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She has a white b/f but she writes that she wants black men to desire her and a future with a black husband. Ouch!
I think he should have let her do the driving alone.
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in talking about herself. I want, I want, I want... What about all the brothers in jail, while she makes a livin' complaining about the glass ceiling for yuppies like her. Yes, she's outta touch. Maybe she should start listening to men instead of complaining to women.
The gist of the message seems to be that she blames men for resisting family duty (with the implication that this is a particularly male inclination), but the extent to which she is saddened by the absence of men and the ramifications of that absence makes her willing to forgive and forget (and the other women, as well). I agree that she seems to be speaking mostly from the heart on this issue, thus the contradictions. I also agree that the behavior on the part of the men she specifically refers to (the brother, for example) is shameful, if she is accurately representing them. I can't really take the men's side on this one. Again, there's no excuse for this type of behavior. On the other hand, I'm also assuming that she is telling the unbiased truth.
On the other hand, I'm also assuming that she is telling the unbiased truth.
Hmmm. The only way she could be telling the unbiased truth would be if she were a third-party observer. Unfortunately, as human beings, we can never be completely objective about our own lives, in my opinion. I would venture that she made things out worse than they were.
You're probably right, Nightmist. Still, even after my extensive "conversion" to the men's movement, my original social conditioning still inclines me to feel like I'm denying the Holocaust if I dare question a woman's claims of being beleaguered. I don't disbelieve that this woman - and others like her - are beleaguered, as they say. Perhaps it's just that the men she speaks of are not simply watching TV, either?
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