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Truth is a defense to libel. Not to worry. They'd be stupid to help publicize their actions even further.
Sorry NOW, but you shot your own feet.
Interesting. I have a professor that believes the letter that was sent to Wendy and others might be actionable under Tort law for disparaging the property of specific FR organizations.
I believe that their mistake is that the public can easily discern which FR groups were being referenced in the document due to their specific reference to Wendy. That angle seems to have a lower standard of proof in court than the Tort of suing a public figure.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 12, @06:28PM EST (#13)
Here's a new thread on the same subject. Wendy has consulted attorneys about her situation and has been assured that CA NOW has no legal leg on which to stand.
CA NOW has no legal leg on which to stand.
I swear, I am almost out of control with the giggles at how pathetic and hysterical the harpies have become. I gotta take a few deep breaths and go work out.
What a glorious time we live in!
Thomas! I'm with ya. Ain't it sweet?
Ain't it sweet?
It is ooooooh so sweet.
Okay, I go work out now.
Just to correct some misinformation here: CA NOW has no involvement in this latest fracas. The email came from someone connected with the National Alliance for Family Court Justice.
Let's at least keep OUR facts straight.
CA NOW has no involvement in this latest fracas. The email came from someone connected with the National Alliance for Family Court Justice.
Yes. But isn't Cindy Ross one of the key individuals at CA NOW? I believe that has been documented. The question is, would the fact that Cindy Ross is a key member of CA NOW cause liability? Can anybody confirm this?
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
CR claims to have provided input and evidence into the report. Her position re:the NOW org is not clear.
" CA NOW has no legal leg on which to stand. "
Was there ever any doubt? This isnt family; court those dumb idiots are going to learn real fast.
Dan Lynch
This isnt family; court those dumb idiots are going to learn real fast.
Dan I can assure you that they are not dumb idiots. I know some of these people and they are quite brilliant. I would suggest quickly changing your remark to an expression of opinion. Otherwise...
Be careful people! We cannot just say anything we like without using qualifiers like opinion, alleged, and belief!
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Dan I can assure you that they are not dumb idiots. I know some of these people and they are quite brilliant. I would suggest quickly changing your remark to an expression of opinion. Otherwise..."
Well, they can't do anything to me personally I know that, and I thought that the postings were of the people not of the administration of this board. So I will tune down my assertions in regards to the administrations, otherwise I personally would like to speak freely on the matter.
Dan Lynch
It's true that Dan would be held responsible for his posts and not me, but I suppose you can't be too careful in this time where feminist lawyers are so willing to threaten supporters of the men's movement.
Thanks for clarifying things, Dan. I see no need to delete any of your posts, especially now that things are cleared up.
All my opinions posted are just that my opinions. Dan Lynch
The tone is fine. We just need the disclaimers. I noticed that I've made a couple of questionable statements also. They scare the crap outta me because I've had a group try to take legal action against me (back in ~1995) when the newsgroups first got going. The only thing that saved my butt was the use of words like opinion to qualify my statements.
What is really funny is that we both had the idea to put in the disclaimers at the same time.
This system is very cool. By editing my profile I was able to put the disclaimer in all my messages. I'd say Scott's system saved both our arses.
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Thanks for clarifying things, Dan. I see no need to delete any of your posts, especially now that things are cleared up.
Yea. Thanks for being so good natured about this Dan.
N.O.W. let the fight rage on! :)
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"This system is very cool. By editing my profile I was able to put the disclaimer in all my messages. I'd say Scott's system saved both our arses. "
Well warble, I for one am trying to pick a fight. I am not afraid of court. Especially something like the that insurance company. I mentioned off handedly spray painting the building . You know what , good, the company does not want to take me to court, and even if they did, Im willing to take the punishment. But I tell you something, that insurance company is going to get an ear full thats for sure, and I will not deal this will go up before a jury for sure. I would show the jury exactly what motivated me to do so. People are worried about me talking about spray painting a buildint while these fucks are talking about electrocuting some guys nuts I mean have we gone that far that we are more worried about a building?
