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by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @01:29PM EST (#1)
Is it just me, or is this not much of a story?
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @02:19PM EST (#2)
It's just you. Was it also a slow news day to you when little Samantha Runnion was murdered, or is it just the fact that this is a full grown human being/man that sparks your jaded response? Perhaps you are you saying that you've become so desensitized by the murder a minute rate of T.V. that the mayhem and murder of this man just isn't sensational enough. Could you possibly believe that since he was cheating this is somehow justified?
I hope for the sake of your discriminating taste in news that the next time a man is murdered by a woman with a car he at least gets stuck in the windshield and remains alive for a few hours so he can make a better story.
Are you sick or is it just me?
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @03:50PM EST (#7)
I just don't see how this is a particularly interesting story other than it's brutality.
Woman killed man. Woman arrested. Woman out on bail until the trial. Sun comes up next day.
Alot more interesting things happened today.
Four army wives were killed at Fort Bragg, provoking worries about stress.
A female Florida Department of Children & Families counsellor was fired for drunk driving with a 7-month old child in the car.
A mother repeatedly stabbed her 7-year old daughter, and then herself.
Roger Ebert blasts Tadpole for the aforementioned reasons.
Any of those would be more interesting than petulantly whining about a woman getting out on bail.
They all look like interesting stories to submit. Check out the "submit a news story" in the upper left hand corner. The news is out there, and begging to be told. While your at it check out some of the other categories in the upper left especially the philosophy, the guidelines, etc. If your pick doesn't get on the first time or every time, don't worry about it just keep submitting. I know your good input is welcome and I think it is an asset to the quality of the web site.
Best Wishes, Ray
OK. Submit your stories. But don't forget to keep in mind the woman running over her husband, and how the public reaction would have been a lot different had the genders been reversed.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @02:21PM EST (#3)
Yeah, I think a man being brutally murdered and the murderer being freed on almost no bail (since she ran over him with a Mercedes, thirty grand probably wasn't that hard for her to come by) is no big deal. After all, I see this everyday. Get with the program, Scott! ;-)
You see what everyday? A woman getting run over and killed by her husband and then his getting out on $30K bail? And the media treating it as if the woman had it comning because she was cheating?
The thing thats most gratifying of all to the FEMINIST mindset anyway, is that moments before when she and the 'other woman' were scuffling in the hotel lobby, his 16 year old daughter from a previous marriage was shouting and crying "I hate you, I hate you". That was the last words of kindness he heard from his daughter before this wacko wife drove over him 4 times, with the daughter in the car. Today, on the news, a woman was shown being interviewed in a 'man on the street' kind of reporting for one of our lovely local Houston tv stations. Asked what she thought about it, she said "well just don't mess with Texas women!" Asked why not, she said, "ya just might not live through it." This hag was about 60. I won't even say what I wanted to do when I heard that. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @02:40PM EST (#5)
There's no excuse for domestic violence:
1. unless you're a woman
2. unless you can make up any feeble lie to
tell the police about him
3. unless you're husband is cheating on you
4. unless you have bulimia and are having
trouble fitting into you're dress.
5. unless he's asleep and won't feel his own
death (Phil Hartman)
6. unless you're just so angry that he's
emottionally abusing you by never saying
the things your mind longs to hear.
7. unless you can get to a D.V. shelter and have
them script something for you to tell the
8. etc., etc., etc.
"Investigators said that David Harris' 16-year-old daughter from a previous marriage was in the car with his wife and watched him die."
I'm of two minds here.
On the one hand, I find myself wondering why this young woman didn't do anything to stop this. . .
"'Officers arrived on the scene and found the victim had been struck multiple times with the car,' Cashiola said."
. . .and thus we know it wasn't just a one-pass run-him-down. . .she had to line up for a second or more shots. So -- where was poor David's daughter during this?
