about women not taking responsibility for their choices, Taylor Marsh maintains that it's women, not men, who are to blame for the dramatic downturn in male/female relationships. I've put this into the "Humor" category because, though I don't agree with everything Taylor says, the piece cracked me up.

Here's an excerpt: "Enter men, that wonderfully easy going, happy go lucky, go with the flow gender, who have stood by and watched as women implode, explode, and erode into a group of confused, hesitant, irresponsible people that won’t take yes for an answer."


Source: What Do You Want?

Title: It's All the Woman's Fault

Author: Taylor Marsh

Date: November 13, 2002

MSN.com Tones Down Male Bashing E-cards | January Men's Hour Released  >

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A Minor Oversight (Score:2)
by Thomas on Tuesday January 21, @08:05PM EST (#1)
(User #280 Info)
as women implode, explode, and erode

I think she forgot "reload." :)
Umm... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday January 21, @11:49PM EST (#2)
"Women must understand that it takes very little to make a man happy."

What was that? Somehow, I'm a bit put off by this oversimlification of the nature of men. She makes some good points but fails to recognize that men, too, have subtleties.
Re:Umm... (Score:1)
by Tor Ackman on Wednesday January 22, @02:00AM EST (#3)
(User #1148 Info)
She's right!!! What do we really want from our women? Not much! Kind, supportive, considerate...not much more. Sure men have subleties, surely we men are not simple. However, we don't expect "her" to be all. We don't expect "her" to MAKE us happy, that's why we have our hobbies and other interests. I think the author was only referring to "her" role in the equation.
Simple creatures (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 22, @02:58AM EST (#4)
I have often heard women refer derogatorily to men as "such simple creatures." I say if we are "simple," then we should be proud of it. The simpler we make things, the more efficient. :) Let women be proud of their lumbering, cumbersome complexity if they want. They're only oppressing themselves.

Re:Simple creatures (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Wednesday January 22, @06:37AM EST (#5)
(User #308 Info)
Women aren't complex, they just like to think they are so they've got somewhere to hide all their frequent and numerous failings. Nothing is ever their fault because some complexity of theirs is actually responsible, so to absolve themselves of responsibility they have to invent things which transfer responsibility elsewhere. For all feminism's talk of liberation, the whole ideology sometimes seems like a very elaborate web of excuses for women's simple failure to take responsibility. And what better excuse than to hold men responsible for everything? Men aren't women, so by blaming men for everything they perceive is wrong with their lives, women can excuse their every failing as his fault.
Re:Simple creatures (Score:1)
by BusterB on Wednesday January 22, @05:55PM EST (#13)
(User #94 Info) http://themenscenter.com/busterb/
You're right. Women aren't complex. They simply love to complain because it gets the men running around like idiots trying to make them happy. Complaint is control, and women know it.

Complex? Not unless you consider neurosis to be complexity.
Re:Umm... (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Wednesday January 22, @10:25AM EST (#7)
(User #661 Info)
What was that? Somehow, I'm a bit put off by this oversimlification of the nature of men. She makes some good points but fails to recognize that men, too, have subtleties.

Actually, this is like a light coming on for most women. Once they realize that when a man says something, it means that, just that, and only that, and there isn't some hidden message; most women either begin to get along with their men - or go into abject denial.

The truth is, most men ARE unsubtle, because we dislike stupid head games. And we are easy to please. A little bread, a little wine, and every now and again just a little. Don't add to the stress in our lives. Don't try to remake us into some fantasy image. And don't make us responsible for your personal happiness. After that, everything else is gravy.

Whole problem is, they'll be serving slurpees in Hell before most women get their brain wrapped around these facts. Men dislike making things overly (and unnecessarily) complicated. We don't need a "why" for everything. Shit happens. We don't need to "understand" an emotion to feel it. We don't need to talk out the subcontexts of every little trivial thing that happens. In fact, it pisses us off.

Oh well.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Umm... (Score:2)
by frank h on Wednesday January 22, @02:16PM EST (#9)
(User #141 Info)
Where in God's name did anyone get the impression that "simple needs" was the same as "simple minds" ??

In fact, I submit that the more independent and capable a creature is, the simpler his needs are. I mean, it doesn't take much to figure out how to make lemons into lemonade, and once you get that far, happiness comes pretty easily.
Good Article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 22, @09:47AM EST (#6)

The main point of this article is that women are always looking for men to blame in just about every circumstance. Perhaps it is time for a "fourth wave" of feminism - one about personal responsibility (i.e. your "choice" your responsibilty) and the denial of automatic "victimology" because you are a woman.
Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by frank h on Wednesday January 22, @02:12PM EST (#8)
(User #141 Info)
Maybe we can get Wendy and Cathy Young and the folks at IWF and shethinks.org to give this phrase some air time.

"The Fourth Wave of Feminism"

I like it.
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday January 22, @02:48PM EST (#10)
(User #280 Info)
"The Fourth Wave of Feminism"

I think that, by the fourth wave, they ought to drop the term "feminism." That word implies a greater concern for the needs and desires of women than for the needs and desires of men. Or it implies that women are somehow more put upon or downtrodden than men, a contention that simply isn't true.

The time has long since come to get past that word, feminism.
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by frank h on Wednesday January 22, @03:59PM EST (#11)
(User #141 Info)
I agree with you, but if there's a snowball's chance in hell of "selling" this POV, the women will need to think it's THEIR idea, and it somehow empowers THEM. There are quite a few of them who think that, if it's an idea that came from men, then it must be useless. It's almost like disinformation during war: it needs to be believable from the target's perspective, regardless of what the originator thinks.
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday January 22, @04:16PM EST (#12)
(User #280 Info)
if there's a snowball's chance in hell of "selling" this POV, the women will need to think it's THEIR idea, and it somehow empowers THEM. There are quite a few of them who think that, if it's an idea that came from men, then it must be useless.

Sad, but true.
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Thursday January 23, @08:48AM EST (#14)
(User #308 Info)
Personally I think it's time we stopped allowing people to assume that feminism is good just because someone calling themselves a feminist sais so. We don't need a 'fourth wave of feminism' because it'll still be based on the idea that women are hard done to and it's all men's fault. Feminism is manhating. It was manhating from the start and it remains manhating to this day. It doesn't matter if it's 'equity feminism' (that's an oxymoron), 'radical feminism', 'Marxist feminism', 'separatist feminism', or what wave it rode in on. Never mind pandering to Wendy and Cathy Young's desire to run with the hare and the hounds; men won't get anywhere until people start to feel genuinely ashamed of being feminists.
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Thursday January 23, @09:26AM EST (#15)
(User #661 Info)

"Feminism" needs to become a four letter word. Hey there's a new bumper sticker:

Feminism: The longest four letter word in the English Language!

When people like Wendy wake up and decide "I'm going to find a new word for iFeminist, because that's like being an iRacist" then we will get somewhere.

That's why I don't call myself a Masculist or preach Masculism - because that makes me an ****ist, and guilty of ****ism.
---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday January 23, @06:11PM EST (#17)
(User #280 Info)
Feminism: The longest four letter word in the English Language!

Love it! Here's another:

There is no excuse for feminism!
Re:Fourth Wave of Feminism (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday January 23, @02:30PM EST (#16)
(User #280 Info)
men won't get anywhere until people start to feel genuinely ashamed of being feminists.

This... is... TRUTH! It is extremely important to realize this. Words have great power. "Feminism" is evil. It's time to stop pandering to those who create a cover for monsters.
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