And if people think that it will harm the 'credibility of the men's movement' I want it on the record that politicians don't give a fuck about 'credibility' if they did we wouldnt be in this mess. They care about voters and thats it, they care about who it is thats going to give them power. When I speak about giving the men's movement credibility that means we have to keep to the truth which keeps us credible with the population. Spray painting a building is wrong but popularizing assault and victimization of men is more wrong please remember that. Because thats why we're here.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 12, @11:28PM EST (#33)
I don’t think it is “votes” that they are so interested in (one can say men made the difference in Bush’s election but I can almost guarantee not a single thing will be done to help the “men’s movement”) it is their cozy-corrupt-buddy-buddy system they are most interested in preserving.
The “father’s rights” movement definitely needs a “direct action” branch. Or nothing will ever happen! As far as I’m concerned, “father’s rights” is nothing but a bunch of professional Internet rantters. (It wasn’t till ACT UP showed up that AIDS became an issue.) Hell, even endangered worms get more visibility than the so called “fathers movement”.
And the thing I really don’t understand is this tizz with the CANOW report. Here is a report that criticizes the corruption of the judicial system, the lack of due process, etc, etc and what does the “men’s movement” do? It goes and criticizes the report! All because of the “bias” word. (What else could one expect?) But to me it looks like the “father’s rights” spokespeople are actually defending the system.
"The “father’s rights” movement definitely needs a “direct action” branch. Or nothing will ever happen! As far as I’m concerned, “father’s rights” is nothing but a bunch of professional Internet rantters. (It wasn’t till ACT UP showed up that AIDS became an issue.) Hell, even endangered worms get more visibility than the so called “fathers movement”. "
Well if thats the case than Im about ready to introduce myself.
Im talking on the base level with politicians, Im not interested in guys hunting for oil somewhere over there.
Politicians are dictated too, not the reverse, if they had an ounce of sweat on their balls I'd be impressed, but they don't and they've proven it. The only politicians I've seen do anything humane towards equal rights for men is the iwf.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @02:07AM EST (#35)
Iwf? Is that the independent women’s form? Who at the iwf is a politician?
Equal rights and by definition shared physical custody is what I am for. I want them now not 50 years from now.
Equal rights is also the theme I hear most at most men’s issues home pages. That’s why the response to the CANOW report has me all confused. It was a perfect opportunity for a “men can hear woman’s pain too” response - even if it was only for tactical purposes. Instead, the feminist got exactly what they were looking for: the opportunity to point their finger and say: “see, FR=angry misogynists.”
"response - even if it was only for tactical purposes. Instead, the feminist got exactly what they were looking for: the opportunity to point their finger and say: “see, FR=angry misogynists.” "
You mean 'you', were looking for it. The response that happened was appropiate. Personnally Im glad that the cows are pointing the fingers and saying "see, jerks, mean" cause its formulaic and thats what we are saying its the same ol same ol, their bullshit has to stop, and they have to be called on their false accusations. And its time to start looking at their inconsistency. Sure we can be nice little boys and do what we're told, but I doubt that our rights our going to come in fifty years at that rate.
Funny I don't remember anyone telling the earlier feminists that they shuld do what they are told so they could get their rights. "If you're good you'll get desert", geez. Real adults know the difference. The truth about women and violence is surfacing, so good luck anon.
Dan Lynch
Instead, the feminist got exactly what they were looking for: the opportunity to point their finger and say: “see, FR=angry misogynists.”
That is not exactly a real bright thing to do. If they want to galvanize the men's movement and get us all working together then that's fine with me. That is the only effect their hate speech is having on the public and the men's groups. So let em keep finger pointing and calling us names.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @04:10AM EST (#38)
In the political arena, fathers groups have to respond and act ‘fatherly’ – with calm and reason. They must not let the feminists provoke them. In my opinion, we should have called their bluff. We didn’t have to say, “Yes there is bias against women.” we could have said, “Yes there is corruption and no due process - do you want to do something about it?” I am not saying that we should not call feminism for what it is, but in the political arena, we should play our few chances tactically and not play into their hand. This doesn’t mean I have much hope any of this will result in anything. Which is why I think only “direct action” tactics will produce any results. But the father’s rights politicians must be ready to explain why fathers are resorting to “direct action” tactics.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @08:12AM EST (#39)
And the thing I really don’t understand is this tizz with the CANOW report. Here is a report that criticizes the corruption of the judicial system, the lack of due process, etc, etc and what does the “men’s movement” do? It goes and criticizes the report! All because of the “bias” word. (What else could one expect?) But to me it looks like the “father’s rights” spokespeople are actually defending the system.
