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Violence and Gender Reexamined
posted by Scott on Friday August 30, @01:44PM
from the book-reviews dept.
Book Reviews Prof. Richard Felson from Penn State has just released a book, Violence and Gender Reexamined, published by the American Psychological Association. Some interesting excerpts from the jacket reviews are: "Violence and Gender Reexamined challenges one of western culture’s most deeply held assumptions: That violence against women is different from violence against men. In this elegantly argued and well-researched book, author Richard Felson argues that this type of violence is rarely the result of sexism or hatred against women. The author cites research suggesting that the motives for violence against women are similar to the motives for violence against men: To gain control or retribution and to promote or defend self-image. These motives play a role in almost all violence, regardless of gender. Using a comparative method to determine how violence against women differs from violence against men, he illustrates not only that violence against women is less frequent than violence against men but also that our culture and legal system treat it more harshly." This definitely looks like an interesting book!

How "Fast Track" Laws Can Deny Men Equal Protection | CA Paternity Justice Act (AB2240) Passes in Senate  >

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Collaboration (Score:2)
by frank h on Friday August 30, @01:59PM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
It would be interesting to see what a collaborative study among Felson, Gelles (who at last report was at UPenn, not really very far from Happy Valley), and Strauss would look like, and the power such a study is likely to have.

You're right, Scott. This DOES look like a very interesting book.
I don't think the link is working (Score:1)
by Ray on Friday August 30, @06:56PM EST (#2)
(User #873 Info)

I don't think the link is working.

Re:I don't think the link is working (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Friday August 30, @07:35PM EST (#3)
(User #3 Info)
Hi Ray,

There is no link, the title of the book is simply underlined. I have some biases against the major on-line booksellers Amazon and B&N, so I didn't provide any links to directly buy the book here, but other people are free to do so in this comment section.

women are wicked (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 31, @02:26AM EST (#4)
Tonight I came home early from a trip to find my wife with a friend of hers, a female friend. They proceeded to talk without knowing I was there yet and to my complete suprise I heard my wife fabricate all sorts of lies about me and the status and quality of our relationship. She actually said that I keep a good profile by "looking like I care for her and the kids" The conversation went on and she lied and said I had a mistress, and that we hadn't had sex in over a year. She proceeded to hit on her friend and the two actually talked about how it is bad for her to sleep with me and maintain a relationship with me, and then they began kissing.

I could have lost my shit on them, I was so full of blind rage, I just couldn't believe that my trust and life could be trivialized down into some weird lust scene between two women.

I left tonight. I could have done the wrong thing by creating a violent scene. But I didn't, I fucking left. So, yes I agree, Domestic violence does not stem from a "hatred or sexism against women" like the feminist haters spout on about, it stems from betrayal. As a man I took care of and slaved at work for my wife because I loved her. Right now, I don't know what I care about anymore.

Re:women are wicked (Score:1)
by collins on Saturday August 31, @11:55PM EST (#6)
(User #311 Info)
I hope things work out OK for you. You were wise to leave rather than create a violent scene. It sounds like a very painful situation for you. Be careful and get some professional assistance.
Re:women are wicked (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday September 01, @03:24AM EST (#7)
...I have had some rotten expiriences with Women, myself. But NOTHING like you describe, Anon.
My heart goes out to you. and like Collins said; I hope things work out ok for you.
  As for not knowing what you 'care about anymore',
All I can say is...; Care about yourself, if nothing else, care about yourself.

DV Against Men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 31, @10:34PM EST (#5)
It is not only surprising that such a book would appear, but that it would be published by the American Psychological Association. If anomalies like this keep up I might actually consider rejoining.
Re:DV Against Men (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Monday September 02, @09:21AM EST (#8)
(User #308 Info)
Sometimes it seems as if feminism is some kind of devastating virus infecting the body of society. Its fever has raged for some three decades, but the body has not been entirely overcome. An antibody has developed - the men's movement - and slowly but surely it will spread.
Homosexual Domestic Violence (Score:1)
by Ray on Sunday September 08, @09:14AM EST (#9)
(User #873 Info)
Someone ask for this information in a previous posting, and I just stumbled across it at the U.S. Dept. of Justice http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/ipva99.htm

After you get to this page click on the Acrobat file 140k and go to page 9, there you will find statistics on "Intimate Partner Violence between persons of the same gender, 1993-1999

16,900 women were the victims of domestic violence by their lesbian female partners.

13,740 men were victims of domestic violence by their gay male partners.

I would like to see better numbers as to the total population of homosexual men and women. It would seem to me that these percentages are saying that women are far more violent in these homosexual settings than in heterosexual settings, or does this merely prove what we've been saying all along? Here the women can't hide their violence like they do in heterosexual relations where any lie is sufficient to cast blame on a man.

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