The plaintive wail of Walter's article seems to suggest that she is only concerned that focusing on Men's Issues in any way might detract from women and their issues, irrespective of the truth of the matter. Amongst the usual cliches and dogma, she includes the following:
"Because despite their much trumpeted failure, men still hold the cards in Britain......We still live in a world in which the jobs traditionally done by women attract the very worst pay and conditions, in which women still earn only about 60 per cent of the total earned by men"
I have written to Ms Walter explaining that in the absence of context, statistics are useless. Additionally, in this case, she is simply wrong. The actual (misleading)unadjusted figure for the UK "gender gap" is 74.5%. When age, tenure, experience and qualifications are taken into account, the difference shrinks dramatically. However, as all journos know, proof by anecdote is very powerful.
I have also taken issue with her outrageous suggestion that traditional female occupations attract the worst conditions. I have pointed out that unquestionably, men have drawn this particular short straw. In the UK over 96% of all workplace fatalities are male. Even excluding all high risk occupations, men still attract a 20% higher death rate. I have suggested that the next time she gets a chance, she should look at the gender of the person who collects her garbage, cleans her drains, sweeps her streets, fights for her country, fights the fires, and drills for oil. I have suggested that she then informs these people that the low paid secretaries of this world have a tougher job.
Finally, since "men hold all the cards", I have listed for her comment the fact that as a male in the UK, I am more likely to die from all 15 leading causes of death (Heart disease, Cancer etc.) I am also massively more likely to be a victim of all recordable types of crime, commit suicide, die at work or be homeless. I have also pointed out that I hear very little of the other gender gap ? in which men routinely die 5-7 years earlier than women.
I do not seek to minimise the problems that women face, but to deny, ignore or pretend that men do not also have issues sickens me."