It's because the (spit) feminists are claiming the system is biased against them, where even a casual observation will show that the system is their bootlicker.
Those issues were brought up Anon, and it is time to start looking at the family court system, so in effect NOWs bluff was called, and it will be shown when those "winners" don't show up to debate, which is expected anyways. AS you said even a casual observer can see that the system licks their boots, which is why actuall spreading this report for its hypocracy is good, to get men and women opposed to feminists tactics and lies to second guess everything that comes out of their mouths.
Double ,triple and quadruple check everything that comes out of a feminists yap.
And yes the babes at the iwf are politicians and a great deal of us here are aswell, meaning we are politically active and aware.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @11:26AM EST (#41)
AS you said even a casual observer can see that the system licks their boots, which is why actuall spreading this report for its hypocracy is good, to get men and women opposed to feminists tactics and lies to second guess everything that comes out of their mouths.
Absolutely. The femmunists went way overboard in that so-called "report" when they falsely accused father's rights groups of being associated with pedophiles and other manner of deviants. There was never an option for men's rights groups to work with CA NOW and/or NOW and/or NAFJC. They came out against us, without provocation, and that was a mistake on their part.
"They drew first blood, not me," as John Rambo said in the film. "They drew first blood."
It's long past time they were called on it. Wendy's done a hell of a job so far. So have Glenn and Dianna Thompson. I'm writing my own letters to influential people.
I don't want to sound overly optimistic, but I think we've just heard the first body slams in a battle royal.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @04:42PM EST (#42)
YEAH! Go DAN! Sometimes I'm surprised at the lack of anger shown on these boards, for the sake of "credibility". Yeah, I know, the feminazis will snag the posts and use them against us, but we should be doing the same.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 13, @04:48PM EST (#43)
Body slams? I kinda like the approach the rebels took in the French Revolution.:-)
In my opinion... I think we are missing a golden opportunity in the use of the internet for the battered and abused men's cause. The political process is driven by voters, citizens who right letters, and lobbists, etc. Given the fact that we have all been heavily financially depleted by an effective campaign (conspiracy) of systematic hate crime (law based on sex) against us I would like to see a legislative action force in the men's movement that provides a web site where there are prewritten letters to elected representatives addressing all: father's rights legislation, domestic violence legislation, child abuse legislation, etc. that comes along(inasmuch as we are all largely one voice on the key issues). I can think of at least a dozen sites that are set up to provide input to elected representatives, but none addressing men's issues. If the numbers of abused men are truely there (and I believe they are) then I would take great heart in the avalanch of public opinion that would sweep away the great evils that have been foisted on naive, good hearted men for so long. Give me liberty and give it to me immediately! It is my right as an American and I will settle for nothing less! Coincidentally, this would provide a healing and cathartic effect for those battered, disempowered men who have been so egregiously oppressed by the injustices inherent in our present holocaust of laws against men.
"Yeah, I know, the feminazis will snag the posts and use them against us, but we should be doing the same."
Really? How lame. The thing is, men have been trying to act like the good guy because the system is dangling tha carrot over their heads, and you know what that carrot is? Their children. Thats right. The anti-family groups have been using their children as a power leverage to control the course of the outcome. YOu know what , those people are the absolute worst scum on the planet. NO ONE, and I MEAN NO ONE has the right to take your children ever! Are you listening to me? There is no body of proof that these people have, and there is no best interest of the child at hand. The rights that these people are talking about is not the "rights of the children" it is the rights of those who exercise the process. If it was about the children then the children would have a voice and an oppertunity to choose an lawyer that speaks for the children not the ones who appointed the lawyer.
I seriously recomend to any children who have been misled by lawyers representing such anti-family groups to sue the fucking hell out of them. I mean if you can cut their hearts out as retribution than do it. Steal their families, take their homes, own their cars. Then go after the the anti-family groups such as the Children's Aids Soceity. While we are on it, stop giving those people money. And I want you to know they are the very definition of the "bogey man" to to many families.
You know it all looks good on the surfice that its all about women's rights, but the truth is, its an attack on women as well. This is how its going to work. And if Im wrong well you can email and complain, but if Im right Im going to call you and say "see, I told you so" do you really want that? I keep odd hours just so you know.
