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Just heard on the G. Gordon Liddy show that more pharmacuetical companies are advertising drugs to control boys' behavior on cable television and in women's magazines. The drugs are being promoted as a "Back To School" helper.
According to this article ( 822-1.html), the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association claims that Ritalin acts a lot like cocaine. So, even if Breggin loses his credibility on ADHD, Ritalin is STILL not the right answer!!
by Anonymous User on Tuesday August 28, @03:49PM EST (#3)
To everyone who's reading this,
I'm posting this comment in the hope you'll stop and see the greater picture, in short I want you to bear some things in mind:
He's been hit with these false accusations before, see Prozac Company Uses Smear Tactics for proof.
As the man says "The reason seems simple enough. Billions of dollars are at stake and truth has been sacrificed to profit. Were truth on Lilly's side, the company would be dealing with my criticism in a much more forthright manner--in the truly American way--through open discussion and debate."
And don't forget:
This same thing happened to Warren Farrell, and notice how they smear Breggin with the "child sex advocate" then dismiss him as a pseudo scientist. I'll tell you why, his case is backed up by the facts, check out his Website and judge for yourself. That's all I ask, that you bear in mind that his research has not been disproved, and that you think of him as innocent until proven guilty.
On a another note, notice on how little evidence their case against him is built, ie keep the details as short as possible, as you can normally take it for granted that the less detail involved, the more likely it is to be false.
And lastly, observe how they slander him, but do not disprove his research, a bit suspect isn't it? if they were in the right, why would they not disprove him through the god's honest facts? get what I'm hinting at here? I know you do, so don't trust FOXNEWS on this one.
Adam H
the way to silence truth is to assassinate the messenger -- preferably by cloaking oneself in "protecting the children" if at all possible --such are the tactics in a land where evil is now good, and good evil
ritalin is mass zombification and subjugation of emergent masculinity
in sparta they used to whip the boys in public, just so they'd know who ran the show, and what their future held ... this was insisted upon, and institutionalized, by order of the women of that fair city
american boys are being drugged, shamed, discriminated against, incarcerated, and emasculated en masse ... they are being tortured in the circumstraints, burned with cigarettes, pounded with kitchen utensils and held head-down in toilets to the brink of drowning
at this very instant they are being smothered in their cribs -- repeatedly, horribly, and without hope of rescue
it's called muenchousen-by-proxy syndrome, it's called sudden-infant-death-syndrome, it's called absoulutely everything but what it is
we have given our sons, and our nation, over into the hands of the power-junkies, the vengeful, and the psychotic
ray remark
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