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Ray wrote this letter which he gave permission to be posted here:
Samantha Levine's hit-piece on masculinity ("The
Perils of Young Romance") betrays the standard state
of gender denial into which American media and
academia have fallen in the past four decades.
A new Harvard report claims that one-in-five American
girls are abuse victims on dates. Right. And
one-in-four American college women are sexually
assaulted on campus. Uh huh. And males go berserk on
Super Bowl Sunday and massacre women across America.
I remember that one too.
Where will America's decades-long descent into mass
psychosis, sexual hysteria, and the feminist
annihilation of masculinity end? Each day brings a
new expansion of the parameters of "abuse," and each
day sees a deeper demonization of men and deification
of women, always under cover of "protection."
It's fascinating that Jay G. Silverman, the report's
author, is "Director of Violence Prevention Programs"
at the Harvard School of Public Health, for he is not
only a shill and a coward, but in fact a cultural
instigator of violence -- as are the academic
institutions and media outlets who distribute
ideological cant.
More feminist agitational propaganda has emerged from
the social science departments at Harvard over the
past four decades than from any other "unbiased"
academic organ in the nation. Harvard is the very pit
of "advocacy scholarship," a research strategy which
twists data to suit one's political preconceptions,
then publishes it as a "study."
Of course when one is always correct, and one's
ideological position always superior morally, minor
matters like data and reality hardly count, do they?
In contrast to the American media's feminist
whitewashes, The Times (U.K.) recently quoted Erin
Pizzey, founder of Britain's first refuge for battered
women, thus: "Despite evidence from thirty years ago
that says otherwise, the common perception is still
that men are never the victims. What we need is a
more balanced approach towards the subject [of
domestic abuse] and an end to the taboo surrounding
women [as perpetrators of] violence^Åwe always give the
benefit of the doubt to women."
American media would never be permitted to print such
an incorrect truth, nor would American academia be
allowed or funded to research, or publish, any finding
which does not conclude that American males are evil,
and that American females are angelic and under
constant predatory siege -- for which, of course, they
must be protected by ever-expanding codifications and
Such scapegoating of the American male is handsomely
profitable across the infrastructure, and has the
added benefit of repressing anything even vaguely
masculine, including dissent. Very tidy indeed.
This "study" has nothing whatsoever to do with valid
issues of abuse and protection, and everything to do
with the imprisonment of masculinity in America, and
the construction of a culture in which authentic
masculinity is made illegal and, if possible, extinct.
Shame on your magazine for publishing a bigoted story
funneled through politicized research.
How do you sleep at night? Not well, I'm sure.
Ray Remark
Well said, Ray. Very well said, indeed. Anyone know if U.S. News has a content length requirement on letters to the editor? I'd love to see Ray's letter in particular in print.
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