On the other hand, I know from personal experience how terrifying parental conflicts can be. Many nights in my childhood I watched my ex-mother abuse the living crap out of my father, and sat paralyzed while it happened. So maybe she just froze.
But still, part of me wonders. . .because I'm pretty sure that if I'd ever seen my ex-mother get my father between the sights of her car and step on the gas, I'd be all over her with no concern for my own safety.
Is it because I'm a guy, and that's what guys do? Did she freeze in part because, well, stopping the bad things from happening *to men* just isn't a, a, you know. . .*female*. . .responsibility?
Did the femelitist failure to make women shoulder more of the specifically *male* load contribute to this girl's 'learned helplessness' reaction while her father was brutally murdered?
Non Illegitimi Carborundum, and KOT!
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @09:17PM EST (#11)
"Did the femelitist failure to make women shoulder more of the specifically *male* load contribute to this girl's 'learned helplessness' reaction while her father was brutally murdered?"
Ack, I'll bet thats a great part of it, but also as you mentioned, she may have just sort of froze, as if watching a movie in shock. He had already been through one divorce that the daughter had to go through as well before she was very old. She was kind of 'damaged goods' by the time this occured. She also was laying on the ground near him screaming and crying afterwords as he was under the wheel of the car when wierdo stopped.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @10:27PM EST (#12)
I know a guy who was arrested in L.A. for domestic violence after a blatanly false police report was filed, and they told him his bail was $30,000.00 That's correct $30,000.00.
No charges were ever filed, because the only thing the police had was a lying, fabricating wife's story. He was given a slip of paper when he was let out after 12 hours that says, "hereafter the arrest shall be deemed a detention."
Guess what the LAPD still maintains an arrest file on him.
When you point a video camera at a cop in Los Angeles "performing his duty," you are merely exercising probable cause that a crime is being comitted by them.
This is kind of off-topic and I apologize for inserting it here, but I have two questions:
1) We've heard all about the four wives in NC that were killed by their husbands just after having returned from combat in Afghanistan, but we have not heard ONE WORD about possible motives for the killings. Further, we've heard much of the wives deaths, but precious little about the fact that two of these men also committed suicide. Why is that?? (he asks rhetorically)
2) The news over the past several weeks has been filled with stories of girls abducted, some of them murdered, some of them rescued, and some of them still missing, yet there are NO stories of missing boys. Is it just there have been no boys abducted? Or is it that kidnapped boys are not news? (again he asks rhetorically)
by Anonymous User on Sunday August 04, @02:41AM EST (#14)
To: Frank.
Yes Little boys ARE abducted. and yeah, the media-ites really DON'T consider it news-worthy.
As you and most of us know allready, Male life is simply not considered as valuable as female life by the news media and marx-fems.
However, That said, While boys are kidnapped too, The number of Girls being kidnapped is higher and IMO will steadily INCREASE.
Why do I say that...?
Well, I have a "theory" And it's not a pleasent one. (Please keep in mind this IS just a theory.)
The number of kidnappings of young women and girls and the subsequent rapes and murders of them and (what I beleive will be) the rise in such cases, IS indicitive of the anti-male culture that has arisen in our present day.
Men have been made to feel powerless. Kidnapping and rape give the perpatrator a feeling of "power". The act is (Again, I beleive)
also an act of rage, Of "lashing out".
These perpatrators will always be Men who have reached a saturation point of endless Male-bashing and anti-male hatred demonstrated by (some)women in society, media-outlets, educational institutions, federal government and the family courts.
In other words, these acts of kidnapping, rape, murder etc, are, in their minds, acts of RETALIATION..!
While the anger felt by these individuals is possibly justified, their acting out on that anger, in this way, is IN-EXCUSABLE.
I have often heared others say that, 'gender-feminism, while desined to harm Males, will inevitably cause harm to Females.'
In my opinion, we are now begining to see that "prophecy" comeing true.
That is my Theory.