First they attacked white men as the low man on the totem pole, now that they have the white man out of the way, they can work on the next minority group. Perhaps asian men, as it has been suggested by some friends of mine. Next it may just cover all men. So now they have nailed away all the rights of men one minority group at a time. Whats the next minority group, well lets say Asian women, then black women, then cripples. Children are nothing at this point, they are subjects of the state upon birth.
Then possibly all women and now its just the state in total control, men are unable to protect themselves nor are they able to protect the women they love, as everything has been undermined. Feminism was just a decoy and now the true agenda has been revealed. Women Men and their Children are now slave groups. Whoever is at the top of the food chain is it. This doesnt even have to be a planned agenda its just the obvious result.
Its a seductive process and the sales pitch sounds so good. But please read the fine print before you sign. This movement is as much women's as it is men's. Don't give your birthright away for a lie.
Dan Lynch
We are just beginning to formulate our October DV awareness campaign. This year will be much more effective, we hope! Barring another disaster like 9/11 which effectively thrashed last year's campaign. ;>)
We got going a little late due to some obvious distractions, but I've got Steve on board again and we're brainstorming ideas and hope to get some basic info out in the August issue of the DLJ.
"We got going a little late due to some obvious distractions, but I've got Steve on board again and we're brainstorming ideas and hope to get some basic info out in the August issue of the DLJ. "
I'd like to point out that this being the first anniversery of 9/11, it might be quite a bit for a while. But october should be fine.
Dan Lynch
"this tizz" as you put it, is to point out that the report was compiled not to show the faults of the court system, but to promote an ideology.
Had CANOW any sincere interest in reforming any court procedure or the system as a whole, there are effective methods of activism/social change which NOW is well aware of and could have utilized at any time.
However, that would have uncovered the facts and truth of the situation, and that would not have served their interests.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @02:41PM EST (#51)
“Had CANOW any sincere interest in reforming any court procedure or the system as a whole, there are effective methods of activism/social change which NOW is well aware of and could have utilized at any time.”
This is the point I was trying to make. CANOW was not interested in reform; it was interested in getting an angry response from men’s groups. And the men’s groups played right into their hand. (In my opinion, the response was quite mild (mostly a dispute about stats and methodology) but CANOW can paint any response whoever it wants). Men have to stay focused on one issue: presumed shared physical custody of children. And not on what NOW is saying.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @04:29PM EST (#52)
This is the point I was trying to make. CANOW was not interested in reform; it was interested in getting an angry response from men’s groups. And the men’s groups played right into their hand. (In my opinion, the response was quite mild (mostly a dispute about stats and methodology) but CANOW can paint any response whoever it wants). Men have to stay focused on one issue: presumed shared physical custody of children. And not on what NOW is saying.
In other words, you want NOW to be able to continue getting away with inventing myths the media will suck up and spew as truth, as they have done for years? (i.e. the Superbowl Sunday myth?) Sorry, fella. Count me out. As long as NOW is spewing lies, I'm going to refute them.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @04:32PM EST (#53)
In my opinion... I think we are missing a golden opportunity in the use of the internet for the battered and abused men's cause. The political process is driven by voters, citizens who right letters, and lobbists, etc. Given the fact that we have all been heavily financially depleted by an effective campaign (conspiracy) of systematic hate crime (law based on sex) against us I would like to see a legislative action force in the men's movement that provides a web site where there are prewritten letters to elected representatives addressing all: father's rights legislation, domestic violence legislation, child abuse legislation, etc. that comes along(inasmuch as we are all largely one voice on the key issues). I can think of at least a dozen sites that are set up to provide input to elected representatives, but none addressing men's issues.
So set one up.
Because, (and here my experience as a farmer comes in) the fruit of the abuse of all the anti- male hate laws is growing, becoming viable, and is about to burst forth from the momentum of its own discontent. Like any movement, when enough injustice has been heaped on and enough people just can't take it any more, change will come. It may be fast and furious or slow and methodical. Most often it is merely a combination of the two. There is one thing I am certain of however, and that is, "Unjust oppressors can step their unjust boot of tyranny on the throat of the innocent as they lay in the gutter of their misery, but one day those oppressed will rise up, and (figuratively speaking) they will devour the boot and leg of their cruel, unjust oppressor(s)." least those have been my observations of human behavioral reaction to historical oppression. Is the time now? I hope and pray that it is. If not, I will wait and hone my appetite for the bitter, vile taste of boot leather (figuratively speaking).
