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University of Manitoba professor Terri Fuglem said Tuesday that women who frequent the downtown area will be at risk from "testosterone"-driven males if a new entertainment complex is built on Portage at the site of the old Eaton's building.
She said sporting events are attended largely by males and their presence will be "detrimental to the safety" of women.
Wow. I'm glad to see my taxpayer money is going to good use.
What this ivory-tower dweller is really saying is that male hockey fans generally assault women. And when these knuckle-dragging, flat-headed thugs assemble to guzzle a little ale and shout at hockey referees, they tend to beat up women.
This reminds me of the Superbowl hoax a few years back. My personal opinion is that watching sports is the male equivalent of women going shopping: a time to bond and de-stress. men are no likely to beat women after a hockey game than women are to beat men on their way to the sale rack.
"Female men's activist" is not an oxymoron.
by Anonymous User on Friday January 11, @09:19PM EST (#2)
This reminds me of the Superbowl hoax a few years back. My personal opinion is that watching sports is the male equivalent of women going shopping: a time to bond and de-stress. men are no likely to beat women after a hockey game than women are to beat men on their way to the sale rack
Lady Rivka,
If you are a man, and you've ever attempted to beat a woman to the shopping rack, or impede the progress of same (for whatever purpose) you will quickly learn what hockey uniforms are good for.
Seriously though, I suppose you might be in some danger if you deliberatly tried to keep Joe Average from watching his favorite playoff game; i.e. provoked him. But short of provocation (in both cases) your point is well taken.
Thank you.
But the thing is, not many people provoke women into not going shopping. LOL "Female men's activist" is not an oxymoron.
Not a day goes by that I don't deal with this in college. Either my textbooks are printing things like "masculinity tends to lead to hostility" (that one was in one of my psychology books) or my professors are promoting feminism as fact. The bias is unbearable, and it sickens me to know that it is sinking into the heads of many people. And they thought all of their money was going toward an *objective* education...
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