...and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up..,
Following that logic, then it would be reasonable to conclude that Kelbold and Harris (Columbine) were also lashing out and that several others who've brought guns to school with the intent to do harm (whether successful or not) may also be lashing out at the over-feminization of society in general and education in particular.
But I wonder, can we develop a reasonable scientific basis for such a hypothesis? I exchanged emails with Christina Hoff-Sommers on this and she does not agree, though she is not the only credentialed voice to be heard on this topic. Are there others listening, here or elsewhere?
by Anonymous User on Monday August 05, @02:11PM EST (#20)
Yeah, I forgot to mention things like school shootings, Thanks, Frank.
As for Ms. Sommers, I've allways respected her and her point of view. However, Remenber that what I'm presenting here, is JUST a theory. I could be wrong and Ms. Sommers, right.
As for getting this theory studied legitamatly..., well, I don't know. IMO we would be met with TONS of resistance.
...But that's never stopped us before, I guess.
I suspect there's a lot of truth in what you say. Unfortunately the striking out, by broken men and boys, will probably lead to more anti-male hatred and more anti-male discrimination. We may end up in a positive feedback situation: Oppression of males leads to lashing out by the males, which leads to more oppression of males, which leads to more lashing out by males... Until society eats itself alive.
We should remember that men are striking out or, perhaps more accurately in this case, defending themselves through such measures as refusing to get married. This, too, may snowball as the government responds with measures designed to aid women, especially women with children, at the expense of men, who have been systematically driven from the family. Many men will come to feel even more oppressed and more resentful of women. They will also feel less safe around women (as they learn more about the continued plague of false accusations of assault and child molestation). They will, as a result, be less inclined to marry.
It seems far more likely to me that this scenario will occur than that the feminazis will succeed in creating the female-dominated pseudo-utopia that they envision.
Good Comments All:
Someone should create a Commission for Men to study the truths and nuances of what is being said in all of these "off-topic," but "right on" comments. It is only when the honest dynamics that constitute our masculine behaviors are fully understood/worked with and not cruelly brutalized and tortured by a hateful provocative rad fem agenda (that only has our total destruction as there goal) that men will begin to live a more optimally acceptable and healthy life. Completely dumping the rad fem agenda against men, Now there's a good place to start for both men and women. When sane men and women work together to promote the alternative to radical feminism things will change.
We have begun, but the seeds of injustice, discontent, and oppression that they (rad fems) have sown will come back to society (you reap what you sow) in abundance unless care is taken to cultivate the good things in the garden of our humanity.
Caring and nurturing the bounties of our goodness necessitates that we live harmoniously together. If invasive forces (rad fems) appear to choke out the good, it is only reasonable to contain their efforts to choke out other lives. Their claims of entitlement are no more valid than anyone elses. The sooner this fact is indelibly impressed on their unreasonable, illogical, nonsensical whimsy the sooner the harmony of our integrated lives will track back towards homeostasis.
by Anonymous User on Monday August 05, @01:58PM EST (#19)
Thank you And well said, as usual, Ray.
BTW, I should point out that My "theory" on this matter is not meant to seem fatalistic.
I come to My theoretical conclusions by understanding the nature of "cause and effect".
As You eluded, Ray, This phenomenon is NOT un-stoppable or un-changeable.
The problem seems to lie with the many people in our country (And others) who either don't see the "OBVIOUS", don't care or are in complete DENIAL of it.
A cirle CAN be broken. It's just a matter of getting the "blind" to see.
When I first came to this website, I noticed that MOST if not ALL other posters here,(exept for the trolls) ALSO understand the nature of "cause and effect"
I am not alone (^-^).
There IS hope.
by Anonymous User on Monday August 05, @01:39PM EST (#18)
Right, thomas.
You get my point EXACTLY.
In My culture (Cherokee) The circle is considered sacred. But as many are learning, not ALL circles ARE sacred.
Especialy a VICIOUS circle. witch is exactly what our poor country and others like it, are suffering right NOW.
Like I said; It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
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