Best Wishes, Ray
" I hope and pray that it is. If not, I will wait and hone my appetite for the bitter, vile taste of boot leather (figuratively speaking). "
The bastille. Hopefully we can make a difference much better than that little french thing. Maintaining justice will be hard. Its funny because my own proffessor a man, is the type of guy who is promoting this anti-male bias to suit is own agenda namely his bank account and career credentials. He is a socialogy proffessor and those bastards are training idiots to become advisors to the courts on whether or not men are going to come out and be violent etc.. Meanwhile the classes are full of anti-male slogans and misinformation pamplets and bogus statistical quotes.
Let My People Go.
I want to point out just how much money the system makes by oppressing men. To think these people are acting without unbias regard is redicules.
Dan Lynch
Thank you Trudy. I for one greatly appreaciate all of your hard work.
Best Wishes, Ray
I too sensed something was amiss, that there was an ulterior reason for such an overt action. One of the sayings of my faith encourages, "to be innocent as doves, but as wise as serpents." It is not my nature to think like the metaphorical serpent, to be devious or covert in my relations with people. However, I think it is wise, like the great chess players, to be able to see the whole board, and have any number of reactions available for any given set of circumstances. There is also the old political adage that compares the political action of some people to a the behavior of a certain member of the animal world. I would never believe that it is applicable here, but am I naive? The adage says, wrestle with a pig... everbody gets dirty... The pig likes it. Is this controversy unwittingly giving badly needed coverage/publicity to a desperately struggling movement that is having trouble keeping its head above water? Let us proceed wisely and without any ill will or hatred, only with a desire to obtain what are our legally just rights (those rights which we do not now have). The greatest danger in hating is not in the harm it does to others, but in the harm it does to ourselves. "Be careful of what you hate, lest you become it." I AM ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN OF WHAT AND WHO IT IS THAT I DO NOT WISH TO BECOME!
Best Wishes to All, Ray
I appreciate your encouragement, but to be totally truthful I don't know how. I guess it's like driving a car. I don't know how to build one either. So much for excuses. I am working/meeting with new contacts here in L.A., and I am certainly going to keep this high on my list of priorities, although I can't make any promises right now. I would really like to see this tool come to the MEN'S MOVEMENT. I do volunteer to be involved in the writing of letters to elected representatives. It's an area where I already have some experience.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @11:39PM EST (#59)
I disagree. Men are not allowed to get emotional. If we fight at that level, we lose automatically. It does not mean we can’t discuss issues that affect us. However, when we confront women’s groups, men have to confront them from a higher level. It may not be fair; but that’s the way it is. We have to stay focused and hold the higher ground.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @11:59PM EST (#60)
Well, Ray, you said it ten times better that I could. We don’t want to wrestle with pigs; we want shared physical custody; and we want it now. We need to know who the enemy is and we need to stay focused.
"It may not be fair; but that’s the way it is. We have to stay focused and hold the higher ground."
This is why we need more women in the movement, to offset the bigotry, and have emotional balancing.
But you know what, I think we have been dancing around these people far to long, playing mister nice guy while they hold our freedom over our heads, our freedom which they have never morally had the right to take away from us in the first place.
Maybe some emotional outbreak will save some lives, and show people how much actually really care. Because in the end, it doesnt matter what men do, they will try to find a way to use it against us. If we cry they will say we are weak and shouldnt be fathers, if we don't cry they will say we have no compassion and shouldnt be fathers. Please tell me anon you are starting to see thise theme by now?
By saying "refute the reports" I dont think it suggests anything other than clear thinking and a dissenting opinion.
Shared custody? Well, I hope you're right, but I got to ask you how many guys to I have to come across that get wrapped in the system and have their kids stolen from them by the CAS because the mother is to imcompetent to take care of them. Good men, fighting for their kids who want to come home. Kids abducted by feminazis and in my opinion given to their personal friends inside the loop of the anti-family groups. The discrimination is compounding.
