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This article is nothing short of science fiction. Although some of the statistics he used may be correct, it is obvious which gender is making almost all of the technological/scientific advances and maintaining the structure and machinery which has enabled this age of "enlightened communication" and advanced medicine.
I think this guy is suffering, personally. I think he's worried about the state of manhood (and rightly so), but assuming he is powerless. Perhaps he is not aware of the men's movement.
the only fiction in this piece is the delusion that western value systems still operate on meritocracy ... meritocracy is a value conserved from the classical patriarchies, and aside from athletics and a few enclaves in the arts, it is as dead as american masculinity
the "men's movement" is a pup crawling around the legs of big dog mama, whining for the dribblings from her teats ... we should, and must, speak truth, but if you think the gynocracy and its drones are going to be argued into justice and equality by aristotelian discourse and an appeal to universal ethics, you haven't been paying attention the past four decades
the gynocratic revolution has come and gone, and western men are still checking their packages and wondering if and when the matriarchy will take over ... the patent second-class citizenship of males is apparently not sufficient to convince us of our subjugation, and therefore we will be subject to yet lower gradations of social status, until we decide we've had enough, or no longer have liberty to express our dissatisfaction
when the babies are asleep in their cribs, i can walk all night and find a thousand males, but not a single man
ray remark
I believe there are two major psychological attacks which are paralyzing most men from taking action against what's happening to us.
The first is guilt. Even if many of us don't agree with the feminists on all of their positions, one of the most universally accepted ideas propogated by feminists is that history has been one long and uninterrupted saga of men cruelly oppressing, suppressing, repressing and abusing women. Thus, even if men acknowledge that the reparations have gone too far, we still feel like we deserve everything we get. And no doubt many of us have also wondered if males must be genuinely, morally inferior to have done such an evil thing to the other half of the population for 5,000 years (or 10,000 years, or whatever the hell it was). So, a lot of men are probably thinking like: "Well, yeah, we're being treated badly right now - but I guess I'd rather be a victim than a demon." I think a lot of men feel like it has to be one or the other.
The other paralyzing attack comes from articles like Mr. Derbyshire's - an article which almost masochistically revels in the "evidence" that males are an obsolete and defective species. We are - as Derbyshire puts it - misbehaved, less willing to be educated, roguish, and saturated with a debilitating hormone that takes years off of our lifespans. So, those men who aren't paralyzed by the aforementioned guilt factor are instead paralyzed by an inferiority complex. "Yeah, but men kind of are inferior to women, ya' know - so wouldn't it be kind of a joke to have a men's movement when we're not worthy of equal treatment?"
There you have it - the real double-bind that men are in. I must disagree with Remarksman to the extent that I think most men definitely know we are being subjugated. The problem is that we think we deserve it.
You go boy! A great analysis.
This may sound like a synaptic leap from what you wrote, but... Though most people don't yet realize it, men are rising. And it is wonderful!
I heartily agree, Hawth. There's one DJ on a country radio station I listen to down here who LOVES to tell "men jokes." The DJ is male, but he loves to cater to women and be male deprecating. He always ends his "joke" with "and we deserve everything we get."
"I think most men definitely know we are being subjugated. The problem is that we think we deserve it."
I don't think that men feel that they "deserve it" - most men are simply too busy to deal with the denigration of their rights and status, combined with the fact that men lack equal and specific representation to compete with the feminist organizations.
Men act basically as functionaries when they are in a position of power, feminist indoctrinated individuals when empowered act as representatives of a unified sexist agenda. Feminists make the personal - political, if they are not always empowering or giving females advantage in a given situation, they will denigrate the male element as the default action and or decision.
With every law passed, every educational idealism put into place, with strong feminist representation in the media - gender from a gynarchists perspective will be the only viewpoint ever considered.
Feminism is blatant sexism... it's time to wake up.
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