Trudy W Schuett writes "As you read this, your local media is planning their coverage of DV Awareness Month (October). This is a good time to contact them suggesting that they cover the men's side of the issue. This not a letter to the editor that you'd expect to see published; rather it is a suggestion for an issue you'd like to see addressed in their programs or pages. Many local talk shows have a spot for feedback or suggestions on their websites. Provide them with links to info, orgs, and support groups that you know of, online or off. Even better if you have someone with an org or website that would be willing to appear or be interviewed. You may have DV counselors in your area, or a local chapter of one of the men's groups. If you can provide them with this info, you have already done half their work for them and you may be pleasantly surprised at the result! The DesertLight Journal is more than willing to help. If you have questions or would like to know where to find this info, e-mail me at dsrtlite@mindspring.com. But time is critical - we need to get our suggestions to them within the next few days if at all possible."