Dan Lynch
I hope some of us (I'm sure Wendy does) have a copy of every email sent, every article written, and the "original" CANOW report. I want to set up a website and post all this stuff -- heck it's already all over the net. I just want to put it in chronological order. Brought to you by the sham mirrors.
Correction: I won't do anything until I'm sure I can't get in trouble for my actions. Brought to you by the sham mirrors.
I've been volunteered as official archivist for this sitch. I'm collecting stuff people send me-- all the threats and nasty notes.
I've been volunteered as official archivist for this sitch. I'm collecting stuff people send me-- all the threats and nasty notes.
Please look in the archive and see of there are any letters that connect N.O.W. in any type of capacity to Cindy Ross. For example, has there been a letter sent supporting Cindy Ross. If yes, then we may have something big.
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 12, @03:04PM EST (#6)
I think Men's News Daily has archived all this stuff. You might ask Mike LaSalle to coordinate it all in one section of his site.
Better in your hands than in mine, Trudy. :) Brought to you by the sham mirrors.
Okay. I’m going to look at this issue objectively and see if I can tie in the FR groups that Cindy Ross has named to her letter. The letter is found at the following link: 2b.htm
In that letter the following allegations are made about FR groups:
1. FR groups are affiliated with pedophiles and others who advocate incest and deviant sex, including John Money, Ralph Underwager, Hollida Wakefield, Warren Farrell and Richard Gardner.
2. FR groups are connected to a court kickback/financial corruption scheme that calls for the misuse of federal program funds in the name of "fatherhood" and "shared parenting".
3. FR groups fabricated "parental alienation syndrome" as the strategy used to suppress evidence of child abuse and domestic violence, assist men with getting out of child support obligations and punish women and children in jails and institutions.
4. FR groups are comprised of misogynists, batterers, child molesters, sociopaths and criminals, their present wives, girlfriends and mothers, as well as those trying to repeal the 19th Amendment.
5. FR groups and their allied court "professionals" are connected to hundreds of cases across the country (and around the world) where "custody" has gone to child molesters, violent men and others who are unfit to be parents.
Dang. In my opinion these are very damaging statements directed at FR organizations. But the question is, can I easily discern which specific organizations that Cindy Ross is referencing? Hum. Well in her letter she specifically states, “I have worked closely with CA NOW, providing them (and others) with documented evidence… Oh. So if I go to the N.O.W. report than I will find the evidence? I wonder if the report specifically references those FR group? If yes then I can easily discern which organizations CR is allegedly libeling. Well a link to the NOW report is found at the following URL:
CA NOW Family Report
And on page 19 of the section titled “A Brief History of the Father’s Rights Movement,” I find references to the following specific FR groups:
Men’s Equity Now (MEN) International
Father’s United for Equal Rights
National Congress for Men
Coalition for Free Men
Father’s United for Equal Justice
Children of Divorce
National Congress for Men
Men’s Rights, Inc.
Children’s Rights Council (CRC)
National Congress of Father’s and Children (NCFC)
Fathers for Equal Rights (FER)
And there are probably more specific references to the FR groups. So, now as a reasonable person I have reason to believe I know whom CR is referencing in her serious allegations. It seems quite clear.
The report allegedly specifically labels these groups in a denigrating manner with the statement, “There are myriad backlash fathers’ right groups, and they have been adamant about demanding “equality.”
I do not see Cindy Ross’ as being a recognized author of the report. Further, when I use a search tool, I cannot find any references to Cindy Ross. In fact there is no bibliography! I thought this was supposed to be a report...what a mess. Therefore, it looks like CR is out on a limb with this one unless somebody can tie CR in tightly with CANOW. I can't....not yet anyway.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 14, @02:06PM EST (#50)
Suspiciously absent is the American Coalition for Fathers and Children which has Warren Farrell on its board of advisors. In the past, ACFC has notified certain feminist groups in no uncertain terms they would sue if they repeated the type of libel in the CA NOW report.
Suspiciously absent is the American Coalition for Fathers and Children which has Warren Farrell on its board of advisors. In the past, ACFC has notified certain feminist groups in no uncertain terms they would sue if they repeated the type of libel in the CA NOW report.
I did indicate that the list isn't complete. The email's clearly reference the CA NOW report and the report contains the list of FR groups that (IMHO) are being libeled. That includes "The American Coalition of Fathers and Children (ACFC)" which is found on page 22 of the report at the following link:
FR Groups History; by CA NOW
The emails make it clear that they are claiming to have supplied the physical evidence to NOW and in this way they implicate themselves. Just follow the trail.
I've also noticed that NAFCJ has a long history with Warren. It appears that Warren and ACFC may now have a solid case.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Priest's pedophilia, and corporate corruption were coincidentally exposed in 2002. Maybe this is the year to expose PC censorship and any possible corruption involved in it. CONTACT THE MEDIA!
These people have been spoiling for a good fight for some time now. I'm settling in to watch me a good fight, and I know who's gonna git whooped.
Just don't be TOO hasty. Give them enough rope to hang themselves. Bait them a little but not to deliberately, and they'll stick their little heads out of their pits long enough for us to chop'em off.
The thing I hope and pray for is that they cause enough of a ruckus in the media for us to get some good exposure. As I suggested to Fox in my ast note to Wendy, they should start putting together an expose on the extortionsit tactics of the feminists.
Well, the sender cc'd Fox, the Wash.Times, the Wall Street Journal (!) the Cato institute and some others I don't recognize. In addition to the usual list of targets.
Well, the sender cc'd Fox, the Wash.Times, the Wall Street Journal (!) the Cato institute and some others I don't recognize. In addition to the usual list of targets.
Exactly. And (IMHO) because of Wendy's close association to FR groups, the public is now able to easily discern which FR groups are alleged to be supporting child molesters, wife beaters, and getting kick-backs from the judicial system in their so-called study.
That was a big mistake on the part of the radical feminist (IMHO). They cannot do that because Wendy's organization ( is specifically supporting some of the FR groups.
Therefore, I believe that they may have become liable for “desecration of property” of the organizations (not public person) under Tort law. At least that is the opinion of one former corporate attorney that I know of. The radical feminists are looking like they are in serious hot water.
Their preemptive strike appears to be a means of going on the offensive to prevent further damage to their organization as a result of their alleged negligence. In my opinion, they must be pretty damn scared to resort to this desperate tactic.
I believe that if the radical feminist had have claimed the original email was a forgery that they would have gotten off. But they seem to have legitimized it when they responded to it.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Their preemptive strike appears to be a means of going on the offensive to prevent further damage to their organization as a result of their alleged negligence. In my opinion, they must be pretty damn scared to resort to this desperate tactic."
And a 'feeble' preemptive strike at that. Now is the time to strike, those fembots are riding on empty. Remember not to attack them as 'women' but a an orgainization of ideoligical hatred and a unit of disinformation perpetuators. Keep it clear and concise that that is exactly the issue, because they will try and lure you into the "but you must hate women" routine. Crush their lies out of existance. Demand nothing less then the truth, as the truth will protect all of us, men and women alike.
Dan Lynch
Remember not to attack them as 'women' but a an orgainization of ideoligical hatred and a unit of disinformation perpetuators.
Dan. You cannot use this kind of language on this board without using the proper qualifiers. Let's keep our heads and use terminology like alleged, opinion, and belief to qualify our statements. Otherwise, the mass of attorneys at NOW will look this way. We do not want that. Remember, NOW has already allegedly had a board shut down for this type of talk.
Scott. You may want to delete some of the messages to be safe.
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
...Yeah Scott.
Because we know that a lot of groups don't recognize that whole "Freedom of Speech" thing, and "Freedom of Association" bit that you guys have in your constitution.
Just my two cents.
Women aren't better than men.
Men aren't better than women.
We're just different. Deal.
...Yeah Scott.
Because we know that a lot of groups don't recognize that whole "Freedom of Speech" thing, and "Freedom of Association" bit that you guys have in your constitution.
Just my two cents.
Scott fixed the problem real quick.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I suspect the Looney Tune radfems realize that they're in too deep to just back out, and they also realize that they're going to lose, and they're going to be disgraced. As I've said before, my heart goes out to those who are in the midst of this battle, but I have to say, I'm really enjoying this.
Because of fire dangers, fireworks shows were discouraged or cancelled throughout Colorado for the Fourth of July. No loss, as far as I'm concerned. This fireworks display is spectacular!
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